Dec 182019

It’s a tired day here in the CatBox.  Yesterday was a gruesome day.  TriMet Lift got me to the hospital 75 minutes early.  No complaint.  Better that than late.  Then the Anesthesiologist was two hours late to my procedure.  She was planning a general, but I would likely have to have spent the night, if they did.  I ordered her to dope me up as little as possible with twilight drugs, gritted my teeth, and bore up under the pain, which was more severe than I anticipated.  The doctor did hit the target, and I should know next week.  WWWendy (God bless her!) got me home around five and fed me.  I could not be more pleased that day is over!  I’m pooped.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:29 (average 5:48).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Republicans would love to do this to all minorities!

Fantasy Football Report:

Here’s the latest in our own fantasy football league.


Congrats to me and the Squatch for winning our games.  Kudos to me for a record high score.  This weekend WWWendy plays me, and Vivian plays the Squatch in the Semifinal games.  Patty Monster is bye this week and will win the 5th place game next week.  Good luck to all!

Short Takes:

From NY Times: The next Democratic presidential debate will go on as scheduled Thursday, after negotiators on Tuesday reached agreement in a labor dispute that had threatened to upend the event while highlighting organized labor’s influence with the leading Democratic presidential candidates.

The debate, which will be held at Loyola Marymount University, had been in question since last week after the seven participating Democrats each said that they would not cross a picket line, if there was one.

The dispute, between a cafeteria workers union and a food services company at Loyola Marymount, involved only about 150 workers and had drawn little notice over nine months. Yet in the heated political atmosphere surrounding the 2020 Democratic presidential contest, the impasse attracted outsized attention this month as the sixth primary debate approached.

Kudos to all the Democratic candidates for supporting the fight against the Republican War on labor!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (CNN Channel): McConnell on impeachment trial: I’m not an impartial juror


Since Bought Mitch Moscow Mitch refuses to accede to his Constitutional mandate of impartiality, either he should recuse himself, or Injustice Roberts of SCROTUS (Republican anti-Constitutional VD) should order him to step down. Fat Chance!  RESIST!!

From YouTube (a blast from the past): George Harrison-Give Me Love (Give Me Peace On Earth)


Ah… the memories!  RESIST!!

Vote Blue!!


  13 Responses to “Open Thread – 12/18/2019”

  1. 5:51 Poor guy, he’s losing his frosting. A wardrobe malfunction.

    I will have heat today, but it’s going to be pricey. Sigh. (Temp in the front room is in the mid-forties right now – right now being 10:30-ish my time.) I am fine (wrapped up warm) and will be finer when they finish.

    Cartoon – Of course it’s easier when the group has a distinguishing physical characteristic – but they don’t need camps to make people suffer fior that. I don’t recall hearing of any Americans of German descent being interned (or Italian or Spanish, for that matter.)

    NYT – I’m very glad the dispute is settled, and very proud of our candidates for their stand.

    CNN – Admitting he is not impartial sound as if it might be honorable – but, for that, it would have to be followed by either “so I am recusing” or “but I will do my best to look fairly at all the evidence” – and it wasn’t. So it wasn’t honorable. It was just McConnell being McConnell.

    Past – George did have a knack for lyrics which spoke to people of faith in a way that the other three, idealistic though they were, didn’t.

  2. Cartoon: How despicable!
    Best to the FF folks! 
    NYT: Glad to read that they came to an agreement. 
    CNN: Good grief, he’s in front of the line of not recusing himself. I’d love to see him step down. 
    He’s not doing the job he was elected for. He’s a ‘full on Trumper’. 
    BFTP: Great song! Love this one. 

    Wow, sounds like you had a very rough day and time with your procedure. So glad for you that it’s over, and that WWWendy was there to get you hope safely and took care of you! Such an Angel !! Fingers crossed on the results coming in next week. Get your rest, take good care, and Thanks, Tom. 

    *This just in: “Accepting legal advice from the dt circus is like accepting moral and ethical guidelines from Caligula. ~ F.R. ~ 
    2. re: dt’s impeachment hearing(s) – “Pretending to care about Christmas is as obnoxious as R’s who continue to keep babies in cages.” 
    3. re: R’s – “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t know you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him something to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”~LBJ~
    4. Twitter: “Now I lay me down to sleep – I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If dt is gone when I awake, I pray ‘Oh Lord!’ the news ain’t fake.” ~anon~ 

  3. ‘Toon: We were at a museum about the interments, in Calif., during our tour of parks there, in spring of ’18.  SCOTUS has some really sad history under its belt…will probably have still more.
    NYT: I will, once again, not watch a debate at this point in time.  If Warren, or Bernie, my favs, screw up, I’m sure to hear of it afterwards, and see videos of it.  I expect, however, that they will be fine.  I have no felt need to watch Biden blither.  I am a long time advocate of the union movement, which is responsible for our having had a thriving middle class, despite its own abuses of power.
    CNN: McTurtle is a traitor to the constitution, his constituents, the rule of law, and is hiding behind the “politics” of the situation.  Of course the pressuring him, tightening the screws is what Dumpy is all about.  Nonetheless, the deterioration of democracy in the U.S. is directly attributable to him, and Boehner/Ryan.
    Harrison: Fills me with warmth!
    Hay Pat, I love your “just in,” remember the LBJ statement, and am still laughing about #4! 

  4. This just in: Canada is about to ban gay conversion therapy!  Wonderful!  I’ll bet conversion therapy would have a harder time being banned in the U.S., than Dumpy getting impeached.  If Pence ever becomes our president, you can expect him to fund it for Medicare!

  5. Cartoon: Agree…despicable. Yes that’s how tRump and his cronies think of all minorities. I say, “F them all”.
    FF: Congratulations to you and Squatch on your wins. Best to you both on your next one.
    NYT: Happy to hear that they settled the union situation. Now they can have the debate.
    CNN: I wish mItch the bi*ch would recuse himself.  But we know better that he’s going to stand for his F’ing leader. To me he should be prosecuted as of the other R’s too.
    BFTP: Love this song by George. 
    Sorry to hear all of the pain you had to endure during and after the biopsy. Hope you’re feeling better. I will be praying that your results come back okay next week.
    Take care. Thanks TomCat

  6. Glad your biopsy day is behind you – and thankful you have an Angel like Wendy looking over you!

  7. You had to set your teeth in more than one way, TomCat. It was quite an ordeal. I’m so glad you got through it, didn’t have to stay the night and can now rest in the comfort of your own home and bed thanks to WWWendy. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the results will be negative.

    3:52 Some gingerbread may revive you a bit after your ordeal, TomCat. Have a bite.

    NYT: As an outlander, I haven’t watched the debates of 2015-2016 and are not going to watch those of 2019-2020. I just hope Democrats will make a better choice now than they did in 2020.

    CNN: I have to stop watching this. With the whole of Australia breaking record after record with temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius, and it literally going up in smoke, the sickening, unconscionable behaviour of Mitch McConnell and his fellow cronies is just too much to take. Just the thought of Trump and the rest of them torturing us for at least another year is too much to bear.

    BFTP: Not very familiar with it, but just the thing I need to hear now. Thanks.

  8. Thanks and pooped hugs to all. 19

    A passed all your compliments on to WWWendy, and she says Thank You.

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