Mar 032024

So sorry I’m late. I had it ready bot forgot to post. Yesterday, the radio opera was Verdi’s “Ernani,” an early work, in a historic broadcast from 1962. For at least the last three years, the Met has been setting aside one broadcast for a historic performance, and they ask listeners to vote for whhich of ten or a dozen they would like to hear. I didn’t vote for “Ernani,” but I’m not surprised it won, because Leontyne Price. And the three male stars are equally prestigious to anyone who was listening to opera in the sixties. However, I voted for “Der Freischutz,” simply because one never hears it these days. But “Ernani” is almost as rare, and probably more interesting. One of the roles, the baritone, represents someone who actually lived and made history, though whether he was ever in love with Wlvira, or even whether she existed is doubtful. But Charles, Holo Roman Emperor, the fifth of that name, did exist, and was elected to that post by an “Electoral College” – a standing one, comprising princes (heads of state) of the countries within the empire. Charles, and Ernani (the tenor, an outlaw, as much due to politics as to poverty), and da Silva (the bass, a Spanish nobleman, and Elvira’s guardian) are all three in love with Elvira, who loves only Ernani. The character who strikes me as different from other characters in this opera, and indeed from most characters in opera is da Silva, who seems to think he’s Rodney Dangerfield, but unlike Dangerfield he means it seriously. I see no signs of him actually being persecuted – he just doesn’t always get his way (and who does?) But that victim mentality – almost a complex – may at least partially explain why he is so malicious. A play by Victor Hugo was the inspiraton for the opera.

Phillis Wheatley was America’s first black woman poet. This article picks her up at the auction at which she was sold upon arrival – which was pretty consequential – and goes from there, as does the book, with vatious little-known information. IMO she deserves to better known, and not just her name.

This is a segment from The Young Turks featuring a doctor discussing Trump**’s inability to produce the correct word for the context. No, it won’t convince any of his cultists. But what interested me was his use of the term “brain damage.” Virgil has brain damage with far less symptoms than Trump**) and he and I both know how he got it – he got it from a traumatic brain injury (TBI). TBIs are often closed head injuries, as Virgil’s was but not always, but in any case it’s unlikely that one would experience one and have no idea that something had happened. How else could one damage one’s brain? Drugs would be one. Some condition which involved anoxia could. Could some or all of these symptoms go back to his bout of CoViD-19, for which he was hospitalized? I’m no doctor, but I would say absolutely. There is increasing evidence that even mild CoViD-19 can cause damage to the brain.

The transcript of Hunter Biden’s testimony is 229 pages. This is shorter, and it’s a gift link.


Everyday Erinyes #375

 Posted by at 4:30 pm  Politics
Jun 182023

Experts in autocracies have pointed out that it is, unfortunately, easy to slip into normalizing the tyrant, hence it is important to hang on to outrage. These incidents which seem to call for the efforts of the Greek Furies (Erinyes) to come and deal with them will, I hope, help with that. As a reminder, though no one really knows how many there were supposed to be, the three names we have are Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone. These roughly translate as “unceasing,” “grudging,” and “vengeful destruction.”

Deforestation. You’ve all heard of it. We all know it contributes to climate change. But I’ll bet you didn’t know wha else it contributes to – and that is “spillover.”

Spillover is what it is called when a virus or other disease agent leaps from an animal to a human being. Spillover is what caused the Ebola outbreak (and in that case, the outbreak can be linked directly to deforestation.) Spillover is what brought is CoViD-19, and all its variants. And the next spillover may be only one forest clearing away.

Pro Publica, which has the story inas much detail as a non-medical-professional can be expected to grasp, is a Creative COmmons site. Following certain guidelines and attributions (such as include all links but no pictures), it’s perfectly kegal for me to quote a full article from them here. But this is not just one article – it is a three-part series – and any one of the three is too much reading dfoe a Sinday afternoon, and especially on a holiday weekend. So, instead, I am going to share links to all three, in order, with at least one startling quote from each. I am not trying to scare anyone just to be scaring you, no am I trying to make a simple political point – it’s way too complex for that. But some of this information should scare anyone. That’s just how it is.

Part One of the series is “On the Edge.” It details sequences of events in Guinea – specifically in Meliandou, Guinea – where the Ebola outbreak started.

By 2013, a village had bloomed where trees once stood — 31 homes, surrounded by a ring of forest and footpaths that led to pockets residents had cleared to plant rice. Their children played in a hollowed-out tree that was home to a large colony of bats.

Nobody knows exactly how it happened, but a virus that once lived inside a bat found its way into the cells of a toddler named Emile Ouamouno. It was Ebola, which invades on multiple fronts — the immune system, the liver, the lining of vessels that keep blood from leaking into the body. Emile ran a high fever and passed stool blackened with blood as his body tried to defend against the attack. A few days later, Emile was dead.

On average, only half of those infected by Ebola survive; the rest die of medical shock and organ failure. The virus took Emile’s 4-year-old sister and their mother, who perished after delivering a stillborn child. Emile’s grandmother, feverish and vomiting, clung to the back of a motorbike taxi as it hurtled out of the forest toward a hospital in the nearest city, Guéckédou, a market hub drawing traders from neighboring countries. She died as the virus began its spread.

On average, only half of those infected by Ebola survive; the rest die of medical shock and organ failure. The virus took Emile’s 4-year-old sister and their mother, who perished after delivering a stillborn child. Emile’s grandmother, feverish and vomiting, clung to the back of a motorbike taxi as it hurtled out of the forest toward a hospital in the nearest city, Guéckédou, a market hub drawing traders from neighboring countries. She died as the virus began its spread.


But looking back, researchers now see that dangerous conditions were brewing before the virus leaped from animals to humans in Meliandou, an event scientists call spillover.

The way the villagers cut down trees, in patches that look like Swiss cheese from above, created edges of disturbed forest where humans and infected animals could collide. Rats and bats, with their histories of seeding plagues, are the species most likely to adapt to deforestation. And researchers have found that some bats stressed out by habitat loss later shed more virus.

Researchers considered more than 100 variables that could contribute to an Ebola outbreak and found that the ones that began in Meliandou and six other locations in Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo were best explained by forest loss in the two years leading up to the first cases.

It is now clear these landscapes were tinderboxes for the spillover of a deadly virus.

Part Two of the series is “Seeding Hope.” It deals with events and lessons learned in Madagascar, one of many areas in the world which have rainforest problems – because they are disappearing.

The following year, representatives from each of those villages gathered in a soccer field to watch as their chiefs pressed inky thumbs onto paper, signing an agreement that affirmed their communities would stop encroaching on the forest. In return, Health In Harmony began providing affordable health care through mobile clinics and teaching residents how to grow more food and support themselves without cutting down more trees.

Founded in 2006 to save rainforests and combat climate change, Health In Harmony may have stumbled upon a way to help prevent the next pandemic.

Researchers have shown that deforestation can drive outbreaks by bringing people closer to wildlife, which can shed dangerous viruses. Scientists found these dynamics can explain several recent outbreaks of Ebola, including the largest one nearly a decade ago in Guinea, which scientists believe started after a toddler played in a tree that was home to a large colony of bats. The child may have touched something contaminated with saliva or waste from an infected bat, then put his hands in his mouth, inadvertently giving the virus a foothold.

The moment in which a virus jumps from an animal to a human is called spillover. Though we now know more than we ever have about why, where and how these events happen, global health authorities have failed to make preventing them a priority. Instead, they’ve focused resources on fighting outbreaks once they begin.

Many see stopping deforestation as an intractable problem that would eat up the scarce money set aside to combat pandemics. Experts convened at the request of the World Health Organization last year argued that the “almost endless list of interventions and safeguards” needed to stop spillover was like trying to “boil the ocean.”

But this Portland, Oregon-based nonprofit, with an annual budget of just $5.3 million for programs in three countries, is demonstrating how working creatively across health, agriculture and the environment may be the key to prevention.


In 2019, Health In Harmony launched its program in Madagascar. An island nation off the southeast coast of mainland Africa, Madagascar is a biodiversity hot spot with hundreds of mammals and birds that can be found only there. Researchers say the extensive range of unique animals makes it a more likely place for a novel virus to emerge. Madagascar fruit bats, which roost in the Manombo reserve, can carry coronaviruses, filoviruses (the family of viruses that includes Ebola) and henipaviruses (the family that includes the brain-inflaming Nipah and Hendra viruses). Rats and fleas in parts of the country carry the bubonic plague….

“I have learned that the forest, humans and animals are interdependent,” Jocelyn said, “and if the forest is sick, then the animals will be sick, and animals will surely impact humans’ health too.”

Part Three of the series is “The Scientist and the Bats.” Set in Gympie, Australia, it examines the work of Peggy Eby – the latest in a line of research scientists stretching back centuries who have continued their work despite being denied serious consideration (and serious funding.)

Dressed head-to-toe in protective gear, Peggy Eby crawled on her hands and knees under a fig tree, searching for bat droppings and fruit with telltale fang marks.

Another horse in Australia had died from the dreaded Hendra virus that winter in 2011. For years, the brain-inflaming infectious disease had bedeviled the country, leaping from bats to horses and sometimes from horses to humans. Hendra was as fatal as it was mysterious, striking in a seemingly random fashion. Experts fear that if the virus mutates, it could jump from person to person and wreak havoc.

So while government veterinarians screened other horses, Eby, a wildlife ecologist with a Ph.D., got to work, grubbing around the scene like a detective. Nobody knew flying foxes, the bats that spread Hendra, better. For nearly a quarter century, she’d studied the furry, fox-faced mammals with wingspans up to 3 feet. Eby deduced that the horse paddock wasn’t where the bats had transmitted Hendra. But the horse’s owners had picked mandarin oranges off the trees across the street. The peels ended up in the compost bin, where their horse liked to rummage. “Bingo,” Eby thought. Flying foxes liked mandarins. The bats’ saliva must have contaminated the peels, turning them into a deadly snack.

Eby, however, longed to unlock a bigger mystery: Could she, with the help of fellow scientists, predict when the conditions were prime for Hendra to spill over from bats, before it took any more lives? What if they could warn the public to be on guard — maybe even prevent the virus from making the leap? It would be painstaking work, but it wasn’t a pipe dream; Eby was already spotting patterns as she crawled around infection sites.

But when she pitched her research to a government funder the following year, she got a flat no. She proposed starting small, gathering basic data on flying foxes that could be used to figure out when and why they spread the virus. Her work, she was told, wasn’t considered a “sufficiently important contribution.”


In a world still scarred by the COVID-19 pandemic, Eby’s dogged success exposes a global scientific blind spot. It’s not that trendy science involving the latest AI wonders isn’t worthy of research dollars. It’s that it should not be funded at the expense of the sort of long-term, shoe-leather work that allowed Eby and her colleagues to solve the mystery of a deadly contagion, Vora and other public health experts say. “All of these actions are important if we want to save as many lives as possible from infectious diseases,” Vora added.

Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone, I don’t like stories that make me think, “Oh, God, here we go again,” or “Oh, God, I’m glad I’m old.” But of course those are the stories that the world most needs to hear – and also to act on. People have been saying for hundreds of years that “An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure” (Benjamin Franklin first used it in writing in 11735, but it can’t have been new, and the concept goes back at least to Aesop), but we still don’t seem to get it.

The Furies and I will be back.

May 142023

Yesterday, the radio opera was Verdi’s “Aïda.” It was commissioned by the Egyptian government of the time to celebrate the opening of the Suez Canal. IIRC, it was a bit on the late side, but it was a hit anyway (which suggests that Egyptians of the day didn’t know their history much more accurately than we know ours today.) I got to thinking about how tastes can change over time. A hundred years ago, Gounod’s “Faust” was so popular, and therefore performed so often, that one critic nicknamed the Met “Das Faustspielhaus” – a pun on Wagner’s “Festspielhaus” at Bayreuth (a story in its own right). Both Aïda and Boheme existed (1874 and 1895 respectively), but they weren’t all that popular. Fifty years ago, the three most performed operas at the Met were Aïda, Boheme, and Carmen, in that order. The ABCs of opera. Today, Boheme is the most performed, followed by Aïda, and there may not be a clear third. This is not a bad thing. If tastes didn’t change, new operas would not have a chance of success. But I digress. Aïda is a love trianglein which all three apexes are doomed. Aïda is a POW from the last war between Egypt and Ethiopia, and has been given to Amneris, the Pharaoh’s daughter as a slave. Both are (secretly) in love with Radames, a general in the Egyptian army. Egypt receives intelligence that Ethiopia is planning to attack them, and decides to hit Ethiopia back first.Radames is chosen to command the attack. Egypt wins and Radames brings home prisoners, including Aïda’s father. There is a huge triumphal scene, notorious for the number and variety of animals on stage, inclidng a march which is so famous and so often played on its own that you have probably heard it. The Pharaoh rewards Radames for his success by giving him Amneris’s hand in marriage (not exactly what he was hoping for.) Radames and Aïda consider running away to escape this fate, but her father shows up at their meeting place before Radames does, and puts the screws to her to get Radames to tell her the Egyptian battle plan. Unwillingly, she does so, and at that moment Amneris and the High Priest show up and condemn Radames as a traitor. There’s an off stage trial, Radames does not defend himself and is condemned to be locked into a tomb (and asphyxiated.) Aïda sneaks into the tomb first and they die together while Amneris prays for peace for her soul. Aïda’s music in the final scene is written in such a way that musicologists have suggested it demonstrates she has been waiting for him in the tomb long enough to already be noticeably low on oxygen, and I think they are on to something. Totally unrelated: I bombed the Conversation’s quiz this week – only 4 correct out of eight. Told you I couldn’t keep it up. 🙂

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

The Brighter Side – Breakthrough antibody kills all known variants of SARS-CoV-2
Quote – Researchers from Harvard Medical School and Boston Children’s Hospital have made a significant breakthrough with the development of a new antibody. This antibody, during laboratory examinations, effectively neutralized all presently recognized variants of SARS-CoV-2, which includes all known variants of Omicron.
Click through for some medical detail. However, this is not a journal, so it’s pretty well simplified.

Crooks & Liars – Shocker: NYT Headline Admits Biden Didn’t Do Anything Wrong
Quote – And in a rare turn of events, the NY Times ran this story with a completely unambiguous headline: “House Republican Report Finds No Evidence of Wrongdoing by President Biden.” Man bites dog! It’s a low bar, but I’ll take it.
Click through for a bit more. This is good news, but it’s still sad when an accurate headline is itself newsworthy for its accuracy alone.

Food For Thought

Mar 312023

Yesterday, I made a couple of cartoons. I don’t need all that many, but I did need two for the first week. I won’t need another before the 20th, so that gives me some slack. And did y’all see the breaking news comment in yesterday’s OT? Or did you get the news elsewhere? Are the able bodied among you dancing in the streets?

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

The Conversation – This course uses science fiction to understand politics
Quote – What does the course explore? We explore issues of racism, gender, anarchy and the end of civilization. I chose books that encourage students to focus on the political aspects of each work. At the beginning of the course, I ask students how closely they connect science fiction and politics. At the end of the course, students have the opportunity to revisit and revise their response to that question. By that point, students have participated in discussions, written papers and completed short assignments that ask them to explore and articulate political themes in each book.
Click through for details. If Beau sees this, he’ll be tickled. He’s a big fan of using science fiction to understand, not just politics, but much of the human codition.

The Atlantic (no paywall) – My 6-Year-Old Son Died. Then the Anti-vaxxers Found Out.
Quote – My grief is profound, ragged, desperate. I cannot imagine how anything could feel worse But vaccine opponents on the internet, who somehow assumed that a COVID shot was responsible for my son’s death, thought my family’s pain was funny. “Lol. Yay for the jab. Right? Right?” wrote one person on Twitter. “Your decision to vaccinate your son resulted in his death,” wrote another. “This is all on YOU.” “Murder in the first.”
Click through for full story. This is no way to run a civilization. This kind of harassment needs to be made a felony in all states and all territories (and, as I think I may have said before, there will be plenty of room in prisons if we just release all those convicted of personal use drug possession and breathing while black.)

Food For Thought

Jan 222023

Political Voices Network – Neal Katyal & Andrew Weissmann: Trump’s Political Fate May Have Been Decided…

Thom Hartmann – Will Long COVID Make America Poor?

MSNBC – Alec Baldwin and ‘Rust’ armorer to be charged with involuntary manslaughter in film set shooting (“Involuntary manslaughter” means different things in different states. In New Mexico it’s pretty minimal.)

Ring of Fire – Rudy Giuliani Somehow Keeps Getting Dumber

Stray Cat Waits At Guy’s Window Until He’s Adopted

Beau – Let’s talk about China, the US, the economy, and American exceptionalism….

Jan 032023

Yesterday, It had snowed, and, because the day was overcast, there was still a blanket of it when I got up.  But the concrete (like my driveway) was just a lttle damp – except the parts that get no sun at all  Those patches always linger. We are heading into a cold snap, so some of the snow.may hang around, but we’ll see  There’s no new snow in the 10-day forecast.

I was looking up all the music parody and straight satire people for new stuff. There actually isn’t much – looks like everyone wanted to do something for Christmas and are now taking a break. Rocky Mountain Mike does have a new one, but it’s not a parody, but a straight cover of “Summer Wine.” But he clearly is looking to expand his work visually, because the visuals are a dramatization of the story of the song. It’s mostly black and white – color is used just at the end, and whe it shows up, it’s startling. There’s no CC, but the lyrics are available here (if anyone cares.)

If you haven’t already seen this, it may shock you – it did me! Among the few Republicans who have expressed support for Jamie Raskin is – wait for it – Marjorie Taylor Greene. Who would ever have thought she had it in her?

Finally, today is the day the House votes on the Speaker.  I will be surprised, however, if there is any decision made today.  In fact, it’s anybody’s guess how long it will take to come up with a compromise which is acceptable to everyone (this is a full house vote – it’s not  just Republicans.)

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Crooks & Liars – Arizona Border Containerpalooza Sale!
Quote – Governor Ducey has agreed to pay AshBritt Management & Logistics $76 million to tear down containers they illegally placed on the southern border of Arizona to keep the brown folks out. The problem, in a nutshell, is that the containers were placed on federal land, and the DOJ has sued Arizona to remove them. So after paying $95 million to install them, they will need to be removed.
Click through for details. This would be funny, were it not such a waste of money – taxpayers money – for which there were thousands of better uses.

New York Times (no paywall) – Opinion: Anthony Fauci Quietly Shocked Us All
Quote – Days after the conference, I found myself in Dr. Fauci’s office, along with the ACT UP members Mark Harrington and Jim Eigo, hammering out the final details of our parallel track program, which would allow thousands of people to obtain experimental drugs outside of traditional clinical trials. Within days, a New York Times front page headline about Dr. Fauci read, “AIDS Researcher Seeks Wide Access to Drugs in Tests.” The F.D.A. quickly fell in line. ACT UP had scored its first major victory, with Dr. Fauci’s help.
Click through for OP. It’s not all sunshine and roses, but on balance, it’s a tribute.

Food For Thought

Jan 022023

Glenn Kirschner – Trump & Kushner’s criminal responsibility for avoidable COVID deaths. New evidence in J6 transcripts

Meidas Touch – Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Stunning Stupidity SHINES BRIGHT in NEW POST

White House Twitter… (accompanied by Offenbach’s “CanCan”

Really American – Chip Franklin delivers a BLISTERING takedown of the GOP, which is now DOA.

Half-Pound Kitten Takes Naps Under 130-Pound Dog

Beau – Let’s talk about infrastructure troubles….

Jan 022023

Yesterday, I visited Virgil. Most of the time I was the ony visitor, but another one came after I got there (and left before I did.) Virgil returns all greetings as usual – this time he went so far as to say he was “thrilled” (his word) by them. On the way down, before getting on the Interstate, I came to a traffic light which turned green while I was approaching, but no one moved. When I got close enough to see why, it was because we were all waiting for a gaggle of Canada geese to finish crossing the road on foot. We do get a lot of them come through, and not just in the winter. Sometimes one only hears them (from a couple of blocks away – they can be quite loud.) Golf course managers detest them but are not allowed to harm them, thankfully. I do sympathize. Goose droppings are not something one wants on a golf course. But they can be so charming (the geese, not the managers)!

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Aeon – Hail the maintainers
Quote – As the pursuit of innovation has inspired technologists and capitalists, it has also provoked critics who suspect that the peddlers of innovation radically overvalue innovation. What happens after innovation, they argue, is more important. Maintenance and repair, the building of infrastructures, the mundane labour that goes into sustaining functioning and efficient infrastructures, simply has more impact on people’s daily lives than the vast majority of technological innovations.
Click through for complete essay. Aeon has Creative Commons, but only for “idea”s, and this is an “essay.” Otherwise I think I moght have used it for a Furies column. It expresses, far better than I could, what was trying to say in last week’s Furies about not everyone in Congress needs to write legislation to be a successful legislator. Also, there are comments (though you need to bring them up), of which one references the Hindu trinity (the Trimurti) very effectively.

Crooks & Liars – Transcripts: Jared Blocked Biden Transition From Covid Planning
Quote – A former Trump administration official, Alyssa Farah Griffin, told the committee that Dr Deborah Birx, who headed the White House’s coronavirus task force under Mr Trump, had in the days after election day, asked if the Biden team should be looped in to plans to combat the pandemic. “Absolutely not,” Ms Griffin said Mr Kushner had told the meeting. She added: “And then we just moved on”.
Click through for story. You may already have seen it. Well, color me nor surprised.

Food For Thought

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