Dec 282018

Having spent most of the week out-of-town enjoying Christmas festivities with my Aunt up in Illinois, this will be on the brief side.

Hat Tip to Joanne for bringing this to my attention:

A newly discovered blind, worm-like amphibian creature that buries its head in the sand has been named after Trump in hopes he’d change his environmentally disastrous policies.

Its name, Dermophis donaldtrumpi, was selected by EnviroBuild, which is a manufacturer of environmentally friendly building materials in the UK.  They won the right to name the little thing for $25,000 in an auction run by Rainforest Trust – a conservation organization.

There’s an amazing resemblance, don’t you think?


As you know, I am a devoted Pootie person who has always grown up with cats.  And by rights, this site has excellent coverage of those critters.  But I’m sure there are also Woozle people who visit this site.  So in the interest of fairness, I thought I would provide some “equal time” coverage for them.

The first is the pure joy of a “I’m-A-Dog” merrily romping in a huge new snowfall:

The next is a heartwarming story of a Christmas miracle, showing the transformation that loving care can do for any sentient creature …

No, this is not some newly developed military miracle helicopter that self-levitates without even using its rotors.

As noted, this is what happens when a camera’s frame rate is in perfect sync with a helicopter’s rotors.

I couldn’t let the last Friday of the year go by without covering what that goose-stepping Joseph Goebbels advisor in Twitler’s inner circle, Stephen Miller (and yes, I know he’s Jewish) recently tried.

Miller thought it’d be a great idea to try some spray-on hair to cover his bald pate.  And when I read all the comments making fun of him, I at first thought rather than mocking him we should solely be focusing our efforts to reverse his hate-mongering policies.

Then I saw the photo:

WHOA!  Just saw the “hair”.  We are going to have to multitask!

With all the Christmas bargains that have been going on – from Black Friday to Small Businesses Saturday to Cyber Monday to post-Christmas sales – I was hoping that Twitler would take advantage of “Mueller’s Early Family Resorts Package” offer for his entire mobster family.

Quite a deal, don’t you think?

We’ll close out the last Friday Fun of the year covering Twitler’s obsession with his “Wall”.

I think if they’re that obsessed with it, they should build it with Hillary’s emails – since they can’t get over them.

And about that $5 BILLION Twitler is demanding.  Whatever happened to Twitler’s promise that “Mexico will pay for the Wall!”?

He must have finally realized the former Mexican President Vicente Fox was telling the truth:

So a pithy way to summarize Twitler’s disastrous first two years occupying the Oval Office can be done in a single sentence:

An early HAPPY NEW YEAR! to all.


  15 Responses to “Friday Fun: Last Friday of 2018!”

  1. Cross posted to Care2 HERE

    • So glad you enjoyed your Christmas.

      Yes, I thought that name was perfect.

      Wish I had Bailey’s energy!

      Ah – a foster fail.  Of course.  How could anyone go through all of that and then say goodbye!  (Sniff.)

      Oh, he probably read all those jokes about “That’s not a forehead, it’s a fiveheadf” and got self conscious.  Now he can REALLY be self conscious.

      I very much enjoy listening to Vicente Fox talk about Orange Judas as only he can.  But maybe he ought to reconsider,  A serious wall would also keep the traitor tot (and other vicious American racists) OUT.  Something to be said for that.

      “The case against Trump’s corruption and criminality is getting built, and his border wall isn’t.”  And thereby hangs a meme.  BRB.

  2. Naming that amphibian after Donald Trump was entirely unfair – to the amphibian.

  3. Good one, Nameless!  Thanks for serving a tasty dawg, but I cer for that poor worm! 22

  4. Good call to name this little guy, and win monies to further the cause for conservation.
    Pup is certainly in his element. Lovin’ the snow!
    All of my dogs are rescued, and I feel her joy in rescuing this sweet puppy! Sweet transformation too.
    Helicopter: Cool !!
    Miller: Either way, it’s very hard for me to listen to him, spreading his vile hate mongering.
    Mueller’s early family resort pkg: Sounds great to me, I’m sure they’ll take advantage of this, right? lol
    Mr. Sargent’s great one liner says it all, amen!!
    Mr. Fox’s comment is spot on! imho.

    An early Happy New Year to you as well !!!

    Thanks, Nameless for post
    and Joanne for cross posting.

  5. Perfect name that the amphibian. Sure looks identical to tRump.
    Love the video of Bailey. Sure was having lots of fun playing in the snow.
    Was a lovely Christmas Miracle watching the transformation of Hercules. So happy that he recovered well. Looks so adorable now.
    Helicopter: Amazing
    Mueller Resorts Family Package?….wouldn’t surprise me. Very fitting.
    Love Mr. Fox’s comment to tRump. Wish tRump knew how to read.
    Happy early New Year to you too.

  6. Actually, I think Dermophis donaldtrumpi is much more handsome than the worm he’s named after.

    The energy of that “reindeer” is bouceless.

    What a beautiful transformation, a true Christmas miracle.

    Will those rotors start turning backwards at an other camera speed?

    Poor Miller, having spent all that money on a hair transplant/spray can, he still looks creepy as hell and no one has answered to his new profile photo on Ugly Schmucks | Ugly Dating Community.

    I’m sure the rest of the family has their suitcases packed, ready to take the deal, but they can’t convince Drumpf to tag along. He wan’t to make his own deal.

    They’re on their fourth president since Fox in Mexico, but they all speak the same truth. Drumpf finally got the message.

    Perfect summation.

  7. Great stuff!  
    Thanks, and Happy New Year!

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