Aug 142022

Yesterday, the radio opera was “Almira” by Georg Friedrich Händel. It was his first, and he was so young when he wrote it that the libretto was in German (which is why I used the German spelling of his name – He was in fact 19), with recitatives in Italian (because he was at the time in Italy, studying Italian opera). The Early Music Society of Boston presented it in Bremen. It was 4 hours 30 munites long (in 1705 they didn’t have many other forms of entertainment to choose from or take up their time.) It’s about three couples, where the men are in love with the wrong women, and it’s complicated by Almira’s father’s dying wish, but everything gets sorted out at the end, through a twist much like Figaro’s birthmark. The music seems quite mature. The human brain may not fully develop until about the age of 25, but it appears that talent and creativity develop faster than logic and reason. If that’s an excuse for poor choices made by our ancestors, particularly in the areas of politics and gocernment, it should be no excuse for us. We live longer, and know better. But I digress. In 1712 Handel arrived in London, preceding George I by two years, where he remained the rest of his life, becoming a naturalized British citizen as George Frederick Handel. King George I latched on to him (as had Queen Anne) – though he had 6 opera coompanies, he also did a lot of work for the throne. There was a popular little verse abou him (similar to being a subjet of a meme today): “Some say compared to Bononcini that Mynheer Handel’s but a ninny. Other aver that he to Handel is scarcely fit to hold a candle. Strange that such difference should be twixt Tweedledum and Tweedledee.” As you see, it had a more lasting impact on the languange than most such verses Also (burying the lede), I got an email response confirming my visit to Virgil who is now in Pueblo (much closer).  So I’ll be late commenting.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Robert Reich – The Worst Memo in American History
Quote – We almost take for granted big corporate money in American politics. But it started with the Powell memo. In 1971, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce asked Lewis Powell, then an attorney in Richmond, Virginia (and future Supreme Court justice) to report on the political activities of the Left. Richard Nixon was still president, but the Chamber (along with some prominent Republicans like Powell) worried about the Left’s effects on “free enterprise.” … Powell urged businesses to mobilize for political combat.
Click through for what and why. The United States Chamber of Commerce is not your friend. This was the start of the path to Citizens United.

The New Yorker – State Legislatures Are Torching Democracy
Quote – Longtime Ohio politicians have been shocked by the state’s transformation into a center of extremist legislation, not just on abortion but on such divisive issues as guns and transgender rights. Ted Strickland, a Democrat who served as governor between 2007 and 2011, told me, “The legislature is as barbaric, primitive, and Neanderthal as any in the country. It’s really troubling.” When he was governor, he recalled, the two parties worked reasonably well together, but politics in Ohio “has changed.”
Click through for full reporting. Jane Mayer is very good at this, and in fact Steve Schmidt recommended this article. The trend may not surprise you, but how far it has come and how fast may.

Food For Thought

Feb 012022

Glenn Kirschner – DOJ Considering Supreme Court Rejection of Trump’s Executive Privilege Claim in Mark Meadows Case

The Lincoln Project – Abbott Abased

Meidas Touch – Republican tries to explain how gas prices are Biden’s fault. It did not go well.

Republican Accountability Project – Kari Lake: Enemy of Democracy

Rebel HQ – Entitled Idiots Wage War On Science

Parody Project – Ted Lose

Beau – Let’s talk about Maus, Tennessee, and failing a test….

Jan 082021

It’s a very tired day here in the CatBox.  Unpacking and putting away groceries took over 90 minutes yesterday.  Also, I slept poorly last night, as I wondered how our nation can survive another week and a half.  I expect to be in the saddle tomorrow.  Tomorrow and Sunday are High Holy Days in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb, but my Portland gave a bye in the Wild Card Week of the playoffs!  TGIF!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:45 (average 5:05).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From Crooks and Liars: Rep. Mary Miller (R-IL) has been a Congresswoman for approximately 9 minutes, and saw fit to make herself famous by quoting Adolf Hitler in her speech supporting Trump’s attempted coup to overturn Biden’s win in the 2020 election.


It America survives, Trump* will be out office on or before the 20th, but He would never have become Fuhrer, if he did not represent the beliefs of the Republican Party, the Nazi Party of America.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Two Days After Riots, Trump Reverses His Stance On Election Loss


The Republican Reich will parrot Trump’s* teleprompter speech and act like everything else never happened. It’s time for Trump* to become Trump** and for him and the rest of the crew to inmates.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Barry McGuire – Eve Of Destruction


Ah… the memories! Again?  RESIST!!

11 Days Until the Big FLUSH!!

Dec 092020

It’s a lazy day here in the CatBox.  I did my research and rested for an hour and a half for my back.  Tomorrow I’ll be in the saddle, but it will be a grocery delivery day.  Happy Hump Day!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:32 (average 5:51).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From Crooks and Liars: Dr. Rebekah Jones built her own COVID-19 dashboard to track Florida infections and deaths after being fired for accurately reporting that data as part of her job with the state.

Since then, she’s been reporting COVID stats on her own from her own hardware in her own home. Until today. (WARNING: The video in her first tweet is triggering):


She is guilty of truth-telling. If the Republican Reich is not destroyed, they will continue to fight to make opposition to Republican lies a capital offense.  RESIST!!

From NPR: The federal government on Monday released detailed hospital-level data showing the toll COVID-19 is taking on health care facilities, including how many inpatient and ICU beds are available on a weekly basis.

Using an analysis from the University of Minnesota’s COVID-19 Hospitalization Tracking Project, NPR has created a tool that allows you to see how your local hospital and your county overall are faring. (Jump to look-up tool.)

It focuses on one important metric — how many beds are filled with COVID-19 patients — and shows this for each hospital and on average for each county.

This is a handy tool. Click “(Jump to look-up tool.)” above to use it.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (Robert Reich Channel): The Biden Administration: Who Will Hold the Power?

Of course the Reich on the left, Robert Reich, is right, and in this case, most informative!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Chris Hayes: The Rot Won’t Go Away With Trump

Of course you know that I’ve been saying this for years. Trump is not the cause of the National Socialism in the Republican Reich. He is the reflection of it. They are turning on him now, because he is a scapegoat to blame for who they are and what they have done. The only you to make the rot go away is to destroy the Republican Party.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast of Christmas): Nat King Cole – Away in a Manger

I pray this season brings peace and beauty to you and yours whether or not you celebrate Christmas.  HUGS!!

41 Days Until the Big FLUSH!!

Nov 192020

It’s a busy day here in the CatBox as Store to Door is bringing a double-order of groceries since they will be closed next week for Thanksgiving.  I have a lot to unpack and put away.  Tomorrow, please expect no more than Personal Update.  It’s a full WWWendy day, and we have much to do.  I hope you all have a fine day.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:16 (average 4:58).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert has made quite a name for himself around these parts and others. Now the House Republican is jumping with both feet into suggesting that, well, maybe if Donald Trump didn’t win the election maybe it’s time for his Republican voters to rise up and end American democracy, period.

As reported by the Dallas Morning News, Gohmert claimed to a “Million MAGA March” audience near the White House that “this was a cheated election and we can’t let it stand.” He spoke of the American revolution and the Egyptian uprising: “They rose up though all over Egypt, and as a result of the people rising up in the greatest numbers in history,” he said, and “if they can do that there, think of what we can do here.”

And in perhaps what passed for an acknowledgement that an armed coup by red hat-wearing bozos would be, ahem, unpopular with the general public, Gohmert was quick to point out that “only about 30%” of American colonists supported that previous revolution. You don’t need a majority in these matters, after all. You just need enough ammunition.

I’m not at all surprised that the guilty party is Louie “Go Go Goose Step” Gomerde. However, it’s hard to find a Republican that would not plug into GOP Nazism.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Ex-Pres. Trump On Trial? Why It’s Not Biden’s Call


I fully agree. Biden should have nothing to do with it, one way or the other. His job, with respect to DOJ, is to provide them the means to do their job. That’s ALL!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast of unity): The Briar Rose Ramblers – “We Are One” (Live in a Living Room, 11-29-2015)


Amen! We are one! As such, those who would divide us, the Republican Reich, are against us all!  RESIST!!

61 Days Until the Big FLUSH!!

Aug 032020

In July 2017, Stephen Walt wrote Top 10 Signs of Creeping Authoritarianism Revisited to examine the extent to which criminal Fuhrer Trump* and the Republican Reich were conforming to authoritarianism, the neo-Nazi model.  Here is what he found.


Shortly after Donald Trump was elected, I wrote a column listing possible “warning signs” of democratic breakdown under his leadership. A few other people did, too. I wasn’t predicting Trump would become a dictator — although some of his statements and actions during the campaign were worrisome; the column was simply a checklist of warning signs that would tell us how well U.S. political institutions were holding up in unusual circumstances (and with a most unusual president).

We’re now a bit more than six months into Trump’s presidency, and it is high time to review the list and see how America is doing. Has Trump undermined America’s constitutional order? Is he consolidating executive power the way democratically elected leaders such as Russia’s Vladimir Putin and Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan have? Or are U.S. institutions holding up reasonably well, either because they have proved to be surprisingly resilient or because Trump has been less adept at politics than he claimed to be?The record is mixed. Although some of the warning signs are flashing red, others are glowing yellow (at worst), and one or two don’t seem that worrisome at all. My worst fears of further democratic breakdown have not been confirmed — thus far — though in some cases it is not for want of trying.

Grab your No. 2 pencil and go down my original list. Feel free to keep score at home.

1. Systematic efforts to intimidate the media: Check 

There’s little doubt that Trump and his associates have repeatedly tried to intimidate mainstream media organizations, whether through tweets deriding the supposedly “failing” New York Times, the repeated references to the “Amazon Washington Post,” or White House chief strategist and former Breitbart head Stephen Bannon’s referring to media organizations as “the opposition party.” Trump and Fox News also falsely accused the Times of thwarting efforts to kill or capture top Islamic State leaders, and the White House has arbitrarily excluded reporters of some organizations from press pools, press conferences, and other events. The obvious message: Play ball with us a bit more or expect to be marginalized. And that’s just a small sample of Trump’s war on the press.

But, on the other hand, these efforts don’t seem to be working very well. A few media organizations have made ritual acts of appeasement (e.g., CNN keeps hiring Trump apologists as on-air talent), but Trump’s presidency has given most media organizations a renewed sense of purpose and a growing audience. And the administration’s continued shenanigans, conflicts of interest, ever-changing rationalizations, and sheer buffoonery have created a target-rich environment: The same outrageous behavior that helped boost Trump’s 2016 campaign has given the media a mother lode of material to mine and an eager audience for everything they can dig up. So the good news is that while Trump clearly likes to browbeat media outlets that aren’t reliably in his corner and would undoubtedly like to discredit them, his efforts to date have mostly failed.

2. Building an official pro-Trump media network: Partial check.

Back in November, I speculated that Trump might “use the presidency to bolster media that offer him consistent support” or even try to create a government-funded media agency to disseminate pro-Trump propaganda. There’s little doubt Trump has tried to favor outlets that embrace him, which is why the White House gave press credentials to the right-wing blog Gateway Pundit and has given the reliably wacky and pro-Trump Breitbart privileged access. And as one might expect, the Trump administration has backed the expansion plans of the conservative Sinclair Broadcast Group. Apart from the White House press office itself (which has been a train wreck from Day One), there’s no sign that the president intends to build a publicly funded pro-Trump media organization. But with Fox News and Sinclair and the various alt-right websites in his corner, he may not need one.

3. Politicizing the civil service, military, National Guard, or the domestic security agencies: Partial check.

An obvious counterweight to executive overreach are career civil servants who remain sensitive to precedents, have lots of expertise, and tend to follow the rule of law. And as Samuel Huntington pointed out many years ago, an important barrier to excessive militarization is having a professional military whose direct political role is limited. My concern in 2016 was the possibility that Trump would try to politicize the civil service in various ways or turn the military and the intelligence and domestic security agencies into tools of the White House instead of independent defenders of the Constitution.

Once again, I’d score this one as mixed. Trump has tried to put his stamp on key government agencies by demanding that senior officials resign or by firing people who declined to do his bidding, such as (now former) Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates and FBI Director James Comey. He has declined to make top appointments in a number of agencies, at one point telling Fox News, “A lot of those jobs, I don’t want to appoint, because they’re unnecessary.” And if Comey and others are to be believed (and, on this issue, I think they are), Trump seems to think civil servants and his own appointees should be more loyal to him than to the Constitution, even though it is the latter they swore an oath to defend. Trump has also questioned the integrity of the nonpartisan and highly respected Congressional Budget Office, and he crossed another line last weekend by telling uniformed military personnel to call Congress and lobby for his defense spending and health care proposals.

But there’s a silver lining here, too: You can’t run the federal government without lots of help, and most people don’t like being dissed and intimidated by a group of wealthy insiders who clearly view them with contempt and seem to regard the country as their personal plaything. Combine that with Trump’s world-class ability to sow divisions within his own team, and you have a recipe for the veritable Niagara of leaks that have made life easier for journalists and kept the White House scrambling from scandal to scandal. (Of course, the White House could have avoided all this by telling the truth from the start and by learning how to fill out security clearance forms properly the first time.) As with his effort to intimidate the media, in short, thus far Trump’s desire to get the government bureaucracy to dance to his tune hasn’t gone so well…

Inserted from <FP>

I have shared the first three signs out of ten.  Please click through for the other seven.

Of the ten, Walt rated five as check, three as partial, and two as little or none.  Three years and a month later, I rate all ten as check or check plus.

Yesterday Brian Stetler reported the same theme.

Stelter: We are witnessing creeping authoritarianism


Both Walt and Stetler are spot on, with one exception.  The authoritarianism of the Republican Reich, with or without Trump*, does not creep.  It stampedes!


Apr 232020

It’s a pleasure to be back in the CatBox, after an absence of over two weeks.  Our HSP shut us down for a TOS compliance violation for using a © image several years ago.  One of our Administrators had purchased a membership from a photo sharing site that misrepresented that its members could use the images there for all noncommercial purposes.  They did not tell members that the original photographers retained ownership of the images.  This particular photographer has a long history of scamming site owners with bogus lawsuits.  For our protection from such scams, I keep our domain anonymously held.  He couldn’t find out who we are to sue us.  All he could do is complain to our HSP, Bluehost.  They apparently emailed me in late March, warning me to correct the problem by removing the image.  I never noticed it.  They send me SPAM every day, trying to sell me business services that we will never want or need.  I suspect I trashed the warning with those.  They shut us down on 4/6, when I did not comply with their warning.  Normally, their CS is excellent, but an inadequate response to Trump* Virus has put their CS in the toilet.  I deleted the image from the Bluehost site.  Then, over the next two weeks, I spent over 48 hours in chat and wrote a dozen emails, while fighting with incompetent underlings.  Finally one got the info to a competent tech.  He reviewed it yesterday and restored our access to the site.  It has been a Republican cluster f*ck!  I apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you.  Catching up will take a few days!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:25 (average 4:28).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


Damn!  Talk about sticker shock!  The last time I did a TVU Trump’s* Republican murder total was only 8,454 dead.

My New Sweater:


JD made me this beautiful sweater!  Thank, you, JD!  This may also be my last pic with hair, as I have chemo again Monday.

Short Takes:

From Daily Kos: Well we knew it was just a matter of time, per The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Officials have identified seven people who appear to have contracted COVID-19 through activities related to the April 7 election, Milwaukee Health Commissioner Jeanette Kowalik said Monday.

Six of the cases are in voters and one is a poll worker, Kowalik said.

By the end of this week, officials hope to have additional information on the cases that were reported between April 7 and Monday, she said.

The Wisconsin GOP, the five SCOTUS Conservatives, Trump and all his enablers are responsible for this…

And all those Republican murderers, who voted, voted by mail.  RESIST!!

From A Yale psychiatrist has warned that pro-Trump lockdown protesters, who exhibit similar psychology as “child soldiers,” could quickly turn into “armed troops in the streets” if the president loses his re-election bid.

Dr. Bandy X. Lee, a forensic psychiatrist at the Yale School of Medicine who has mostly taught at Yale Law School, said the armed protests were a natural evolution of the loyalty President Trump demands from his supporters. Many of these protests have evidently been organized by deep-pocketed groups allied with the president.Lee, the author of the textbook “Violence,” has been sounding the alarm about the danger posed by the president for years. She edited “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump” after his election, with a group of fellow mental health professionals. The book’s authors recently started a chat series entitled “Is America in an Abusive Relationship With Its President?”

Lee has also served as a project group leader for the World Health Organization Violence Prevention Alliance. She told Salon that Trump’s recent call to “liberate” Democratic-led states was a dog whistle to his core supporters.

I fully agree. Bill Maher and I have both suggested that criminal Fuhrer Trump* and the Republican Reich will resort to violence to stay in power after they lose the election, unless they are able to steal it again!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Bob Dylan – Lay, Lady, Lay (Audio)

Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!


The Fuhrer’s Vengeance

 Posted by at 11:11 am  Politics
Apr 042020

Government employees need to beware, and the more they care about doing their jobs, the more they need to watch out.  That’s because anyone that says or does anything that criminal Fuhrer Trump* doesn’t like is a sure target for the Fuhrer’s vengeance.  Here are two examples.


Sailors aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier cheered for Capt. Brett Crozier as he disembarked the ship for the last time, an overwhelming show of support for their leader who was relieved of his command after issuing a stark warning about a coronavirus outbreak onboard.

New video obtained by CNN shows a large crowd gathered to give Crozier a warm and loud send off, clapping and chanting his name as he left the ship. It was a clear expression of appreciation for their former commander who was removed for what the acting Navy Secretary called “poor judgment.”

“Today at my direction the commanding officer of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, Captain Brett Crozier, was relieved of command by carrier strike group commander Rear Admiral Stewart Baker,” acting Secretary of the Navy Thomas Modly announced on Thursday.

The decision came days after Crozier wrote a memo warning Navy leadership that decisive action was needed to save the lives of the ship’s crew. “We are not at war. Sailors do not need to die. If we do not act now, we are failing to properly take care of our most trusted asset — our Sailors,” it read, three US defense officials confirmed to CNN…

Inserted from <CNN>

Sailors cheer Navy captain relieved of duty over coronavirus warning

Kudos to Brett Crozier for his extraordinary good judgement in saving his crew. He embarrassed criminal Fuhrer Trump*. Vengeances is Republican SOP.


Donald Trump has fired the inspector general for the intelligence community who handled the whistleblower complaint that led to his impeachment, prompting fierce criticism from Democrats.

The US president chose a Friday night, with America consumed by the coronavirus pandemic, to tell the House of Representatives and Senate intelligence committees of his decision to dismiss Michael Atkinson.

In a letter, Trump claimed it was “vital” that he had confidence in the appointees serving as inspectors general, and “that is no longer the case with regard to this inspector general”.

The president would nominate an individual who has his full confidence at a later date, he added.

There was swift condemnation from Democrats. Chuck Schumer, the minority leader in the Senate, said: “President Trump fires people for telling the truth…  [emphasis added]

Inserted from <The Guardian>

Trump Fires IG Who Flagged Ukraine Whistleblower Complaint

Kudos to Michael Atkinson for doing his job. Vengeance is mine, sayeth criminal Fuhrer Trump*.

