Jul 302020

It’s another busy day here in the CatBox.  Store to Door will be delivering my grocery order, and I have to unpack and store them.  I’m still feeling quite tired after yesterday.  May the Lord bless and keep you free of Trump’s* Republican plague!  Update: I’m running late, because groceries are done.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:54 (average 4:32).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Trump* Virus Update:


Click for interactive map.

US Cases: 4,571,065
US Deaths: 153,898
World Cases: 17,242,728
World Deaths: 671,262
Trump’s Share of World Deaths: 22.9%
US Share of World Population: 4.3%

Short Takes:

From YouTube (Robert Reich Channel): 5 Key Demands for the New Coronavirus Bill


Of course the Reich on the Left, Robert Reich is right. Demands 1 – 5 are spot on. But the Reich on the right, the Republican Reich, want to keep the money flowing from the poor to the rich, and Bought Bitch Midnight Moscow Mitch will never allow this a vote in the Senate.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (CNN Channel): Rep. Louie Gohmert tests positive for Covid-19


This is exactly what I’d expect from Go-Go Goose-step Gomerde. It can only happen to a bigger asshole of he gives criminal Fuhrer Trump* a big sloppy French kiss!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast of protest): Edwin Starr – War (Original Video – 1969)


Kudos to left-wing protestors!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!


  17 Responses to “Open Thread – 7/30/2020”

  1. Glad everything is put away! Incidentally, has anyone besides me noticed we are not getting the weather news we normally get when there are hurricanes and drought and fires (or at least extreme fire danger)?

    Meidas Touch – Two new ones back to back

    Sorry for the duplicate – I had so much trouble getting it to “take” I’m not going to try to fix it.

    The Lincoln Project remastered “Memories” but I can’t tell the difference on a quick run-through. If you want to try, here’s the link.

    Cartoon – I hope that comet is the one which, in Chinese mythology, announces the imminent fall of a dynasty.

    Map – Five million soon.

    RR – I’m afraid you have nailed it, TC.

    CNN – And since it came out that this was Louie’s policy, Jake Sherman, who broke the story, has been flooded with emails from staffers of other Congressfolk who are also being required to risk their health and lives.

    Past – Kudos indeed.

    • Beautiful picture of the sunset of the last day over the Capitol where Mr. Lewis was lying in state.
      The videos are spot on! 
      Thanks, Joanne.

    • Great videos.
      I too love the beautiful photo of the rainbow over the Capital where John Lewis laid. Amazing how Mother Nature show love and respect.

  2. Cartoon: Crash! and Burn!! 
    TVU: We (county) has gone up…1273 confirmed, 541 active, 711 recoveries, and 13 deaths. Ugh!! 
    RR: Excellent information and advice on the covid19. Thank you. 
    CNN: Had to chuckle at your comment, TC. I agree! lol 
    BFTP: Wore the vinyl off with this great song.  

    Hope that you got all your chores done, and that you can rest and relax this p.m. Hope that you have a great rest of your day, take good care, and Thanks, Tom. 

    ** TJI: Normally, I put good quotes on here, but today is different. I watched John Lewis’ funeral from start to finish and watched Mrs. Pelosi fight back tears, and listened to Mr. Obama’s words giving the eulogy, and honoring the life of Mr. Lewis. I will leave you with the words of Mr. Obama this day. I got choked up and cried. President Obama, a true leader speaking at Mr. Lewis’ funeral. Oh! how I miss this eloquent, caring and comforting man.  *pb

    “Not many of us get to live to see our Legacy play out in such a meaningful, remarkable way. John Lewis did. And…Thanks to him, we now have our Marching Orders – – to keep believing in the possibility of remaking this country we love until it lives up to it’s full promise. And…through those years, he never stopped providing wisdom and encouragement to me and Michelle and our family. We will miss him dearly! Never, ever be afraid to make some noise and get in good trouble!” ~ Barack Obama ~ 

    • It’s OK, Pat – Tears are appropriate.

      I just found out today is the anniversary of the birth of General Smedley D Butler, who not only wrote “War iIs A Racket,” but also pretty much single-handedly foiled a plot to overthrow Roosevelt in 1934 (they thought he would help with it – boy, did they ever approach the wrong man!)  RIP, Commandant. And Happy Birthday


    Since I’ll be spending the better part of the day at my neurosurgeon’s office, I’m going to need to postpone “Friday Fun” – hopefully, maybe Saturday or Sunday.

    It’s my back & I got an MRI a couple of weeks ago and it was noticeably, structurally abnormal.

    I’ve never met him before, but his CV (Curriculum Vitae – medical equivalent of a Résumé) is quite impressive.

    I’m hopeful he’ll have some conservative, NON-surgical options for me.  Other than my carpal tunnel release, I’ve never had any surgeries … and I’d like to keep it that way!

    Don’t mean to be stealing Joanne’s thunder, but since I feel guilty about taking a break, I’m going to post a recent (?latest?) Lincoln Project video – “Wake Up”.   It’s 6.5 minutes long – but really very enjoyable (have we not come to expect nothing less from LP?).

    • So sorry to hear about your back problems, Nameless. Noticeably, structurally abnormal doesn’t sound good, but I hope with you that the neurosurgeon has non-surgical options but hey, what’s in a name? Sometimes an operation is both better and quicker in terms of healing than protracted non-surgical therapies. But nobody likes to spend time in a hospital, certainly not these days.

      Good luck, Nameless. Keep us posted.

      • Sorry to hear that your back issue and that the MRI was showing that it’s structurally abnormal. I will be praying that the visit with the neurosurgeon will be a good one and that he can give you some non-surgical suggestions/treatments. Take care and keep us posted, Nameless

    • Personally, I consider a diagnosis of “structural abnormalities” to be more encouraging than one of “nothing’s wrong, the pain is all in your head” – though maybe not by much.  I agree surgery is the thing that leaps to mind, and that I hope it’s avoidable.  Sending good thoughts.  Thanks for the information.  

      And I’m actually glad you put up “Wake Up” – everyone making these lost their collective minds yesterday and I have so many I’m just fine with one less.

    • Nameless, I’m so sorry, my friend.  I can sure tell you about back pain.  I wish you the very best here.  Prayers Up, and please keep us posted. 09

  4. Good to hear you manage the routine jobs as before, TomCat.

    3:02 Noah’s ark?

    Cartoon: Too celestial for them, the GOP is more like a catastrophic volcanic eruption spewing hellish fumes blocking out the sun.

    Update: No signs of slowing down.

    RR: Robert sounds as reasonable as ever and the five points he suggests for the New Coronavirus Bill are a must. That said, we know exactly what’s going to happen to such a bill. It’ll make it rapidly through the House and then comes to rest on that ceiling-high pile of bills that will never make it to the vote. In the meantime, the economy will collapse further. When Democrats win the elections, they’ll end up with the largest deficit in history, the economy in depression, the infrastructure in collapse and the 1% safely in their tax havens.

    CNN: Louis Gohmert testing positive for COVID-19 and trying to get close with Barrf? Sorry, I’m not usually this callous but 333333. May he be blessed with a few more symptoms like a little shortness of breath to remind him what other victims had to go through.

    BFTP: War never was, never is and never will be good for anything except the weapons industry.

  5. Sorry to hear that your back issue and that the MRI was showing that it’s structurally abnormal. I will be praying that the visit with the neurosurgeon will be a good one and that he can give you some non-surgical suggestions/treatments. Take care and keep us posted, Nameless

  6. Please forgive me for the double listing to Nameless. I had network issues after I posted a message to Pat at 6:09. So when the Network finally get back up, I’ve been rushing catch up.
    Cartoon: Burn..baby..burn.
    TVU: Scarier. Each day it continues to raise with no end in sight,
    RR: Great suggestions. Too bad the rotten leader and his stinking R’s care so much more about the rich getting richer, than they do about the less fortunate and our health.
    CNN: Seen him on the news last night. Blaming that wearing a mask was making him sicker. Why doesn’t he share the virus with tRump??? They’d make a good pair sharing a room in the hospital.
    BFTP: Great tune. I say Kudos to them too.
    Hope you were able to get some rest in the afternoon.
    Take care. Thanks TomCat 

  7. All the best Tom!😕😘

  8. I hope you get desired kind of solutions/options Nameless.
    My county is over 600–managing not to be on the watch list for CA so far (more added–mid30s of 58) and Modoc has first two cases so no county without any anymore.
    Barr tested negative (he got tested after that known exposure).
    This has been quite a week of ignoring the law or considering one immune to it by the feds, including the feds in your home city to local laws about impeding traffic (bicycles) and contaminating the environment (dumping tear gas down storm drains) and ignoring court order (hope the big boys have to show up in person for contempt charges).  Also ignoring even SCOTUS-involved DACA decision blatantly, children in detention centers court ordered release date and I’m sure others I either have yet to see or am not remembering.

  9. Thanks and TGIF Hugs to all! 28

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