Dec 282018

After all yesterday’s craziness, I did not sleep very well, so call this pooped Friday.  TGIF Hugs!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:57 (average 5:48).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): See Why U.S. Voters Overwhelmingly Opposed Trump From 2016-2019


The Blue Wave seemed smaller than it was because the deck is so stacked against them. RESIST!!

From YouTube (Media Matters Channel): Sexism on Fox News in 2018

Barf Bag Alert!!


The Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda, Faux Noise, propagates the misogyny rampant in the Republican Reich! RESIST!!

From NY Times: Republican leaders gave up hope on Thursday of reopening the government before the new year, leaving the border wall impasse to House Democrats as they assume the majority next week — and presenting Representative Nancy Pelosi with her first major challenge as speaker.

House Democrats, who take control on Wednesday, are weighing three approaches to getting funds flowing, none of which would include additional money for President Trump’s proposed wall along the southwestern border. Whichever path they choose, party leaders said they would vote promptly on Jan. 3, hoping to project the image of Democrats as a steadying hand in Washington even as Republicans try to blame Ms. Pelosi and her party for the shutdown and lax border control.

“We will vote swiftly to reopen government and show that Democrats will govern responsibly in stark contrast to this chaotic White House,” Ms. Pelosi said in a statement.

Ms. Pelosi is determined to prevent the shutdown brinkmanship from interfering with the Democrats’ assumption of power and her ceremony-soaked return to the speakership. But it appeared almost certain that the careful rollout of Democrats’ legislative agenda — including a sweeping anticorruption and voting rights bill — would be at least partly eclipsed by the funding crisis.

The shutdown has affected about a quarter of the government, left 800,000 federal workers furloughed or working without pay, and on Thursday entered its sixth day.

Mr. Trump and his allies showed no signs of letting up. Though the president said on national television that he would proudly shut down the government to secure wall funding, Republicans are no longer embracing the mounting crisis.

There is a key difference between Democrats and Republicans. Democrats govern. Republicans destroy. RESIST!!


When Republicans attribute this to the founding fathers, they are lying.


  12 Responses to “Open Thread – 12/28/2018”

  1. I don’t respect a porn star the way I respect a career woman

    A porn star is a career woman.  She’s merely chosen a career that dried-up old prigs like him disapprove of.

  2. 2018 has been a very interesting year – a year of horror and fear, but also a year of hope. 2019 is likely to be another “interesting” year, but maybe it will be interesting for the right reasons.

  3. 5:54 Don’t burn those, the smoke is bad for you and other living things.

    MSNBC – As long as news outlets are owned by the wealthy, the news will be presented with a Republican slant. It’s possible to spin things one way or another without, technically, lying (not that they don’t stray inbto lying also.)

    Faux – Like acting is not a career – like acting in porn is not AT LEAST as difficult as straight acting – well. I certainly don’t respect Giuliani the way I respect a regular career man. BBA well deserved.

    NYT – I’ll let Joan NcCarter speak for me here. “But it appeared almost certain that the careful rollout of Democrats’ legislative agenda — including a sweeping anticorruption and voting rights bill — would be at least partly eclipsed by the funding crisis.” What did I just say about news outlets owned by big money?

    Cartoon – Written by a Socialist, twisted into a religious creed by Republicans. We need to either go back to Bellamy’s original or scrap it entirely.

  4. MSNBC: Encouraging news, we have to work harder though, to keep the Resistance alive and well. !!

    BBA: Gee, thanks for the warning, TC. ick!! and ugh!!!

    NYT: The shutdown (Repugs this is on you!), is an uncalled for sheetfest, and with the Dems coming in on Jan. 3rd, I can expect that with their votes, it (govt) will re-open. Fingers crossed!!

    Cartoon: Does dt even know the words??? (Shortly thereafter, the pledge was begun with the right hand over the heart, and after reciting “to the Flag,” the arm was extended toward the Flag, palm-down.In World War II, the salute too much resembled the Nazi salute, so it was changed to keep the right hand over the heart throughout.) *

    I’m feeling your tiredness. I can’t keep up the pace w/the younger folks sadly. Hope you get your rest, take good care, and Thanks, Tom.

    *This just in: Nancy Pelosi to dt: “As a former casino owner, you should already know…”The House always wins.”

  5. Y/T, MSNBC: Pundits are like weather forecasters, wrong, wrong, (or like the forecasters who insisted that there was no global warming) spinning, and spin ing, and still wrong!
    MMC: Carlson and Giuliani are among the lowest kind of people, and make their livings searching for new lows! Theater Faux News culture has been built around lies and misogyny. Carlson sells a package of false claims as a treatment for ED, thus ripping off the very men he thinks ought to be able to go around banging anyone in a skirt.  A fellow I know bought the product and found it was nothing but herbs,which made nothing stand up!
    NYT: The Rethugs might just keep on showing how little they care about anything but their pocketbooks long enough to go down the rest of the way, in 2020.
    ‘Toon: When the GOPIGGIES say it is Friday, one might be wise to fact-check it.

  6. 4:19 What a pity there’s nothing edible in that stack for you, TomCat.

    MSNBC: Most excellent, brave and spot-on item by Ari Melber. Kudos to him. It would even be braver if he had dared to draw the next conclusion too: Even though the majority of Americans have opposed Drumpf from the day he took office, the so called main-stream media has had only right-wing pundits who were not only “wrong”, but actually tried to influence the elections on behalf of the Republicans. In other words, most media, even those Drumpf calls “enemy of the people” are right-leaning. There are only few that can be called impartial, bi-partisan or unbiased, let alone left-wing.

    MMC: Just had lunch, I’ll pass on that one, thanks.

    NYT: Polls show that the majority of Americans blame Drumpf for the shutdown; in addition to that, quite a substantial group blames the Republicans for it. If these poll numbers remain stable, Pelosi might use these to bring it to a good end without damage to the Democrats. Fact remains that Republicans once again have taken the moment to shine away from Democrats.

    Nearly weekend, TomCat. Enjoy.

  7. MSNBC: Love hearing positive news regarding the shrinking of the bLue wave. We must stand up together and keep fighting even harder to win the battle.
    BBA:: I have no respect for Ruby Guiliani either. He’s just as brainless as tRump.
    NYT: Trump is the one who said he would call the shots about the shutdown. So he is the cause and blame of this whole mess. So let the repugs wait till next week when the Democrats take control.

  8. Puzzle — 4:40  That’s a big pile of giant toothpicks!  There’s a story — On the way to my grandfather’s summer house, there was a log sorting yard.  Cut trees were sorted and counted there.  We knew we were within 30 minutes of the cottage.  We called the trees ‘giant toothpicks’.

    MSNBC — There is no doubt that, although not as big as Dems wanted, when you look at percentages as Ari did, it was a BLUE TSUNAMI!  Although the Dems were aiming at the Senate as well but actually lost ground there, perhaps this is a test — if they do well in the next two years against Trump’s bullshit, perhaps the electorate will entrust the Senate to them in 2020.  Mind, much of the damage will be done by then with McTurtle rushing through as many conservative judicial nominations as possible.  But let’s not forget too that some state governorships and houses were also flipped.  That’s where much of the Republican BS starts.  Trump should take this as his warning that 2020 is not for sale.  He will be a one term resident in the WH, evicted by the landlord, We the People, for failure to live up to residency regulations!

    Media Matters —

    NY Times — Let’s hope that Pelosi is able to steer the ship of state and get the government back on track.  Trump is a cruel, racist, bigoted, egomaniacal slug that does not deserve the title president.  He cares nothing for We the People!  As you say, up with governing, out with chaos and destruction.

    Cartoon — No kidding!  AlterNet has an article about a Texas high school student being expelled for refusing to say the pledge.  She was upheld by SCOTUS on the basis of her 1st amendment rights.  Even I knew this was not a Founding Fathers thing.  Does that mean I am definitely not a Republican???  LOL!!!

  9. Thanks all.  Totally pooped hugs! 19

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