Feb 282021

Now This News – I needed a hanky, but to me this is personal, so you may not.

Meidas Touch – Ted Cruz

Alt-Right Handbook – Endnote #3

Parody Project – Marge Greene

SNL Cold Open

Beau on the stimulus bill – I guess we now know Beau follows VoteVets on Twitter.


  4 Responses to “Video Thread 2/28/2021”

  1. NT: My god. A crying shame as it continues. So dam sad. 
    MT: Cruz is an as-! But we all know that. 
    PP: Good grief. MTG needs to G.O.! 
    SNL: Good skit. 
    Beau – Good for the Win!

    Thank you, Joanne for post. 

  2. NT: So damned sad!  So damned criminal!  So damned common!  It was a case of being dangerous, while “walking as Black!”
    MT: The audience got what it came for, loads of horse manure!  And they probably asked for seconds!
    Alt-Right: Ayn Rand’s Libertarianism is about Man” living in a vacuum.  Don’t get me started on Reagan!  Small government?  No, intrusive micromanaging can not be done “smallly.”  It can be done Fascistically, though!  So, at bottom conservatism is about power and the wish to maintain it…at any cost.
    PP: Greene will probably see this as a wonderful ad for her brand!
    Beau: Now, it goes to the senate.  It will probably become a shit-show.

  3. NTN: Elijah McClaine’s father is admirably restrained in this video. All he asks for is: “Let’s go change.” Amen.

    MT: Sadly, not enough Texans think Cruz is a joke. They like the show he puts on, the entertainment he offers and the bad stand-up jokes/lies he tells.

    Endnote #3: This history lesson on Conservatism made me reach for the barf bags; their thought train is really abhorrent to me. But it was very educational nevertheless. I concur with Ian’s “Conservatism is a reactionary politics that has, at best, mixed feelings about democracy. But liberalism is ill-equipped to deal with the problem of conservatism and does not fully commit to its own democratic principles.” That is why in Europe and Australia liberalism is put at the Right of the spectrum.

    PP: Most excellent parody, including Dolly’s very faint lisp when singing.

    SNL: Very snarky. Well done.

    Beau: This clip has left me scratching my head. What did Pelosi mean?

  4. Thanks, JD! 35

    NTN – Justice to the Republican Reich = Just Us!

    MT – Cruz may be the best CPUKE has to offer.

    ARH – Republicans believe in Zero Sum Gain.  That is the opposite of the truth: Win-Win Gain!

    PP – 2 things are all we need to know about Q.  Q is an idiot.  Q is a Republican.

    Need to rest.

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