Sep 272018


It starts at 7 AM PDT.

Live: Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford face Senate panel



40 DAYS!!


  14 Responses to “Pervert Kavanookie Hearing Live”

  1. AWESOME, i was just searching to find news on this!!

  2. Awesome is indeed the mot juste.  But I’m going to wait for the recaps.  Too much to do and raised blood pressure would interfere.  Thank you thousands of times for posting.

  3. I can’t watch another woman get railroaded for being sexually assaulted. I’ll read about this later.

  4. Christine just finished her part.  She could not have been more credible. 35

  5. In Pervert’s opening statement he has some really phony crocodile tears and he’s contradicting his Faux Noise interview. 05 

  6. Love Dr. Ford’s testimony!
    She’s a very brave, educated woman.
    I like her scientific analogy with Ms. Mitchell too.
    I pray for her safety too! 

  7. Some petitions;

    1. Demand Republican Senators Stop Shaming Dr. Ford And Show Her The Respect She Deserves!

    2. Investigate Brett Kavanaugh For Lying Under Oath — He Doesn’t Deserve to Be on the Supreme Court

    3. The FBI Must Investigate Sexual Assault Allegations Against Brett Kavanaugh

  8. Thanks for posting, TomCat.

  9. Having a hugely cynical perspective on all of this, I expect the committee to vote to confirm, to pay lip service to Dr. Ford, to snicker behind her back; that the committee leaders, and Faux News to smear her all over the place, that the senate will confirm, and at the end of the day on which the whole senate votes, McTurtle will die of priapism!

  10. I saw some of Kavanope’s testimony and talk about a failure to communicate!!!  Kamala Harris asked Kavanope a question to which his reply did not even touch on the question asked.  With a “that’s not what I asked” she reworded it.  Kavanope continued not to answer the question asked.  This went on and on.  Finally Harris said “I’ll take that as a ‘No’.”  Kavanope continued to waste her precious time.  Shortly after, the Senator from Louisiana went on a ‘do you believe in God’ kick just before adjournment for the day.  That was strictly for the gallery!  It seems Republicans just love to play the piety card as if it helps.  Of course it does help in some minds, weak minds, but certainly not mine and I think I can say that for all of us here.  Perhaps they should try actually following the teachings of the Christ before invoking his name!

    Of course Ted Cruz, the senator that a conservative pundit called ‘A serpent covered in vaseline‘, had to have his say and brought up the pained look on Kavanope’s mother’s face, and the effect this is having on his family.  Then he mentioned, almost as an after thought, the family of Ford.

    I won’t even mention Lindsay Graham in his post hearing interview other than to say ‘DISGUSTING’!

    Christine Ford did not remain silent. She did not give consent, now or thirty-five years ago!

    There is more bull shit being shoveled here than at a cattle ranch.

  11. Thanks all.  See today’s lead article.  TGIF Hugs. 23

  12. I believe Dr. Ford.
    I do not believe Kavanaugh. He displayed anger, totally partisan (GOP shill) and he is UNFIT to be part of the Supreme Court as his temperament shows it. Ugh!

  13. The way that Kavanaugh was allowed to not answer questions is further proof that the system is rigged.  Kavanaugh was allowed to use up almost all of the Democratic Senator’s time by filibustering at every turn. This hearing was simply more proof that the Republicans can not do anything without cheating. Kavanaugh is a bully and a cheat.

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