Sep 152019

This will be a quickie, and next week also.  Because next Friday I get to $pend three hour$ in the denti$t’$ chair doing prep work for two new crown$!


  13 Responses to “Sunday Smile: Cheetos Beauty Tips”

  1. Wow!  She really didn’t miss a trick!  Impressive performance indeed!  Thanks, Nameless, for reminding me once again why I don’t wear makeup.  And why I didn’t and would never vote for Trump.

  2. 2121 I love it! Boy, did I need this laugh. Thanks for reminding me that make up doesn’t really hide any flaws.

  3. Nameless, you have my sympathies! I have had to get a crown on three occasions, and it is NOT fun. However, I’m sure it’s a lot less un-fun than root canal, which thankfully I have never had to undergo.

  4. Video: OMG….this is hilarious!!! and so-spot on…..whoever this young lady is, she’s got talent!! 

    I cringe at the mention of going to the dentist, so I can empathize with you going. I do hope that all goes well for you. Best to you! 

    Thanks, Nameless for post. 

  5. Thanks Nameless–I’m with Joanne on this one.

  6. “It’s not what you look like that makes you ugly.”  BEAUTIFUL!!!
    How about having a root canal through an old crown that the surgeon could not remove?  I had that done, months ago, and still have some residual mouth ache, at times, like when I yawn widely.  I think she put all her weight into the drilling get through the crown.   In any case, Nameless, I hope your procedures go smoothly.

  7. Thank you so much for posting this, Nameless, it is awesome. It’s Monday morning here, so I could do with a good laugh and you and the young lady sure provided that.

    Sorry to hear about two crowns in your future. I hope the preparations will only hurt your wallet, which they undoubtedly will, and nothing else.

  8. This young lady has talent!  So spot on!  I wonder if Trump will see this and share a twitter rage.

    As to the dentist, my condolences . . . 3 hours?  I once spent 2 hours with a root canal after which I was unable to shut my mouth.  The dentist became a masseur for my jaw so that I could close my mouth.  I barely talked for a week.

  9. She’s a hoot!  BRAVO to the people who put this together!  And, thanks, TC!

  10. Dang she nailed it! 03

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