Aug 172020

It’s a busy day here in the CatBox.  Diana, my palliative care nurse will be here shortly for my routine weekly visit.  The same stories still dominate the news, so my research took an extra long time.  It’s a relatively cool day: only 95° Angry smile.  Oh God, it’s Monday!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:48 (average 4:24).  To do it, click here.  Hoe did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


Click here for interactive map.

US Cases: 5,569,520
US Deaths: 173,143
Plus all the many GOP plague murder victims Republicans are hiding from us.

Short Takes:

From Euro-News (Hat-Tip Lona): CLIMATE JUSTICE

This is where Kamala Harris comes into her own. While she was district attorney of San Francisco, 15 years ago, Harris created an environmental justice unit, which specifically existed to deal with cases of environmental crime.

Harris identified that “crimes against the environment are crimes against communities, people who are often poor and disenfranchised,” as she said to the San Francisco Chronicle in 2005.

The nexus between socio-economic disadvantage and environmental damage is something Harris has sought to address consistently – long before terms like ‘intersectional environmentalism’ even existed.

More recently, Harris has sued major oil companies after they violated environmental legislation, and after the devastating Refugio oil spill in 2015, the company responsible (Plains All American Pipeline) were indicted on 46 criminal charges.

The following year, after Volkswagen was found to have cheated on its diesel emissions, Harris secured a €73m settlement from the car manufacturer for the state of California.

Although many so called progressives, aka regressives, have whined incessantly that Harris is a “corporate Democrat”, her track record on the environment is quite good.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (Raw Story Channel): Trump claims ‘dogs’ are getting mail-in ballots

Barf Bag Alert!!


If criminal Fuhrer Trump gets any more full of shit, we’ll have to paint a crescent moon on his forehead. Obviously it is my feline proclivity to be biased against dawgs, but if they could vote, they would be far more responsible than Republican Sheeple.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast of protest): ANTI-REPUBLICAN FUNNY SONG


This song is ten years old. It was spot-on then, and the Republican Reich is so much worse now! Kudos to left-wing protestors!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!


  10 Responses to “Open Thread – 8/17/2020”

  1. ‘Toon: If the Koch Boys had not existed, Putin would have tried to invent them!
    TVU: Moving right along, are we?
    Short-takes:  I did not know this about Harris, though I certainly recall the VW garbage.  I am glad to learn f her involvement in both environmental and intersectional environmentalism, had just moments ago been hoping that the Dem platform would call for some strong corrections to the dismantling of environmental actions by the current, and demented,resident of the WH.
    Ice, the wetish kind, is flowing into the oceans much more quickly than the prior worst predictions, and we may have gone past the planet’s tipping point!
    Raw Story Channel: I’m not ging to go there, but I’m a little surprised that he’s not claiming that space aliens are getting ballots, after the recent news that the Air force is investigating ufo’s!
    BOP: Lied us into war: We have been lied into war since at least the Spanish-American war.  I never saw, or heard of, this before.  Cool! 

  2. Cartoon: Along with his sidekick..dt. ugh! 
    TVU: Same as before…not good. 
    EuroNews: This is excellent news. Ms. Harris is a winner, and companies would be wise to heed the environmental laws, as she will be coming after them re: the laws. Good for her!! Thanks, Lona! and Tom. 
    BBA: Gawd….couldn’t listen all the way through….what an ID! Lies, lies, lies. ugh!! 
    YT: Awesome! Liked this one…thx! 
    Hope all goes well for Diana’s visit. Get your rest, take good care and hopefully, get in a nap. Thanks, Tom. 

    *This just in: “Donald Trump gave a moving eulogy for his brother. ‘Fore!'” ~ Smack T. ~ 
    2. “The VA Benefits administration receives over 550,000 pieces of mail per month on benefits and services, coming from veterans, surviving spouses and others. When Trump slows down the Postal Service, he slows down receipt of the benefits our Veterans and surviving spouses earned in service to our Country. ~ Lloyd Doggett ~ 
    3. “When we escape this Trump hell, America needs a Presidential Crimes Commission. It should be made up of independent prosecutors who look at those who enabled a corrupt President. Example: Sabotaging the mail to win an election!” ~ Eric Swalwell ~ 
    4. “Trump didn’t make America racist….He made the racists feel comfortable enough to show their faces in public.” ~ B. L. ~ 
    5. “Trump is going to lose a bunch of military votes with his 2.2B$$ in cuts to the military medical system.”
    ~ Geo W. ~ 

  3. A little cooler here too. Carrie B says just because she’s not around much doesn’t mean she’s not thinking of you and sending hugs and prayers.

    Meidas Touch

    Sound and Fury (fpr Dems)

    Two from the Lincoln Project

    And this (hanky alert)

    This is a cartoon for progressives, especially long-time progressives, who adore convoluted puns (so I know Nameless will love it.) Extra credit for Barry McGuire fans. There are some others not quite as good, and some general-cheer-up-stuff here.

    This is a great summary – I have bookmarked it and y’all may want to also.

    Cartoon – The only difference is they serve it in glasses instead of cups.

    Map – Not much change.

    Harris – This is very good to know.

    Trump – Between this, and claiming to be thinking about pardoning Snowden, he is beyond guanopsychotic.

    Song – Need to come back to it, but I’m sure it will be good once I get the volume right.

  4. Cartoon: With tRump joining, maybe we’ll get lucky and someone will add something to it.
    TVU: Weekend numbers still in the 300’s. We’ll have our local government speaking around 3:00 with today’s updates.
    Short-takes: It’s news to me too. She supposedly has done great things while being the D. A. for California. I have real faith in her. Looking forward to her being our new V.P.
    Raw Stories Channel: tRump can come up with these stupid stories. Wish he’d give up on it. We’re all sick of his bullsh*t.
    YT/BOP: Good one. Speaks truth.
    Hope everything went well with your weekly visit with Diana, your palliative care nurse.
    They’ve warned us that the hear isn’t going away for days. It’s suppose to get close to 100. Got the call from SDG&E that the rolling blackouts will be happening, When they do, it will be for an hour. Hope it doesn’t happen when the Democratic Natl. Convention is on tonight.
    Take care. Thanks TomCat

  5. I hope it cools off soon, TomCat. Enjoy the convention.

  6. Thanks and Hurry Hugs to all! 


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