May 112020

I’m in a huge rush as I have to be in the lobby for the TriMet Lift Bus from 6:22 to 5:52 AM.  I will not have time for the TVU or Short Takes.  I’ll try to add a “home safe” comment this afternoon.  Oh God, it’s Monday!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:14 (average 5:54).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?



Vote Blue No Matter Who Top to Bottom!!


  21 Responses to “Personal Update–05/11/2020”

  1. Cartoon: Yes, a hero for sure!! We need more Mr. Ellsburgs than ever before with what’s going on now in this current administration. 

    Best to you, Tom, as you go to and fro from your med appointment. Take good, good care, and that you get safely home. Get your rest! Thanks, Tom. 

    This just in: dt tweet: ‘Game on! We are thrilled to announce the reopening of @trumpgolfla beginning Saturday May 9th! We look forward to welcoming you back! Book your tee time now!’ 
    “Trump is pimping his private businesses in his capacity as POTUS, which is a clear Emolument Clause violation, if not just a simple example of his rank corruption. ~ Truth Writer ~ 
    *7900 Americans are dead, millions unemployed, but Thank God the Trump Golf course is opening up! PHEW! 
    ~ Santa Clause, CEO ~ 

    • You’ll be relieved to know that once *Rump is behind bars, his golf courses will be repurposed in a very appropriate way.  (Unfortunately, it was legally required that, like all his properties, they be branded with his name.)

      • So all the fatalities from the pandemic will be declared automatically veterans.  Well, he did say he was a wartime president.  But I would hope the eminent domain vultures could come up with a way to rename the properties.  Oh, well.

        Hope your trip was productive and enjoyable, and that you are back safely.

  2. The best to you, TC, and good luck today, especially.
    Ellsburg is a hero!  His father wrote a number of fascinating books, detailing his time in the Navy, as a Rear Admiral, engaged in a number of naval reclamation projects in WWII, and more.  One was called “Hell on Ice,” and anther was called “Pigboats.”  They were some of the meat and potatoes of my H.S. years’ reading.  I once had the opportunity to call i to a radio interview, and congratulate him on the “Pentagon Papers,” and send kudos to his father.
    This just in: Trump keeps reminding us about what a POS he is, on a daily basis!

  3. Hope your today’s medical appointment goes well from leaving home to getting home.

  4. New from the Lincoln Project

    Cartoon – Yes, I remember too. I also remember that those were days in which there were still Republicans who had honor/integrity/ethics. The Dixiecrats were moving to it, but had not yet completely taken it over. Had there not been, we could easily have already been a fascist state for decades now.

    Like everyone else, I hope your trip and procedure all go smoothly and that you can get home safely and timely and rest. Hugs (virtual, of course).

    • “Vote By Mail”
      or, “Oregon Leads The Way”
      Lisa Rosalie Eisenberg at The Nib
      Click through for full comic

      • A sampling of how Rethuglicans endangered Wisconsinites, forcing them to endure COVID-19 exposure just to exercise their right to vote:

      • JD, are you sure were legal on © here? 11

        • I used one panel and linked to the source.  The emailed newsletter used three panels and a link.  The full comic is 22 panels.  If it were an essay in words alone, that would be like using one paragraph, with attribution.  If you are aware of a different standard for graphic literature than for verbal literature, by all means let me know.  Analogy is a good guide, but not always perfect, and I do want to do the right thing.

          • Your method makes good sense for text, but images are flakier and cartoons are notorious for © issues.  Please delete this for now.  I emailed you an email address from their website that you can use to arrange permission to use their content.  Thanks! 35

            • Done. I see you already got it from the library. I haven’t opened my inbox yet – when I sleep late, which is now usually, I come to PP first. I’ll look forward to seeing it. Thanks.

  5. Joanne and So I Need A Name and Mitchell,
    I get choked up every time with watching the ‘Lincoln Project’ any and all of them. Truth! 
    Be that it may…I don’t want to be buried at a dt named cemetary…I’ll get cremated, and ashes strewn over a body of water. Since I’m an ole Navy vet, that’ll show ’em. 
    I didn’t know that you did that, Mitch, WTG !! That’s so so cool !! 

    Oops! I forgot to put the newest video of Sarah C. on PP. Here it is:

    • National Cemeteries can accommodate cremains.  I. fact, some are now so full they can only accommodate cremains.  Such as the one I’m considering – in Santa fe.  well,cremains is fine with me.

  6. home safe.  exhausted.  hopefully tomorrow. 35

  7. Cartoon: Mr. Ellsburgs was a real hero. Just too bad we don’t have more like him.
    Glad that you made it back from your treatment. Praying you won’t experience any ill effects from it.
    Hopefully you will be able to have a peaceful rest of your day.
    Take care. Thanks TomCat

  8. I hope the treatment went well today, TomCat. It takes a lot of time and effort each time (+/- 6 hours today, I reckon) but it may give you more time in return; fingers crossed. Rest now and keep the Republicans at bay in whatever form. We don’t want you to end up in the hospital again. 😘😘😘

  9. Thanks and pooped hugs to all! 19

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