Oct 132011

When Republicans ran for office in 2010, their mantra was “Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!”  Since they took control of the House, they have not brought a single bill to the floor intended to create jobs.  They refuse to debate or vote on the American Jobs Act.  In fact, they avoid the subject like a plague, except to lie that they are pursuing it.  To avoid the jobs issue, they turn to social issues, such as their war on Islam, war on immigrants, war on gays, and in this example, war on women.

13jobsIn what would be a major and potentially deadly change in American healthcare policy, The House of Representatives will take up H.R. 358 —The Protect Life Act—this week. The bill would permit federally funded hospitals to refuse abortion services even to women who would likely die without the procedure.

As the law currently stands, hospitals are required by EMTALA to provide emergency care to anyone who walks through their doors. If a hospital is unable or unwilling to perform a necessary procedure, it is obligated to stabilize the patient and then transfer the individual to a facility that can perform the procedure and agrees to do so. As a result of the EMTALA requirements, the 600 plus Catholic hospitals in the nation who are unwilling to perform abortions on religious grounds, even in life-threatening circumstances to the mother, are obligated to transfer that patient in need of such a procedure to a hospital that agrees to perform the required operation.

If The Protect Life Act were to pass, this would no longer be the case. Hospitals that do not care to perform abortions, for whatever reason and even when the procedure is required to save the life of the mother, would be legally permitted to simply do nothing… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Mother Jones>

In the interest of disclosure, I believe that abortion is a terrible decision.  However, I recognize that sometimes, it is the least terrible of the options available.  I also recognize that I lack the right to impose my personal belief on anyone else, so as much as I dislike abortion, the decision belongs not to me, but to each individual woman faced with that choice, and therefore I fully support a woman’s right to choose.

But Republican attempts to destroy personal freedom is not what is on Americans’ minds.  Jobs is.  Rachel Maddow covers this disconnect and other issues with columnist EJ Dionne

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Everything Republicans do can be traced back to one of two purposes.  First is the transfer of wealth from the poor and middle classes to millionaires, billionaires and corporate criminals.  Second is the establishment of a permanent regime of Republican one-party rule.  Creating jobs with a Democratic President in office mitigates against the second purpose.


  20 Responses to “How Congress Avoids the Jobs Issue”

  1. I’m not so sure that they haven’t decided to deliberately cause the collapse of the US so that they can swoop in like the vultures that they are and grab pieces of it. Nothing else really explains their MO.

  2. According to Think Progress, this repubican travesty of a bill has now been more accurately re-christened the “Let Women Die Bill”


  3. What on earth are we going to do with the hundreds (maybe thousands) of unwanted babies that will be born without birth control and abortions? A horror film is playing in my head where there are babies roaming the the streets badly deformed, lying in gutters, begging for scraps…..or was I just thinking of Calcutta?

  4. I believe I heard Rachel Maddow state that this will be over 200 times that they have voted on such a bill since they took over Congress.

    Whatever happened to “jobs, jobs, jobs”, Misters Boehner and Cantor?

  5. Every single Republican in Congress must go. One Republican is one Republican too many!

  6. Republicans publicly stated goal from their leader Mitch McConnell, is to defeat President Obama, not help the American people.  The surprise is not Republican elected officials statements, but the public’s support for them.

    • Tom, I think that their support is there, because they have their own information network.  From blogs to right wing papers to right wing radio to their pulpits to Faux Noise they hear the same lies over and over again so often, that should they happen to hear the truth by accident, it triggers them to feel fearful and indignant.

  7. My personal belief is that every abortion is a tragedy ; that said– I also believe the question is a matter better placed in  the separation of   Church/state corner– it  is a religious issue , as is the “gay issue”.  It is most annoying to me that rarely do we hear the questions asked concerning the reasons a woman would choose to abort— : Women do not choose this option lightly–In contrast to the Repigs  view of women as helpless and stupid;.

    I suggest the most important factor influencing the choice to abort is economic– The inability to feed , clothe , and house a new life ; These days it’s a decision resulting from no job- a poorly paid job, part time job;- any of these— but most coming to economic.  Seems rare to even consider what makes a woman choose  abortion  —  Abortion is not a selfish decision , overwhelmingly it is practical .

    The contempt for women in this proposed bill is devastating– The contempt for  us– the 99%  , overwhelming ; ! The need for Jobs–essential !   At this point seems to be every other issue  pales in comparison


  8. Anyone who is sick to death of the idiot-fringe voted in to Congress by the Tea Party in 2010 can contribute to CLEANING HOUSE to get these fascists OUT of office in 2012 .  Bonus — any contribution is matched 100%, so whatever you can spare is doubled (compliments of Emily’s List):




    • Thanks for this, Ann.  Is there a list of candidates who will get funding?  Like I’d hate to think my donation might to Mary Landrieu (DINO-LA) or Benedict Nelson (DINO-NE).

  9. I do not believe in abortion for myself, but I will defend and support any woman to make that decision for herself.  I cannot impose my views on another.

    I think what America should do however is ABORT the Republicans.  Maybe that is really why they oppose abortion and planned parenthood.  If the Republicans were aborted, then America could tackle the jobs issue in a constructive manner.

  10. I have an idea for a new law! How about NO religion can run a hospital in order to preserve separation of church and state and freedom of religion! That should “fix” any moral qualms the church may have!

    • Some religious hospitals do excellent charitable work.  I’m ok as long as, in matters of treatment, law must take precedence over belief.

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