Jul 172012

Yesterday mother nature pulled a cruel trick on me.  It was supposed to stay cloudy and cool, but the sun came out right after I left home and stayed there, super-heating the air in the enclosed breezeway outside my windows.  I had both fans set to blow what I thought would be cool air in from the breezeway.  When I returned home, it was 112° at my desk.  I have a full slate today, because my physical therapy was rescheduled.  My therapist was pregnant (I didn’t do it.) and went into labor.  I’m current with replies.  Tomorrow is up in the air because my physical therapy is then.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:53 (average 4:42).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From MoveOn: Out Of All The Reasons African-Americans Don’t Trust Mitt Romney, Here’s The Very Best One


It’s a damn good reason for the rest of us too!

From LA Times: It’s a long way from becoming policy, but President Obama’s proposal to raise taxes on households making at least $250,000 a year seems to be a winning political position for now, at least.

A new survey by the nonpartisan Pew Research Center found that 44% said the tax increase would help the economy, 22% said it would be harmful, and 24% said the tax hike would not make a difference.

Nothing else makes sense.

From NY Daily News: Rush Limbaugh’s attacks on President Obama may have peaked (or bottomed out) Monday when the talk show host claimed the U.S. president "hates this country."

Limbaugh worked up to this dubious charge after slamming Obama and Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren for suggesting that government investments in education, infrastructure and law enforcement help contribute to corporate profits.

If Limbarf says do, it’s Republican dogma.




  10 Responses to “Open Thread–7/17/2012”

  1. 3:20   No flowery statements here.  Just a pretty good time.

  2. In reference to your cartoon, today is also the anniversary of the invention of the air conditioner.
    On this day, July 17, 1902, Willis Carrier invented the air conditioner. He submitted drawings for the first air conditioning system because he was trying to solve a printing quality problem.
    His invention addressed the four basic functions for air conditioning: control temperature, control humidity, control air circulation, and cleanse the air.
    Thank you, Willis Carrier!

  3. Puzzle — 4:20 under the average but it was no bed of roses.  Must be my allergies!
    MoveOn — "It’s a damn good reason for the rest of us too!" — I was thinking that very thing as I read through the piece.  I guess great minds think alike. (and we won't go into the other half of that saying!)
    LA Times — Let me guess — the 44% make less than $250K and see hope in fairness of taxation; the 22% were all Republican/Teabaggers earning $250K or more; and the 24% were people that have given up hope in any fairness in taxation.
    Limbaugh — I wish Limbaugh would be patriotic and find a hole to crawl into and stay there.  This misogynistic bully is an insult to the male gender and to the US.
    Cartoon — Cool!  Now the space launches are in Russia, or at least one of the states of the old USSR.  I wonder if they could be persuaded to launch Limbaugh into space?

    • Not a bad time.

      When I see someone has posted the same thing I have, I say, :Great minds fall in the same ditch." 🙂

      Sounds good to me.

      …and to the human race.

      No.  Space is no place for Weapons of Mass Distraction.

      • … ditch, eh!  The other half of that saying goes like this "… and fools seldom differ!"
        Limbaugh, a Weapon of Mass Distraction — cute!  When I wrote that, I was thinking that the Russians would accuse the US of trying to use a deadly weapon, but I was thinking more along the lines of his nuclear mouth!

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