Dec 172019

I’m dressing and preparing to leave for my needle biopsy.  Hopefully, I’ll be back in the saddle tomorrow.  Wish me luck!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:48 (average 5:08).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?



TomCats are lousy patients!

Vote Blue!!


  17 Responses to “Personal Update – 12/17/2019”

  1. Aww…poor little kitty cat! 
    Yes, hope that all goes well for you, and that you get back home safely too. 
    Wishing you good VIBES & GOOD LUCK!! 
    Take care, and get your rest when you get back home…

  2. Must of been picked up this morning. Hopefully on time too. 
    Sad to see the kitty going through the procedure.
    Praying it goes well and that it comes out with good results.
    Let us know when you’re back.
    Take care, TomCat

  3. Good luck w/ your biopsy!

    And from someone who has had three episodes of cat-bite cellulitis courtesy of Nike, I can confirm that Tomcats do NOT make good patients.

    On the bright side, Nike is really changing his behavior.  He now lets me pet him without nipping (although that was usually just playful … usually).  And he’ll even sit on my lap (if I pick him up) for a minute or two.  Must be his getting older that’s doing it.  But w/e it is, it’s a nice change!

    • That is nice. Yes, they do as a rule mellow with age. From what I’ve read, even if they do get feline dementia, the worst you can expect is a little extra vocalizing as if they are disoriented (because they are) and maybe a few “accidents.” No hostility.

    • In my experience, even feral cats grow mellow with age, especially if they have been neutered or spayed. It may take years but at some stage, they will appreciate your company and even your physical closeness. Give Nike time and he’ll be sleeping in your lap sooner or later. Taking him to the vet in a carrier, however, may always be at your own peril.44

      • NOTE: Just IGNORE the HTML formatting

        <p>Nike has pretty much always (~ 75% of the time) slept with me.&nbsp; But he most assuredly is NOT a “lap cat”.</p>
        <p>I’m perfectly OK w/ that, because he’s at least a cat that w/e room I’m in – he’ll be in the same room.</p>
        <p>And that’s comforting enough for me.&nbsp; (Especially if I can avoid the cat-bite cellulitis!)</p>

  4. Best of luck!

  5. 5:51 Does he actually have a punchable face, or am I just frustrated?

    Vicente Fox has some new election ads out, not on YouTube, but the tweets are embedded at this link.
    (and you know how funny he is.)

    Cartoon – Lousy patients, maybe, but dang, what a great picture!

    Yes, I’m back on line and it was thankfully almost TOO easy. I just needed to re-set my DSL modem. My brain must have been frozen this morning after over 24 hours with no heat. I have reached the repair people now but as cold as it is they are pretty busy. Now I must go deal with my email.

    TC, I hope your day was less stressful than mine so far. AND I hope the biopsy tests negative.

  6. Good luck, TomCat! I’m so out of sync with your local time that me wishing you good luck yesterday (for me) and again today in Oz time must have the needle puncture and the trips to and fro fully covered.

    2:59 I don’t understand why people would send in pictures of such ugly things to have them turned into puzzles. I’m sure you’re glad you don’t have to eat this one, TomCat.

  7. OOPS – Supposed to be a reply to Lona …

  8. I hope all went well with the biopsy yesterday Puddy Tat.  Undoubtedly you were and are still tired so get some rest.  A little catnip might perk you up!  You’re in our prayers — my 3 furbabes and mine.  We have also been saying prayers for a cat named Moses who lives with his dad, Felix, in Nashville.  Felix is 15.5 years old and decided to stop eating.  Please take care or I might have to plant my size 9+s on your kitty butt!

  9. Thanks all and Pooped hugs. 19

    Please see today’s Open Thread for a description.

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