Oct 132011

When I think of 9-9-9, what comes to mind is Sgt. Schultz from Hogan’s Heroes, saying “Nein! Nein! Nein!”, followed by, “I know nothing!”  Even though several outside economists have declared that Cain’s plan will cause a huge drop in federal revenue, Cain denies their claims, based on his so-called “panel of economists”, that appear to be mythical.  He only names one advisor, and lied about that advisor’s credentials.

13CainFrom PoliticoHerman Cain’s economic adviser is not an economist:

Herman Cain says his much-touted 9-9-9 plan is the product of extensive testing and thinking, but the only man he cited as involved with its research — Rich Lowrie of Cleveland, Ohio — is not a trained economist.

Instead, Lowrie — who’s the only economic adviser Cain has been willing to mention by name — is a wealth manager for a division of Wells Fargo and according to his LinkedIn page holds an accountancy degree from Case Western Reserve University. Lowrie also spent three years on the advisory board of the conservative third-party group Americans For Prosperity.

The former Godfather’s Pizza CEO was pressed for his circle of economic advisers at Tuesday’s debate in response to a question from moderator Karen Tumulty of the Washington Post.

“My advisers come from the American people. Now, I will have some experts. One of my experts that helped me to develop this is a gentleman by the name of Rich Lowrie out of Cleveland, Ohio,” Cain said during the debate. “He is an economist, and he has worked in the business of wealth creation most of his career.”

… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Crooks and Liars>

Here’s the video.  Watch Cain lie.

Now, if Lowrie is a wealth manager, not an economist, what does a wealth manager at a bank do?  Ideally, they help people plan for their future by analyzing their needs and providing them the investments that meet those needs.  Some are honest and take that role seriously.  Others are just securities sales people for Banksters.  My best guess is that Lowrie is one of the latter, because he also worked three years for Americans for Prosperity, the advocacy front group founded by and operating for the Koch Brothers.


  13 Responses to “Cain lied about advisor’s qualifications”

  1. Throughout life I have met some seemingly intelligent people, as you get to know them you will also find a gaping FLAW, some have an eye tic when they get stressed, some embellish stories, some count their steps obsessively, I am a clutterbug. Some of these flaws are a mere annoyance…some are downright scarey! Herman Cain is scarey….he seems to be good at only one thing…the $9.99 Pizza. You cannot convince me that those numbers aren’t STUCK in his brain as an obsession! ANY idiot would use 10-10-10 for that type of formula for simplistic clarity, NOT Cain…his idiocy is SPECIAL~~OCD!

    • I think his mannerisms are an act, and under that act is a very devious man.

      • Yup, just look at his eyes when he talks.  The eyes tell you he’s trying to sell you snake oil.  There isn’t an honest bone in body I’ll bet.

  2. 9-9-9 Redistribution of the wealth to the wealthy even more than now.

    He’s just the flavor of the month. You know, anybody but Romney.

  3. It is easy from listening to this guy that he is off in never-never land, and doesn’t have a clue about what this country or the majority of its citizens want or truly need. Only the Republicans would run such a loser!

    • Are you sure jack?  That cluelessness  may be a smoke screen to make him acceptable as an African American in the Republican South.

  4. I do note a tie back to the Kochs in here !

  5. He’s the Koch’s boy.  I wonder if he even realizes it, or if they paid him so much money that he just doesn’t care.

  6. Anybody notice that at the very end of the video, Cain says Lowrie is from Cleveland Texas?  or do my ears deceive me?  Looks like he doesn’t know the difference between Ohio, which he mentioned early in the clip, and Texas.  And the Republicans think this guy could be president?

    Linked In says he has a degree in accounting and that would make sense for a wealth manager.  Probably, he took a course or two in economics but that does not make him an economist.  And if he’s the one (I doubt there are any others in Cain’s pocket, and if there are, they don’t want to be named because his 999 is hairbrained!) who came up with this 999 for Cain, he is also a certified idiot!

    I wonder if Cain is just cannon fodder for one of the other candidates?  You know they say there 6 degrees of separation, well Cain > Lowrie > Americans for Prosperity > Koch Brothers — that’s within the 6!

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