Feb 022018

It’s another very busy day, here in the CatBox.  I scheduled medical appointments and my ride to my labs appointment next week.  I did all my research and some home tasks.  I am about to write the January’s Monthly Report, a prodigious task in itself.  I think that one of the reasons I’ve bees so tired is that I got in the habit of spending a lot of time in bed when I was sick, and too much rest has contributed to not getting enough sleep and a general sense of lethargy, so I’m forcing myself to give up my morning nap time and spend more time on George, to give myself more exercise.  TGIF!!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:10 (average 5:11).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (RWW Channel): Gordon Klingenschmitt Says Trump’s Demon-Possessed Critics ‘Are Bringing About The End Of The World’

Barf Bag Alert!!


The answer to "where are the demonic spirits?" is "in the Oval Office". It is Republicans, who reject religious freedom, as they seek to disavow all but Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christians, the exact opposite of real Christians.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Donald Trump Faith Misplaced In Memo Reportedly Focused On Carter Page


Often, when Rachel starts, we have no idea what she’s talking about, but when the lightbulb comes on, the clarity is blinding! I think I’ll start a secret international conspiracy to laugh at Trump with Squatch and Lona. Then Nunes can release a memo on us too.  RESIST!!

From AlterNet: Whiteness is the complexion for the protection — and being white and female can comes with great privileges as well.

According to Wednesday’s New York Times, Justice Department special counsel Robert Mueller will interview a former spokesman for Donald Trump’s legal team named Mark Corallo, who resigned last July. Corallo will reportedly tell Mueller that he took part in "a previously undisclosed conference call" with President Trump and White House communications director Hope Hicks:

Mr. Corallo planned to tell investigators that Ms. Hicks said during the call that emails written by Donald Trump Jr. before the [June 2016] Trump Tower meeting — in which the younger Mr. Trump said he was eager to receive political dirt about Mrs. Clinton from the Russians — “will never get out.” That left Mr. Corallo with concerns that Ms. Hicks could be contemplating obstructing justice …

In response to this report, the sentiment has emerged on social media and elsewhere that Hicks — a presidential confidante and senior figure in the Trump administration — is somehow naive or too young or supposedly in over her head, and that she should be given the opportunity to make amends and to move on from the Russian scandal later in life.

Caucasian race and female gender are no defense against charges of criminal IOKIYAR. RESIST!!



(6 weeks of winter)


  7 Responses to “Open Thread – 2/2/2018”

  1. BBA: Got as far as him saying the ‘demonic left’, and shut him down! Comparing dt to Jesus, is way off too!!

    Rachel: Love this gal !! Mueller will see this through, and stay strong through this all. dt is an IDx5!!

    AN: Wouldn’t you love being a ‘fly on the wall’ during one of these meeting? I would. Hope they all are held responsible for their treasonous actions. From the Top on down!!

    Cartoon: Yep.

    Hope your exercise regimen goes well. Hope you have a good evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom.

  2. 4:41 I’m not in favor of using them. Actually, I guess it isn’t the use,
    it’s the disposal I’m not happy about.

    New (copyrighed) cartoon

    RWW – In passing, I note that “Klingenschmidt” is another one of those names that one should think long and hard before going into politics with. That said, I don’t know why he’s complaining about us. HE’s the one who WANTS the world to end.

    MSNBC – Of course Rachel is right. I have no idea what they are counting on to convince the American people that this is a scandal. Even Trey Gowdy says this memo has ZERO to do with the Mueller investigation! I guess we’ll see.

    AlterNet – White women are in a sort of a grey area. (Maybe I should say a “beige” area.) The whole right wing morality system depends on the hierarchy where white men are at the top, and everyone else is lower, and, with exceptions, the order in which everyone else is lower is, by them, agreed upon. However, the order of white women and black men appears to be fluid. In a situation like this Hope Hicks thing, yes, whiteness is protecting her (although it could also be argued that the whiteness protecting her is not Hicks’s, but Trump’s – and Miller’s and Bannon’s etc.) But in many instances in daily life, whiteness protects women. Many women have had the experience of shopping with a black female friend and being followed around in a way that does not happen when they are alone or with others whites. On the other hand, we have the 2008 Democratic Convention.

    Cartoon – The winter we have had so far where I live is one of which I’d welcome six more weeks. Highs mostly in the 50’s to low 60’s with occasional days of light snow with lower temps (“occasional” meaning once or twice a month.) Yes, I am worried about the lack of precipitation affecting our water supply, but I certainly can’t call the weather unpleasant.

  3. Cartoon gives new meaning to “Winter Is Coming.”

  4. RWW: Gordie is talking demons…in 2018!!  Come on!  Grow up!  Or, is it, take your medicine!  End times is nothing but part of the culturally supported delusion called religion!  Folks thought the end times were due in the year 1000, the end of the “Thousand year reign of Jesus.”  Well, I guess not.  Not now either.  If Gordie’s buddy tRump causes a nuclear war, and humanity ends, the world, probably happily without us, will go on, and on.
    YT/MSNBC: Unbelievable!From Spicer to Superman, it is all make-believe, and this is the culture that inhabits the White House!  Assuming that Rachel is right, and tDump is betting on this garbage to turn off the investigation, I think we will be home free, soon, and seeing Mueller drag his sad ass through the cactus forest!
    Alternet: Saw this earlier.  The Baby Boomers just got outnumbered by the Millennials, and soon whiteness will also be outnumbered.  You know, it can’t happen too soon for me.
    ‘Toon: Nuclear winter would be pretty awful, and no one is more apt to create it than the titular head of the Republican party!

  5. Rachel Maddow: How many memos are there, or how many versions of the one memo are there? A Nunes memo or a Schiff memo, or a Schiff memo substantially changed by Nunes before sending it to the White House? But it hardly matters, does it, because Republicans really have to change a lot of history and facts to turn the FBI investigation of a Russian agent, Carter Page, which has started many, many months before the Drumpf team was implicated into the proof that the FBI then had and still has it in for Drumpf.
    Fortunately the media – with the usual exceptions – will not be led astray and call it out for what it is, a decoy. It’s another try to tarnish the reputation op the FBI and Mueller’s team and will be welcomed by Drumpf’s hardcore and the Republicans. With the memo Drumpf has not given himself room to fire Rosenstein or Mueller or anyone else that’s threatening to him, nor has he created it for others to do it for him; the memo is far to flimsy for that. I think Mueller can continue for a while – until the next Republican conspiracy – but when he comes out with enough to impeach Drumpf, the Republicans will use the doubts they’ve stoked to vote against impeachment.
    Meanwhile they’ve endangered the work their own intelligence bureaus are doing by releasing classified information despite serious warnings against it from the FBI. Not that that matters much. The White House probably makes sure Putin has anything of interest on his desk before they brief Drumpf with a short memo in a language he can understand.

    Alternet: You’re absolutely right, TomCat. Playing the young dumb blonde shouldn’t get you off the hook even if it got you your post in the first place.

    Cartoon: What winter? We’ve been having one continuous Fall since September. There’s no end to the rain and gloom; it’s so depressing.

  6. Puzzle — 4:22  When I go through the drive-thru at McD’s, I get really strange looks when I hand the straws back.  I don’t like straws because they are not environmentally friendly.  But more than that, just like babies get gas when sucking on the nipple of a baby bottle, I get gas from sucking on a straw!

    RWW — End of the world?  I think this crack-pot, Klingenschmidt, should look at Trump as the bringer of the end of the world, what with his provocations of Kim Jong Un and the “size of the button” scandal.  As you say, “”where are the demonic spirits?” is “in the Oval Office”.”

    TRMS — WOW!!!  If Drumpf was innocent, and his minions equally innocent, then why all the attempts to block the Russia investigation?  Why all the obstruction and lying? His, and their actions are legion!  It is Drumpf and Republicans who are staging a coup d’état to wrest the government from We the People.  Out! Out damn spot!!!

    AlterNet — Hope, watch to whom you attach your wagon!  “Caucasian race and female gender are no defense against charges of criminal IOKIYAR. ” — Amen!!!

    Cartoon — If Drumpf gets his way, it will be a nuclear winter.  BTW, Wiarton Willie IV bit a CBC reporter yesterday and then scurried off to sleep for another 6 weeks.

    Sorry I missed yesterday . . . my laptop kept freezing.  I drained it with hopes that would fix things.  It did initially.  I discovered that one can’t have 20 or more sites open at the same time.  I have not had issues since I recorded all the urls and closed the pages. Probably a good plan re the naps.  If I over sleep, I always feel worse.

  7. Thanks and tired hugs! 29

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