Nov 212021

Glenn Kirschner – Defendant Jacob “QAnon Shaman” Chansley Sentencing to 41 Months in Prison for Capitol Attack

Meidas Touch – Kyle Rittenhouse NOT GUILTY verdict will inspire more vigilante killers

MSNBC – Media Dilemma: How To Cover Indecent Politicians Without Amplifying Them? (Sadly, Rachel is one of very,very few who even ask this question. But it’s nice for me to know that another of the very, very few is in Denver.)

politicsrus – Kevin Is a Creep

Caffeinated with John Fugelsang – Ep #3 Bribe Back Better

Puppet Regime – Obstreperous Turkey

Beau – Let’s talk about bad news for DeJoy and good news for the postal service….


  5 Responses to “Video Thread 11/21/21”

  1. Comment from Mitch – 

    GK: Indeed!MT: No doubt!  Unless he gets sued by the VICTIM’S families, and/or the wounded VICTIM!  Some news has surfaced about the judge having hidden some
    evidence from the prosecution.
    MD: I can not watch Boebart blow smoke through her ass!
    Politicsrus: “Creep” is the nicest thing you can find to say about this maggot.
    BBB: A great idea!
    PR: Funny!
    Beau: Bloom’s tenure is due to end on 12/8/21, and Biden’s timing makes sense to me.  DeJoy needs to be Deposed!
    Mitch D.

  2. As a middle aged white male, I am just so nauseated by the Rittenhouse decision and how he is being idolized by many of the Repuglicons….I am so saddened and maddened by what has happened to this country in my lifetime…..

    Used to be we could disagree and compromise and work together, used to be the answer to disagreements wasn’t violence, used to be we could all pay our fair shares and do work for the whole of the country and the world, used to be considerate of the future….I am not sure we ever stopped having racial anger/hatred and prejudice, but it didn’t seem like justice was so one sided at times……

    thanks for letting me vent.

    • Please vent any time (you do it very politely, TBH.)  As an elderly – actually old – white woman, I feel exactly the same, but probably wouldn’t have expressed it as well.

    • I too agree with Dave’s comment about Rittenhouse. Believe me I was not speaking polite words when I heard the verdict. Plus hearing what a few of the rotten R’s have offered him, has made me even more angrier. It’s not the direction I like seeing the politicians going. The R’s have decided to take a different road, going in the wrong direction. One that more for tearing our country apart in more ways than one.
      I’ll be trying 69 in few days, so I fall in the older white women club.

  3. JM: It moved the bar a little…not much but enough to matter. The Shaman will be out shortly, after his stint in the cell waiting for trial is likely deducted on good behaviour, but that is part of justice too.

    MT: The last videos made by the MT-brothers are excellent. I was absolutely abhorred by the verdict, yet I was certain it would turn out this way. And I’m not even American; I can’t imagine the pain Dave C. expresses. America is sick to the core and its festering pustules are exploding in Congress. These are decisive times; I can only hope the majority of Americans make the right choice in the coming months.

     MSNBC: Kudos to Kyle Clarke who put the dilemma on the agenda and is looking for a solution and to Rachel for showing this to the rest of America. I hope this is taken forward by the undoubtedly many decent journalists out there. But it may come to no avail as long as Congresspeople are allowed by the speakers to abuse their speech time with things that are lies, bigoted and cruel and not hold them accountable for whatever they throw out there.

    PRU: I’ve seen better attempts to vilify a Republican and at the same time praise Democratic efforts.

    JF: Everything else has failed to bring this duo to their senses, so this might be a good idea to bring them under Democratic wings. And will someone start following the money…if Sinema is so far off from re-election what the *&^% is happening to those millions of dollars coming from outside her state?

    GZERO: 06

    Beau: That news brought a sparkle to his eyes.

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