The Masked Avenger

 Posted by at 10:04 pm  Plus, Politics
May 052020

Of course COVID-19 has consumed the news cycle for some time. Of late, we have seen protestors against lockdowns in Lansing, Michigan brandishing assault rifles. We have seen various marches against various aspects of what I will call ‘common sense’ proceedures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. One of my university professors challenged me on the use of the term because there is no such thing as ‘common sense’. If sense were common, we would not have the troubles we have now.

Below is a clip from Trevor Noah talking about wearing masks. And he is funny as usual. I have to confess that for years, pre-pandemic times, I have questioned the need to wear a mask during the flu season. I thought people looked strange wearing a mask. Now, I wonder why it took me so long to realise that wearing a mask out in public (as well as when I clean the cat box) is a good policy. Now you won’t see me in public without my mask and gloves. Enjoy Trevor Noah, the masked avenger!


  18 Responses to “The Masked Avenger”

  1. During the 1918-19 flu pandemic, a group called the Anti-Mask League formed in San Francisco. They got the city council to relax requirements on wearing masks in public. The result? Flu cases in San Francisco spiked.

    So many U.S. residents have no self-discipline. They want freedom, but they shrink from responsibility. Those protesting mask-wearing and social distancing are not really standing up for individual freedoms – not when they are putting people’s lives at risk. I am practicing social distancing and I wear my mask when in public even if it is a pain. To those mewling that masks make it hard to breathe, I say: Which is worse, a mask or a respirator?

    • “Which is worse, a mask or a respirator?”  My line is ” Which is worse, a mask or death?”.  I have seen signs at the protests that read “Give me liberty or give me death!”  Death is all too real a reality.  The trouble is that they will take other innocent people with them.

  2. Thanks, Lynn for posting. Trevor Noah has a uniquely humorous way of making a serious point.

    A few points on wearing masks though.

    Masks give some protection, but much depends on the quality of the masks and only the N95 respirators seem to give the best protection but medical staff often combine it with face shields to stop spray. There is a shortage of N95 masks and they should be reserved for healthcare workers.

    Other masks don’t work as well as protection and have better results protecting others from being infected by your virus if you are ill from COVID-19 but show no symptoms (yet). I assume you don’t go out if you do show any of its symptoms, not even while wearing a mask. 😁

    Because the available and home-made facemasks will not give you 100% protection and infection may occur if the masks are not taken off without touching the front or not cleaned properly before reused, it is best to always keep the appropriate social distance whenever possible. And keep washing those hands!

    • Lona, I don’t even go out if I have a hang nail!, let alone anything more serious!  I only go out to buy groceries  or pick up medication if I have to.  As a diabetic and asthma sufferer who also has high blood pressure and is a senior citizen, I try to be very, very careful for myself but I also consider others.  I’d say I am like a turtle retreating into my home but that suggests being like McConnell!  I detest that idiot!  Sasquatches are notorious loners in the wide open spaces!

      • We’re all turning into hermits at our age, aren’t we?

        You must miss teaching your language classes, the kids of your pupils and your church congregation terribly. It’s good to have some fur babes to cuddle up with, but they aren’t the best conversationalists, I’ve noticed. I hope you do a lot of Skyping, Zooming or Whatsapping to keep that speech motor in good condition.

  3. I enjoy watching Trevor, and this is a good video, which I will pass on too.

    September 28th, 1918: Some 12,000 people died after the city held infamous Liberty Loan parade in Philadelphia, PA.

    THE PARADE MUST GO ONOfficials went ahead with the Liberty Loan parade in the face of an influenza epidemic that already had ravaged New England and was gaining traction at the Philadelphia Navy Yard and elsewhere in the city.
    I will continue with the masks, gloves, and social distancing. It serves me well in doing this, everywhere I go, for me, and my family.

    *Furious Texans revolt after Governor Abbott get caught (hot mike), admitting his ‘Re-open order’ will worsen the pandemic here in this state. Me…cripes!! 

    Thank you, Lynn. Excellent post!! 

    • And so those Texans should be furious!  Even Trump has admitted in an interview on ABC that there will be “some deaths” as the country opens up.  Republicans are absolutely shameless when it comes to the lives of others.

  4. Funny (but appropriate) that Noah should mention Moses in connection with Vitale.  It was Moses whom God told, “No man shall see my face and live.”  But, as a concession, God did allow Moses to see his backside.  I see a principle here, and I have a suggestion for Vitale:  Why don’t you go around with no pants instead? You can be the image of God’s ass.

    And that incident in Santee, CA (near San Diego) – Santee has a longstanding nickname – “Klantee.”  Apparently it is still well deserved.  Sigh.

    Incidentally, other than to the mailbox (and that not daily), I haven’t been out of my house for two months, till yesterday. I wore a mask and gloves – to pick up a prescription – from the glass-enclosed drive-through.

    But all over the nation people are getting accosted and verbally attacked for wearing a mask.  The anger – and, face it, mostly white anger – is appalling.  This is the anger that elected Trump -except that it is now seemingly on steroids.  While it is, God knows, necessary to get Trump out of office, it’s not going to fix everything.  What are we going to do about this anger?  Frankly, I believe that if there doesn’t start to be some kind of criminal prosecution for these assaults, they are only going to escalate.  And these are assaults – there doesn’t have to be any physical injury or even contact to meet the standard of assault.  A lot of white people need to learn how to measure up to the standards met by people of color.

    • JD, there have been assaults for much, much, much longer than the COVID-19 pandemic.  I agree with you that assault does not require physical contact.  Trump’s tweets about “Liberate Michigan” etc would meet the definition of verbal assault because he is openly encouraging rebellion which could, and likely will, cause physical harm to others.  What makes it even worse is that he bears the title of ‘president’ and has sworn an oath to uphold the constitution which he does not do.  I am not even convinced that prosecution would turn the tide but it is a place to start.

  5. Good one, Lynn. 35

    The way Republicans are overtly attacking people fore having the good sense to protect themselves boggles the mind.  I wear a medical mask with N-95 filter inserts, but as a cancer patient that spends far too much time at the hospital getting treatments, I have good reason.

  6. I could not get this video to imbed but here is a video from 2 professors at the University of the Atlantic in Florida that illustrates the droplet dispersal from a cough.  It is excellent and points out that 2 metre social distancing may not be appropriate without a mask.

    I forgot to set the link to open in a new tab so be careful. Sorry!

  7. Sorry, just saw this, now- Voltaire had the word on common sense: “common sense is not so common.”  then Einstein chimed in with “Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by the age of 18.”
    TN: Spay and neuter the fools?  Right on!  Then they don’t get to teach their prejudices to the children they don’t have.  Many people see it as a conforming issue, not wanting to be told what to do, after all, they are “free” Americans.  “Leaders?”  We don’t have leaders, in too many places, we have grifters and their henchmen. Vitale is FOS!  

    • I think my professor would agree with Voltaire!  I liked the “spay and neuter” line too.  Your comment on Vitale is spot on.  Check out JD’s response to him. 

  8. As a child I witnessed the enforcement of the health code rule of “no shoes, no shirt=no service” as well as being quarantined in my bedroom for an infectious disease with no vaccination yet.  Public health is now telling us that masks are required for safety indoors in public places–an extension of shoes and shirts rules to me.  As long as the government backs the businesses adhering to the rules, and does enforcement on businesses who aren’t, compliance will grow.Some masks and materials are easier to breathe through than others–the rules let us choose which works for us (without cutting out a hole over nose and mouth like one meme I’ve seen).  For those who get anxiety attacks over them, they have the option of having things delivered to them like those who are most vulnerable may be doing. 
    Our freedoms have never been absolute nor extended to choices that harm others, like yelling fire in a crowded theater is not permitted speech.  And SCOTUS previously ruled on public health emergency powers:
    “On February 20, 1905, the Supreme Court rejected Jacobson’s arguments. Justice John Marshall Harlan wrote about the police power of states to regulate for the protection of public health: “The good and welfare of the Commonwealth, of which the legislature is primarily the judge, is the basis on which the police power rests in Massachusetts,” Harlan said “upon the principle of self-defense, of paramount necessity, a community has the right to protect itself against an epidemic of disease which threatens the safety of its members.”

    • AMEN JL!!!  I could not agree more.  Unfortunately there are people all over the country that disagree but fortunately they are in the minority.  Unfortunately, they will not go silently and of course they are being encouraged, even enabled, by Republican legislators and a totally incompetent and idiotic squatter in the WH.

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