Jul 302019

Here is the one hundred sixty-third article in our Republicans on Parade series, featuring individuals who personify what the Republican Party has become. Today’s winner is Republican white Supremacist Santino William Legan. He is so honored for murdering two Latino children and a Black man for his Fuhrer.

0730gilroyAn Instagram post connected to the 19-year-old who killed three people at a food festival in Northern California points to literature that is part of an ecosystem of white nationalist literature, according to extremism researchers.

On Sunday, police officers shot and killed Santino William Legan at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in Gilroy, California, after he opened fire at the event. Earlier the same day, a post appeared on an Instagram page attributed to him referring to a proto-fascist white supremacist manifesto by a pseudonymous 19th-century author.

NBC News has declined to identify the literature by name in order to limit its spread.

According to extremism researchers, the manifesto is part of a collection of white nationalist literature that’s been pirated and distributed for free on far-right websites. The material is part of a yearslong recruiting technique by white nationalists to target those vulnerable to their message on forums frequently populated by teenagers.

The book strongly advocates combat, violence and death along racial lines, and is filled with anti-Semitic rhetoric. It is a staple among neo-Nazis and white supremacists on extremist sites such as 4chan’s /pol/ board, National Vanguard, Stormfront and The Daily Stormer. Links to the PDF version of the book have been posted hundreds of times on 4chan in the last several years, including as recently as last month… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <NBC News>

Here’s a brief video linking this Republican to the shooting and the Might is Right manifesto.


The greatest terrorist threat in this nation is not Muslims.  It is not Latino gangs.  It is the Republican Reich for continuing to inculcate hatred in Republican Nazis like this one.



  14 Responses to “Republicans on Parade – 7/30”

  1. A person of this age, can’t buy booze, nor rent a car, or gamble, but yet…can go buy a gun, rampage, and shoot people randomly. 

    Horribly depressing… and sad …. that this murderer, and others, will continue.. as long as people bend the knee to this kind of fodder. No offense to livestock. 

  2. For once the police shot at the right time and the right place. Kudos. Condolences to those who lost beloved family.

    I read about this at a site that did mention the name of the book and the author, and I won’t cite it here, but I will say, when I saw the author’s name, I instantly though it HAD to be a made up name. I see that’s been established now.

    There’s really nothing else to say.

  3. “The greatest terrorist threat in this nation is not Muslims.  It is not Latino gangs.  It is the Republican Reich for continuing to inculcate hatred in Republican Nazis like this one.”   Very well put, TC!  So, are WE living in a “Shithole” country, where imbecility TRUMPS intelligence, and reason?

  4. We have a very serious problem with terrorists in this country …

    And NONE of them crossed the border AND they’re all WHITE MALES!

    (HT to Joanne for the addition of “MALES”)

    • Excellent meme SoINeedAName, hope you’re OK with me using it on Twitter!!!

    • They also are all Clydes – not a Bonnie in the bunch.  Women can be violent, God knows – and can be serial killers and mass murderers –  but IIRC it’s generally for money, or to stay young.  I personally can’t think of a woman in history who killed for any kind of genocide, whatever the basis.  Maybe someone can.

    • These guys are all white, male, and so called Christians.  Not an African American or Latino nor a Muslim or Jew among them!

      The real danger in the US is from white domestic terrorists!

  5. Excellent point, SoINeedAName! Another point: None of them are Muslims, either.

    TomCat, the cartoon for this posting is getting all too real.

  6. This just in –

    ***BREAKING*** DNC Loses Racketeering Suit Over 2016 Election Hack!!!

  7. Your point is underscored sadly, but excellently by Nameless, TomCat. All white, all male, and most of them teenagers. Teenage brains, still in development and overrun with hormones, the reason they’re not allowed to do a lot of ‘grown-up’ things yet, except for buying a gun. Vulnerable, wanting to belong, easily incited, not smart enough to determine what’s wrong like some of their peers, fodder for the far right indeed.

    Hitler knew what he was doing with his Hitler Jugend. So does Trump.

  8. Agree with others above. It angers me that this evil white Supremacist trash is happening each and every day. I blame tRump and the rest of his creepy staff for a lot of the hatred they speak to the people.
    I also blame the Senate for not passing gun control laws. They’d rather take the bloody money they make voting against these safer laws than to protect the people.  Shameful. 


  9. Looking back, this white supremacist trash predates Trump, but he only further inflames an intolerable situation.  Hitler committed suicide, as did some of the others in his cadre, rather than accept responsibility for what he and his minions had done.  Oh that Trump would follow Hitler and do the world a favour.

    Condolences to those who lost loved ones or were hurt by this selfish, hate filled POS.

  10. Thanks, Hugs, and Amen to all. 17

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