Jul 162012

Yesterday the weather was cool enough that I slept most of the day.  The building finally bled off enough heat that, in the wee hours last night, my apartment reached the 70°s again for the first time in ten days.  I have a routine appointment with my doctor to follow up on the bad shoulder, and on the way back, I have to stop at the supermarket for staples, so this article is all for today.  I’m still not current with replies, but will catch up ASAP.  Tomorrow I have physical therapy, so we’ll see what the day brings.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:09 (average 4:57).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: BREAKING: Obama Doubles Down, Releases Scathing New Ad On Romney’s Record


His policies are even more off key than he is.

From NY Times: Five years after he started “crime suppression” sweeps that terrorized Latino neighborhoods across Maricopa County, Arizona, Sheriff Joe Arpaio is finally having to explain himself. Not to TV crews in Phoenix or to fawning hosts on Fox News, but before a federal judge.

The trial in Melendres v. Arpaio, a class-action civil-rights lawsuit, is scheduled to begin Thursday in Federal District Court in Phoenix. The plaintiffs, represented by the American Civil Liberties Union and the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, accuse the sheriff of waging an all-out, unlawful campaign of discrimination and harassment against Latinos and those who look like them.

That should be a slam dunk. Crazy Joe was obeying the Brewerstan Death Angel, Jan Brewer.

From Capital Column: Texas Congressman Ron Paul has failed to win a majority of delegates in Nebraska, ending his chance of being considered eligible for nomination at the Republican National Convention in Tampa this August.

According to Republican National Committee rules, the libertarian GOP presidential candidate needed a plurality of delegates in five states to ensure himself an official presence and speaking slot at the convention. He already had four – in Iowa, Louisiana, Maine, and Minnesota – and Nebraska was his last opportunity to get the fifth.

On one hand, good riddance to bad rubbish, as that racist misanthrope bites the dust.  On the other hand, seeing him interfere with the Bankster’s pig party may have been most entertaining.




  15 Responses to “Open Thread–7/16/2012”

  1. I understand that the Ron Paul people are setting up their own convention close by. Hopefully, Ron will run as a Libertarian and suck up lots of the wingnut votes from Romney. Thanks, Ron. If you do that'll make it so much easier for President Obama's election. 
    If Ralph Nader keeps his trap shut, then life will be good. Any other wingnut lefties out there worth worrying about. I fully support 3rd parties having their voices heard. I just don't want them to create the unintended consequence of getting Mitt elected. I'm really not ready to leave the country just yet.

  2. Puzzle — 4:03 Movin' along on the tracks all wheels engaged!
    MoveOn — Rmoney should give up his 'singing career' as well as his day job! Presidential material he is not! Great ad and more of them needed.
    Melendres vs Arpaio — I certainly hope that the judge finds for the plaintiff.  Arpaio and Battle Ax Brewer have to go and an excellent first step would be to throw judicial cold water on their xenophobic ideas.
    Ron Paul — I wonder if he will throw his lot in with Randi Shannon in Iowa now that she is a senator in the Republic of the United States of America and no longer affiliated with the United States Corporation.  That would be a wild one.
    Cartoon — I am curious — why was DC created as the capital separate from any state?


    • 4:03  Look's like I am movin' right along side you, Lynn.

    • A bit paraphrased, but …
      In his "Federalist No. 43" James Madison argued that the new federal government would need authority over a national capital to provide for its own maintenance and safety.  Five years earlier, in an event known as the Pennsylvania Mutiny of 1783, a band of unpaid soldiers besieged Congress while its members were meeting in Philadelphia. The Pennsylvania government refused requests to forcibly disperse the protesters, which emphasized the need for the national government not to rely on any state for its own security.
      Article One, Section Eight of the United States Constitution therefore permits the establishment of the "District of Columbia".

      • Thanks Nameless.  I have read the Constitution but didn't remember that.  Interesting!

    • I'm Last again.



      Nameless beat me to it. 😉


  3. A thought on Pres. Obama & Rev. Wright vs. Rmoney & Bain:
    If repubicans believe that Obama, when he merely sat in one of the pews, should be held responsible for the comments of Rev. Wright – then they surely also must believe that Romney, when he swore he was the "sole stockholder, Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, President and Managing Director", must be held responsible for the outsourcing & job destruction done by Bain.
    And a surprise from Forbes, of all sources, posing 35 Questions that Rmoney MUST answer about Bain before he can even hope to put the issue to rest.  And these are some very, VERY good questions!

    • I read them earlier on Truth Out I think.  Some good questions but will his answers be equally good?  That is of course if he chooses to respond.  He is so arrogant.  He just thinks this is all Mr Obama's doing when in actual fact, it is own doing.  I sure hope that the American voters have long memories when it comes to Republican/Teabagger duplicity.

  4. Looks like Willard just keeps stepping in it, in spite of all the help he's getting from his MSM stenographers.
    I thought Chimpy was a poor choice. Damned if they haven't figured out a way to outdo even that one.

  5. Ron Paul lost his last ditch effort in Nebraska. He only got 4 delegates and Rmoney got 31. He would have to hold his own convention and start his own country to be President now. He can still take votes away from Mittens though if he can still get on the ballot.
    Go Obama in 2012!!!

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