A Romney Double Reverse

 Posted by at 12:06 am  Politics
Oct 132011

Mitt Romney might best be described as the Republican on both sides of every issue.  The subject of health care is particularly difficult for Mitt, as he flip flops with special vigor.  Now he claims that he will repeal what he supported using a tactic that he opposed.

RomneyHatIt’s hard to see why Republicans aren’t embracing Romney. He’s as big a hypocrite as any other Republican that’s ever achieved higher office, so his party bonafides are hard to argue.

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney doubled down on his pledge to repeal the Affordable Care Act during last night’s Republican presidential debate, pledging to eliminate the entire law through the reconciliation process, a special procedure that allows the Senate to bypass the filibuster and pass spending bills with 51, instead of 60 votes. After relying on the process to pass President Bush’s tax cuts for the rich, Republicans attacked Democrats’ efforts to pass a small bill of health care "fixes" in 2010 by claiming that it undermined the democratic system, but have now had another change of heart.[…]

Republicans described the process as a "convoluted legislative charade" and claimed that it is "an extraordinary and unprecedented abuse" that is "not good democracy."

In fact, even Romney directly criticized the process he’s now endorsing.

Inserted from <Daily Kos>

Here’s the video.

Lawrence O’Donnell discusses Romneycare with Romney advisor Jonathan Gruber.

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No wonder Romney is lying like a Republican!  For a laugh, check out WhichMitt.com.


  12 Responses to “A Romney Double Reverse”

  1. There are two fun sites keeping tabs on “Multiple Choice Mitt” – the first having documented 54 – FIFTY-FOUR – flip-flops: http://www.multiplechoicemitt.com/

    And this one is an interactive quiz (HINT: you can’t go wrong choosing “All The Above”): http://www.whichmitt.com/which-mitt

  2. I hope everyone had the opportunity to catch Jimmy Kimmel’s Impersonation of the candidates the other night. They’ve been showing it on many news networks today. He does a perfect Mittens.

  3. This chameleon has worn out his skin and has no credibility on anything anymore.

  4. Mitty’s credibility was lost a while back– I wonder if the many ‘flip-flops’ and contradictions might just be the real Mitt ?  A wimp who doesn’t know what he believes or stand for ?

  5. Flip! Flop!

    I was given a bath . . .

    Damn, it’s Splish! Splash!  Thought I had a new single going to go viral on the charts.

    That said, with a record of flip-flops like his, it’s a wonder that Romney’s still in the race.  The Republicans must be desparate.  It’s one thing to change your mind if you have new information that challenges your status quo, but Romney did a flip-flop on Obamacare which was modeled on Romney’s successful Massachusetts healthcare plan.

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