Ryan Has Left Team USA

 Posted by at 12:16 pm  Politics
Feb 022018


John Heilemann has made an excellent case that Paul Lyin’ Ryan is now representing the interests of Russia by playing for Team Trump, not team USA, as the following article illustrates.  RepubHub fried the code for the article.  Go Here.

John Heilemann: Paul Ryan Is ‘No Longer On Team USA’

John Heilemann has had an epiphany, and it’s about time. He’s been raising the alarm for more than a week, saying that Republicans are compromised and working as agents of Russia. Last night on MSNBC, he said it again. “I’ve said this now multiple times this week and I’ll say it again,” he told Nicolle Wallace…


A commenter at C&L left a meme that reflects the situation perfectly!




  12 Responses to “Ryan Has Left Team USA”

  1. I read it earlier, and it is well worth a read, as are comments, probably wherever it shows up.

    I have never seen any evidence that Ryan was ever on Team USA.  Most of his career was spent on Team Rand. At some point in or before June of 2016 he slithered on to Team Russia.

    I think it’s worth re-quoting:  “I’ve been wondering where Paul Ryan’s balls were.  Now I realize an Italian grandmother from San Francisco carries them in her purse.”

    • And if Ryan was on team Rand, he was on team Koch…who just rewarded him with $500,000 for delivering the tax bill.

      • I said Team Rand because this desire to screw everyone, so tangible it was almost a wet dream, goes back to the days of his college keggers.  Agreed it’s been financed, and still it, by Team Koch.

  2. I’m guessing that Ryan found a good sale (somewhere) on knee pads too, cause he sure uses them every day.

  3. Paul Ryan has left Team USA? When was he ever on Team USA?

    • Exactly!

      “Paul Ryan is now no longer on Team USA”

      Maybe someone could be so kind as to identify a specific time when Ryan ever WAS on Team USA.

      And to think that Ryan has happily tried to portray himself as a “policy wonk” a “serious thinker”.

      Unfortunately for our country, Paul Krugman’s description of Newt Gingrich firs perfectly:

      “He’s a stupid man’s idea of what a smart person sounds like”


  4. Ryan was, yes, NEVER on team USA, he’s been on team Rand, which is team Koch, which is team “Let’s remake America in MY image!”

  5. On reading the title of this article, I had the same (knee jerk?) reaction as everyone else here it seems. Only one thing came to mind: When has Paul Ryan ever been on Team USA?!

    We can be certain of two things only with Ryan: he has sold himself to the highest bidder (the Kochs) and he will do so again. And that highest bidder can well be Russia next time.

  6. To quote John Nichols from The Nation, (I just published his article as “Ryan Has Left Team USA – Part 2”)

    “Ryan abandoned the solemn oath he swore “to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic…””

    In truth, Ryan’s actions, or the lack of appropriate actions, is cause for great concern.  They set Trump up as the new king.  King George III would be so proud to know that the US was becoming a monarchy.

  7. Paul Ryan left team USA long ago when he became a Koch freak.Ryan, truly, is now also a member of the Russian squad along with Dana Rohrabacher and others.
    A reveal from Ryan and McCarthy:
    At the end:McCarthy: There’s…there’s two people, I think, Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump…[laughter]…swear to God.Ryan: This is off the record…[laughter]…NO LEAKS…[laughter]…alright?![Laughter]Ryan: This is how we know we’re a real family here.Scalise: That’s how you know that we’re right.

  8. Thanks all! This one was frustrating. 01

    A agree that Ryan never was in the team.  It goes back to the original article.

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