Personal Update – 8/16/2020

 Posted by at 8:16 am  Politics
Aug 162020

It’s a stinky day here in the CatBox.  WWWendy is on the way, and this is my only article today.  I’m sorry to report that the wrong brother died.  May your Sunday be cooler than mine (100°+).

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:13 (average 5:23).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Take:

From YouTube (a blast of protest): Open Mike Eagle – Happy Wasteland Day


I’m not an fan of either rap or hip hop, but even I like this one. Kudos to left-wing protestors!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!


  11 Responses to “Personal Update – 8/16/2020”

  1. Cartoon: They don’t need erasures, aren’t they the ones who don’t make mistakes? lol 
    BOP: Plays out like a short movie…like the words too. Glad he quit smokin’ too. 

    Hi, WWWendy, hope you and family are doing good. Hope that you have a good rest of your day, Tom. Take good care too. (yeah, I was bummed about the wrong brother too.) 

    *This just in: “Person, Woman, Attorney, Senator, Vice President. Kamala Harris.” ~ Ed W. ~ 
    2.”When dt’s oldest brother died, (Fred Jr.) dt went to the movies. When Robert died, he went golfing. *pb
    3. “I’m no political scientist, but I don’t think a President building a fort around the White House while threatening to cancel an election is really where ya wanna be.” ~ Mike G. ~ 
    4. “If the election does not happen for any reason, or is invalidated, constitutional rules of succession kicks in. That would mean President Nancy Pelosi!” ~ Ron P. ~ 

    • TJI #4: Who might invalidate the election?  I have read that Dem votes typically come in, or are counted late, and that it Dumpy gets an early lead he will try to stop the process and declare victory.  I do not know, again, if he can manage to pull that off, but the issue seems to be to get the Dem voters out there early, somehow.

  2. Best to WWWendy and hope all gets done smoothly. This brother is no loss either. The closest to a “good brother” in that family was Fred Jr. and he was not an angel. But I take your point.

    Ellen Rosenblum (D) is yours,and Phil Weiser (D) is mine. Attorney General, that is. What say we see about getting them on board with NJ, AZ, and CT (the last is actively soliciting other AGs to get on board.) I haven’t yet read about any active sabotage here, but I have where you are.

    Don Winslow appears to have made this for Indian Visual Planet. It’s a bit long but good.

    Cartoon – Can they even handle that?

    BOP – I like what I’ve heard from Hamilton. I don’t know much about rap/hip hop, certainly not enough to have an opinion. But I do have an opinion about people who dismiss anything new in music as “not music at all” (not than anyone here would! But I’ve heard and read people doing so.)

  3. Wrong brother died, sombitch gets all the breaks!

  4. TJI: Bill Pascarele, of N.J. has asked the AG to bring charges in re; the USPS crapola:
    Just what I had wished for!!!!!!!  I am assuming the AG will go with it!

  5. More Just In:
    Oh, my good heavens!!!!!!
    This crap of Trump’s might just blow up in his face, bigly!  Even the fools who ingest nothing but Faux News, will not be able to avoid ever hearing of this!  

  6. Cartoon:R’s keep changing the rules, never permanent. 
    BOP: Speaks truth. Like it.
    I agree about the wrong brother dying. Now tRump knows what people have been going through these last few months with all of their family members dying.
    It’s another hot one here too, were at 100. They’re extending the rotating Flex Alert through Wednesday. Plus if it stays warm like this, they said they’ll keep extending it. What bothers me, is that they don’t let you know when it’s going to hit your area, just that it may.
    Hope you and Wendy had a nice day and got all of your tasks taken care of. 
    Take care. Thanks TomCat

  7. I hope you had a nice day, showering, gooping and keeping as cool as possible, TomCat.

  8. Donnie was so wracked with grief at the death of his brother, he able to only work in TWO rounds of golf over the weekend. 

    [Curious: For all of us who’ve lost a sibling, is that even something you could possibly envision doing?  It was difficult for me to just put one foot in front of the other.]

    I’ll take Donnie at his word that Robert was his “best friend” – but then there is NO doubt that he was Donnie’s ONLY friend!

  9. Thanks, wilted hugs, and Amen to all! 29

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