Personal Update–7/27/2012

 Posted by at 4:35 am  Personal
Jul 272012

Yesterday my plans blew up and my day was as pleasant as a Teabagger committing Teabuggery.  After posting my articles, I felt ill.  I thought it was severe constipation, so I used a Fleet, took some Dulcoclax, and cancelled my trip to the prison.  By bedtime I was doubled over in pain, so I went to the emergency room.  I was right about the constipation, but found out that I am also passing a kidney stone (first ever, and one too many).  The stone is now mostly passed, and I’m still in pain, but nothing like before.  I’m exhausted, but still have a lot to do getting meds and scheduling doctors, so I will have nothing to post today.  Hopefully, I’ll be back tomorrow.


  19 Responses to “Personal Update–7/27/2012”

  1. Be well, dear friend.

  2. Very sorry to hear that.  Kidney stones are frequently described in the medical literature as "the worst pain possible" (and that includes surveys of women who have given birth). 
    You could use some cheering up, so how about some Tweets from Rmoney's DISASTROUS Olympic gaffes:

    Romney is RETROACTIVELY canceling his trip to the Olympics in London
    Seriously, some Americans just should NOT leave the country
    The Brits are saying that Romney is worse than Palin. Funny, John McCain thought so, too.
    President? Hell, Mitt Romney isn't even qualified to represent the U.S. as a tourist!
    You can tell Mitt Romney is doing badly when he starts getting booed by rich white people
    Mitt Romney is now, officially, an international embarrassment. Our policy of containment has failed.
    Not since WWII has London seen a bombing as thorough as Mitt Romney’s.
    Ahead of Romney's Israel trip, advisory team reminds him that "Hi, I baptized your dead grandma" is NOT an acceptable greeting.
    The Mitt Cycle: 1. Condescend; 2. Flounder; 3. Pander; 4. Repeat.

    And a couple of funny photos:

    • Oops … Sorry, they're both the same.  Looks like Webshots is having some problems.
      (And no idea why in the preview window the Tweets are formatted as bullets, but don't display as bullets.)

    • Funny!  Very funny, but sadly true.

    • Very, very funny Nameless!
      BIG LMAO with "Not since WWII has London seen a bombing as thorough as Mitt Romney’s."

    • Thanks Nameless.

      • I don't know why they didn't format properly.
      • Bullets seem to be working.

      I must be a pretty tough old fart, then, because when they asked me to rate pain between 1 (none) and 10 (worst imaginable), I said 7 or 8.

      I trust you will enjoy today's cartoon.

  3. Feel better, TC.  Take care .

  4. Take care TomCat.  I can think of few things worse than problems with both sides of the "nether regions" at the same time.  How did you get to the ER?

  5. Hope you are better soon  Take care get rest we will be here when you return   and Romney is making a name fro himself in London    Headlines "Mitt is worse than Palin and Mitt the twit  lol  You will have penty  to write about when you return  looks like Mitt is waiting too lol

  6. Look after that kitty kiester!  We want you back asap, but healthy!  Take care my friend.  Meow, meow, meow — greetings from my three!

  7. So sorry to hear this T.
    I've been worried about my first one appearing anytime now what with the economic pressure I'm (and we all are ) under.
    Hope you feel better already and are never revisited by these "demons."
    Rest up. We'll keep checking in.

  8. Oh Tom., Tom, Tom. Bless you heat. I hope you're back up to snuff asap. Those damn ole stones hurt like hell, so I sympathize. You'd think they were boulders passing through. Hugs.

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