Dec 062020

Now This News – in case anyone missed this news

Five and a half minutes on citizenship, including some new test questions

Beau says this so well – at least I think so –

The Trumpty Dumpty Cycle – Episode 4

Keith – from yesterday, posted late (quite late)

A somewhat unusual carol – you may have heard it, but it never seems to make the lists.


  6 Responses to “Video Thread 12/6/2020”

  1. TN: Poor Kaavan, so obviously traumatized and locked into the continuous swinging which is symptomatic for caged animals and then having to lose 1,000 pounds in weight. I hope it was all worth it and Kaavan is happy in Cambodja with his three female companions.

    CNN: The number of students failing on four questions of the test put to them wasn’t mentioned, but I think it was quite sizable even if it was based on the old test. How many would fail on the new test? I’m sure Trump himself would fail both of them and would insist on a new question to be added: Who is the best US president of all time? Guess what answer he’d insist on.

    Beau is right as usual.

    Dumpty Cycle: Love it, love it, love it.

    Keith was in top form again. The Devil went down to Georgia…

    Carol: Funny, I didn’t think I’d be familiar with it but I know it quite well. It must be because of the terrible version by Boney M which was very popular in Europe and still is. Belafonte was the first to record it but the list of artists that came after him is too long to reproduce but includes greats like Mahalia Jackson and Kiri Te Kanawa.

    Thanks, Joanne.

    • Kaavan is already making happy gestures and has touched trunks with a couple of the females.  Poor guy doesn’t really know how to be an elephant, so plenty of time will be taken with himso he can learn.  If I can find the video I saw elsewhere with the good stuff I’ll include it – well, I guess it’s today now.  Here anyway.

      The song was written by a fellow named Jester Hairston and it could have been for Belafonte, but I won’t swear to thet.  Yeah, I had to look past all the “Boney” versons.  But Belafonte is the one I know and have known the longest.

  2. NT: So glad that Cher stepped in to save this sweet ellie. I know that he is happy too. (the world celebrates his future!) 
    CNN: Oops, I missed a few. W/have to go back to civics class. 
    Spot on! Beau. 
    TPC: Absolutely!! 
    KO: Yep, love how he gets the info out. 
    Christmas carol: A 1st for me. And, I like his style of singing from his other Christmas songs. 

    Thank you, Joanne for posting. 

  3. Now This – Too Bad Republicans can’t be rehabilitated like that.

    CNN – Make Trump* take the test.  Then revoke his citizenship.

    Beau – I fully agree.

    Keith – Trump* did mot move closer to criminal conspiracy.  He crossed the line.  It’s a line he has crossed over and over again.   Could Trump and Lindsey Poo be cellies?

    Carol.  You are not going to believe this, but I sweat my Open Thread was finished before I saw this or knew it was here.  Talk about great minds and ditches!

    Another fine collection. 35

    • Of course I believe you!  It happens more often than you know!  I have the luxury of waiting till yours is up to post mine, and also of collecting through the day.  I would estimate at least once a week I’ll take one put because you used it.  Especially Reich and Parody Project, bu sometimes Rachel, and sometimes wild cards.  That was the best known one, though.  I doubt it’ll happen again in that category (though it always might.

  4. TNT: Bless Cher for standing up and taking care of Kaavan. Happy to see that Kaavan will be moved to a safer place.
    CNN: tRump’s new citizenship test??? What the f*** is going on with that idiot? Like others have mentioned, I don’t feel he would even pass the test. 
    Beau: Yep.
    TDC: 100% fake news….Whoopi’s been right ever since he took office.
    Keith: Love his review of the devil visiting Georgia.
    Christmas Carol: Never heard this one. Nice. I like Henry Belafonte.
    Thanks Joanne

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