Dec 032021

Glenn Kirschner – Not his own video, but an appearance on Stephanie Miller from 11/28. So, not new. He just shows a slughtly different side of himself to Stephanie.

RHQ – Trump Rioter Hit By Most Ironic Karma

Now this News – Exhibit Sheds Light on Migrant Farmworkers’ Stories

Really American – INSANE “Dr.” Oz IS A Danger To America

The Alt-Right Playbook – I’m not sure whether this is a new end note or whether I just don’t remember it (or maybe issed it.) But hey, it’s worth watching multiple times.

Reuters – White House unveils Biden Christmas decorations

Beau – Let’s talk about Fred Gray, Alabama, and a new south….


  2 Responses to “Video Thread 12/3/21”

  1. Comment from Mitch – 

    GK: It’s the same as we’ve seen previously.  Glenn is not going to turn out to be a 2 dimensional personality.RHQ: Irony, and F**k Their Feelings!
    NTN: Too many people do not realize that without these folks, we would not eat.  Virtually no exceptional Americans want to do the kind of back-breaking, grueling, work these people do.  I’m sure that that is doubly true among the “Superior” White folk!
    RA: Just another snake, selling snake oil!  When he starts to get more publicity than the Orange Snake, that one will start to spit venom.
    Endnote:  I have no doubt that his spin is correct.  It has been obvious that the GQP, and its predecessor, the GOP, have been about nothing but 
    maintaining their white, male privilege.
    Reuters: That’s pretty.
    Beau: Well, then, the people in the NEW south, need to overcome gerrymandering, and kick these jackassses out.  Take it to court, where it will get a LOT of national publicity, and, maybe, shame (can the bastards be shamed?) the state officials.
    Insane: Well, then, if this is insane, isn’t it just perfectly fitting for the GQP to embrace it?

  2. RHQ: May karma strike all of them this way.

    NTN: Part of the economy would collapse if migrant workers refused to come and do this back-breaking work for the little money they earn.

    RA: Oh, no, not another TV personality trying his luck in politics…

    IS: No, I don’t think you’ve posted this third endnote before. Like all the other videos in the series exposing the Alt-Right, this is excellent and indeed worth watching multiple times. If only I had the time…

    Beau: The mayor of Montgomery’s idea to take the renaming of the street to court is awesome and, although it may cost a large multiple of that ridiculous $25.000 fine, is definitely the best option to show America how divorced from its people the Alabama government is. Let those white Republicans try to defend their reasons in public for trying to keep a street in Montgomery, the birthplace of black resistance in the 50s, now named after the much-despised first and only President of the Confederate States of America, Jefferson Davis, from being renamed by a true hero, son of Montgomery and one of its most significant contributors, Fred D. Gray.

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