Jul 282012

Yesterday, I fell asleep right after posting my personal update and almost slept around the clock.  I did wake up just in time fore the opening ceremony, but I did not watch in protest of the USOC decision to provide US athletes expensive uniforms, sewn in Chinese sweat shops, when they could have purchased US made uniforms for far less.  I ate a light meal and went back to sleep.  I woke up a few minutes ago, hours after my normal rising time.  I am still in some pain, but nothing like before.  I have to go out to get meds, and this will be today’s only article.  I’m current with replies only to comments on yesterday’s personal update.  If I feel better, I’ll try to do more.  Tomorrow will depend on how I feel.

Jig Zone Puzzles:

Yesterday’s took me 3:13 (average 4:45).  To do it, click here.  Today’s took me 4:37 (average 5:29).  To do it, click here.  Hoe did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: See, Here’s The Truly Frightening Thing About What They Are Doing To Pennsylvania Voters.


I don’t have to tell you who ‘THEY’ are!

From Washington Post: Stubbornly close and deeply divisive, the presidential race throttles into its last 100 days as an enormous clash over economic vision, with the outcome likely to come down to fall debates, final unemployment numbers and fierce efforts to mobilize voters. It may seem like an election for the whole nation, but only about eight states will decide who wins the White House.

Polling shows the contest between President Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney remains remarkably static across the country and in those pivotal states even as both men and their allies pour money into largely negative television advertising to sway opinions.

The two candidates will intensify their time before voters in the weeks ahead, knowing much of the public will not truly start paying attention until after Labor Day.

Because so many voters are paying absolutely no attention to anything less superficial that the purchase of STUFF, Willard uses lies to pick off these voters and those intellectually euthanized by Faux Noise. They are just too willfully ignorant to know any better.  Shame!  What we informed voters do in the next 100 days is, in my opinion, critical to the survival of the this nation as a place where elections matter.

From Christian Science Monitor: A federal judge on Friday issued a preliminary injunction that allows the Catholic owners of a private company in Colorado to avoid providing their female employees with contraceptives as required under President Obama’s health-care reform law.

The owners of the company, Hercules Industries, objected to the requirement under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), saying it violated their sincerely held religious beliefs.

Company officials say they are striving to build their business around a corporate culture based on principles of the Roman Catholic Church. As such, their existing self-insured health plan does not include coverage for contraception or sterilization.

That crappy excuse for a judge arrived at a decision possible only by choosing to ignore the Constitution in favor of Theocon dogma.




  12 Responses to “Open Thread–7/28/2012”

  1. So glad you are better TC.  Don't know of that condition myself, fingers crossed, but have family that say it is the worst ever.
     You needed that rest for some time, enjoy and give yourself a break.  Need you to be healthy to fight off these uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh , shall we just call them thugs????  Although what you called the Lieb sounds right to me. Sorry little whiny twit.
    Thanks for all you do. 
    Take care.

    • Thank you Gypsy.  Hmmm… I fear that the SPCT (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Thugs) may sue you for defamation. 🙂

  2. Puzzles — 3:37 on the poppies (I don't smell too good next to you TC) and 4:29 for the wooden flutes (I guess I am a touch more musical than you!).
    MoveOn — That's a lot of people being denied their constitutionally guaranteed right to vote just because the Republican/Teabaggers have manufactured voter fraud, when really they should be more concerned with electoral fraud perpetrated by themselves.
    Washington Post — And if Rmoney should gain the WH because of those intellectually euthanised by Faux Noise, and then they find out how wrong they were, I wonder what they will say or do then?  If a Canuck kid, who has no direct interest in the outcome, can keep up more or less with the race, why can't those who have a vested interest?  Unfortunately, it is the same here only we only get 60 days from writ to polling day!  What happens there though, does eventually affect us north of the 49th,
    Christian Science Monitor — And the judge was apparently a Jimmy Carter appointee.  When did the rights of the few negate the rights of the many?

    The fanatical evangelical Christians and the RC church are leading a charge against contraception and sterilisation on the basis of freedom of religion. But what about my freedom of religion? My religion allows me to use contraceptives or to seek sterilisation if that is my wish.

    And of course, with Citizens United, corporations have been given personhood which means, so it seems, that they also have 'freedom of religion' and can contest the use of contraceptives and sterilisation on religious grounds.

    If you don't want to use contraceptives based on your religious beliefs, then don't use them. Nobody is forcing you. But don't deny me my rights.  The same goes for voluntary sterilisation.
    I'll bet this plan covers viagra though!

    Cartoon — Looks like Rmoney's collar is a tad tight.  Maybe he'll choke on it and drop out of the race.

    • Anymore 1/2 against you is primo!

      They are concerned, Lynn, with getting away with it.

      Lynn, you forgot.  Rights are fore them only.

      Well, his olympic performance fell well short of gold.

  3. ACTION ALERT — Help bring the closure of Gitmo one step closer by signing the attached petition to repatriate Omar Khadr, a Canadian citizen and a child soldier who has endured torture etc at Gitmo in contravention of UN Conventions.  He was told he would serve his sentence in Canada after the first year but Harper and the Canadian government are dragging their asses.  Thanks everybody!
    The case of Omar Khadr—a Canadian citizen and former child soldier—is a stain upon our society and shows a blatant disregard for Canada’s obligations under international law.

    During his 10 nightmarish years at Bagram and Guantánamo Bay, Omar Khadr’s rights have been violated time and again. He has been denied the right to due process and a fair trial, the right to protection from torture, and the rights stemming from the Convention on the Rights of the Child and its Optional Protocol on Children in Armed Conflict.

    After years of dragging its feet, Canada finally agreed to his return in 2010, so long as he served one additional year in Guantánamo. No one forced the government’s hand. It made its promise voluntarily. That year has passed, and yet the transfer request continues to gather dust on the minister’s desk awaiting his signature. This is simply unacceptable.

    Just days ago, Marine Col. Jeffrey Colwell, chief defense counsel for military commissions openly chastised Canada for crippling US efforts to enter into plea agreements: If the US “can’t carry through on their end of the bargain, it has a chilling effect on the willingness of others to plead. There was an expectation by all parties involved that Khadr was going to be home last fall. It’s July, and he’s not.”

    The Americans have held up their end of the deal. Omar Khadr has held up his end of the deal. Why is the Canadian government refusing to follow through on its commitment?

    Enough is enough. Canada must keep its word — and Minister Toews must authorize Omar Khadr’s return without delay. A deal is a deal.

    If thousands join me, we can force Canada to honour its promise. Now is the time to speak up and spread the word. Please sign this petition and help me bring Omar Khadr home.

    LGen Honourable Roméo A. Dallaire, (Ret'd), Senator

  4. You should really take a look at the Opening Ceremony sometime – you'd truly enjoy it!  It's been vilified by right-wingers because it celebrated the benefits of social programs – like the NHS. 
    Anytime you get a Wingnut like Ann Althouse to agree with the Tweet of fellow UK right-winger, Burley (Tory Member of Parliament), you must be doing something right.  Here's his Tweet:

    "The most Leftie opening ceremony I have ever seen – more than Beijing, the capital of a communist state! Welfare tribute next?"

    For those concerned with how Ann Rmoney's horse, Rafalca, is doing – rest assured he's traveling in First Class.  (But with the usual Mitt twist).  Some candid photo of Rafalca:
    Coming "across the pond" via his own private jet:
    Enjoying a Taxi ride in London:
    PS: WRT to Bullets – remember that there are things YOU are able to do as Administrator that don't work (even though they appear as an option) to us paeans. 

  5. 3:21 on the poppy.  Looks like you are the winner unless Patty sneaks in.
    4:05 on the flutes.  That time looks good unless….

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