Mar 012021

It’s a groggy day here in the CatBox.  I began the transition from Fentanyl patches to Methadone pills last night.  When I take my third dose of Methadone, I will remove the patch I have on.  So far it appears to be helping with the pain.  I also have a touch of Republicitis, so  I did not seep well last night.  I’m falling asleep at the keyboard.  I have a nurse coming at around 11.  I’m going to write part of this now and part later.

Later: I’m waiting for the nurse to arrive.  I don’t really know what they have on the agenda.  I do know that this is the best morning I’ve had for pain for months.  I’m hoping I will feel less groggy as I get used to Methadone. OYIM!  (Oh yawn, it’s Monday!)

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:58 (average 4:42).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Take:

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Bad Company – Feel Like Making Love


Ah… the memories!  RESIST the Republican Reich!!

Don’t Let Republicans Steal YOUR Future!!


  9 Responses to “Personal Update – 3/1/2021”

  1. It’s good to hear that the Methadone is helping. And if you didn’t sleep all that well you have an excuse to be groggy. Do rest as much as you can.

    This is truly lovely. There is an ad-blocker-wall but it can be got around.

    Is there anyone our age who doesn’t have some special memory which involves Tony Bennett? There is an American Masters episode out about him incidentally. I’ll be looking for it on Passport.

    This is from “The Hill” so you’re welcome to take it with a grain of salt. But they suggest five takeaways from CPAC:
    Trump retains iron grip on GOP
    Plenty still want a fresh face for 2024
    Anti-Trump views are absent
    Election misinformation continues to be widely shared
    “Trumpism” isn’t going anywhere

    Cartoon – anything to keep women “in their place.” Especially strong women.

    Blast – I’m not familiar with this one.

    This just hit mu “funny bone” hard.

    • “This from ‘The Hill'”: No surprise except that some want a fresh face. For the most part CPAC showed that the cult is alive and well; even praying to golden idols!

  2. It is good to hear that this is abetter day, better than many preceding ones, apparently!
    ‘Toon:  Bad fairy tales can really hurt, thoughts can have consequences.
    BFP: Heard this in the car, yesterday, by way of the Tampa radio station, The Eagle, at 107.3.  A gooood song!

  3. Cartoon: A horrible time. 
    BFTP: Great song…good memories! 

    Sounds like you have your meds regulated, and that it is also helping with your pain. Good to know! Get your rest, take a nap and then another. Take good care, and Thanks, Tom. 

    *This just in: Tweet of the Day – “On January 20th, 5 weeks after the vaccine rollout began, 8% of Americans over 65 and 14% of those over 75 had their first shot. 5 weeks later, nearly 1/2 of Americans over 65 and 60% of those over 75 had their first shot.” ~ WH Senior Advisor Andy Slavitt ~ 
    2. “The current minimum wage bill just passed by the House does phase in raises. It does not go to $15 immediately, according to Bernie Sanders.” ~ Dallas Edwards ~ 
    3. “Democratic priorities remain clear to provide a tax cut for working families, to promote policies that produce jobs and economic growth, and to assist millions of our fellow Americans who have lost their job through no fault of their own. ~ Nancy Pelosi ~ 
    4. “President Biden’s agenda is working because some in the GQP are trying to derail it by getting the cult all worked up, but its hard to do that since most of the program has been helping those in the fringes, with many of those individuals quietly walking away from the GQP.” ~ Vickie M. ~ 
    5. re:CPAC – “MSNBC and CNN aren’t playing the former president’s speech.” ~ Kyle Griffin ~
    Me: YAY! *pb*

    • TJI #2 -Just read that FDR did not tink of the minimum wage as a living wage, which I believe was a mistake (he did make a few – not many0. But the current minimum wage is at the lowest purchasing power it has ever had since it was introduced.
      TJI #5 – Yay indeed. It shouldn’t be broadcst. But it should be available to anyne who studies or analyzes politics. (Although I fall into that category and would not watch it because I’d barf.)

  4. Cartoon: Haunting times.
    BFTP: Great song. 
    So happy to hear that you’re feeling less pain, TC, pray that you continue in that direction. 
    Hope your visit with the nurse went well.
    Please take care and do get your rest. 

  5. TC…I’m very happy to hear they’re working on pain management for you!  Whatever works, right?  Apparently, you’re still able to FLY through those puzzles..leaving many of us scrabbling in the dust!  

    Sleep well!

  6. The trade-off for the pain lessening against the grogginess increasing is one you seem to cope with well, TomCat. I’m sure the grogginess will wear off in the days to come and as long as the pain doesn’t return that is something to look forward to. Enjoy.

    3:25 That bird doesn’t look too appetizing, does it? It’s one of those that rather make a meal out of you.

    Cartoon: For Republicans, there never has been a shortage of witches since then.

    BFTP: This song doesn’t ring any bells. Can’t Get Enough Of Your Love probably did a little better in Europe.

  7. Thanks to all.  Sick in 🛏.

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