Oct 082021

Yesterday, I went through all the ballot issues I wil be voting on and figured out all the Yesses and Noes. In Colorado, General Elections in odd-numbered years are never for people but only for issues, and are limited to issues involving money. So it’s a drag reading through all of them. I have 3 state issues, one county issue, and one special district issue to vote on. The special district issue was easy – our fire and EMT response times are dire, all due to insufficuent funds. The others were more difficult, and I had to go to Colorado Public Radio for actual English explanations to determine where the Republican shenanigans are hidden (and there certainly are some.) But I have it figured out now. Also yesterday, Mitch and I figured out a way that I can email him the Open Thread (not a link, the actual content) which is simple and easy. And of course he can reply with comments. So we can keep in touch to that extent anyway.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

USPS Testing Out Postal Banking. Thank The Postal Union!
Quote – The USPS got out of the banking business in 1966, but for decades, think tanks and policy geeks have said it would be a great thing to bring back, because there are millions of Americans who don’t use banks, yes in 2021. Instead, far too many Americans are unbanked — about five percent of us — and pay too much to cash their paychecks at payday lenders, (some) grocery stores, or Walmart. Starting last month, the USPS began testing out a new system where people can cash business checks up to $500 and receive the money in the form of a gift card that can be used pretty much anywhere. As David Dayen puts it at the American Prospect, this is a big effing deal: He calls it “the most far-reaching executive action that the Biden administration has taken since Inauguration Day.”
Click through for story. Elizabeth Warren is one who will certainly be happy. This is a pet project of hers (one of many.)

Rise in New Mexico earthquakes likely triggered by oil industry
Quote – There were 146 quakes through June so far this year. Those numbers are just in New Mexico — they are even higher over the border in the Texas portion of the basin. The overwhelming majority of the quakes are small and barely perceptible to people right in the area where they occur. But Dr. Mairi Litherland, the manager of the Seismological Observatory at New Mexico Tech, is paying close attention because, “we have seen that when you start to see more of these smaller events, it can lead to larger events.”
Click through for details (including bad kitty litter). Gee- ya think?

GOP Senate Candidate Seeks Gag Order On His Wife
Quote – And now, true to Trump form, he’s got problems with his treatment of women in his personal life, ahem. “Pennsylvania Republican Senate candidate Sean Parnell has asked a judge to seal records in his ongoing custody case and to ban his wife and her attorney from talking publicly about past protection-from-abuse orders against him — matters that have stirred political attacks and media scrutiny.”
Click through – This is just the primary. Lots could happen.

Food for Thought –


  10 Responses to “Open Thread for October 8, 2021”

  1. Glad (and relieved) that all got figured out with Mitch, and his replies/comments to us, and to PP. Thank you, Joanne for helping Mitch. 
    Cartoon: Isn’t that awful? 
    Postal Banking: How cool is this? Pretty cool !! 
    Earthquake(s): Scary! Lived through a few earthquakes, Puerto Rico (on base) and in CA., when we lived there. 
    C&L: Good grief! What an as- ! 
    FFT: Speaking for myself…R’s are a pain. A BIG pain! 

    THIS JUST IN: “Republicans refusing to help raise the debt limit risks Social Security benefits, salaries for service members, and benefits for veterans. ~ The Democrats ~
    2. “It was humbling to visit the peaceful grounds of Gandhi Smriti, where Mahatma Gandhi spent the last days of his life, and to honor his commitment to democracy and human rights.”~ Wendy R. Sherman @DeputySecState 
    3. “The death of our democracy begins with deliberate attacks on truth. The erasure of norms and elimination of checks and balances. We can’t allow our democracy to falter. We must shore up our institutions against those who would destroy them. ~ Rep Adam Schiff ~
    4. “Ted Cruz said that school shootings take place because we removed “GOD” from the public square. Texas is 93% of Christians and has a fatal school shooting every year. Japan is 2% Christian and has never had a school shooting. Worst theory ever.” ~ @JRehiling ~ 
    5. “How much longer have I been in the hospital than expected? My first follow-up appointment is Monday. Sure hope we get out soon! Waiting to hear if today’s the day…” ~ John Pavlovitz ~ (3 hours ago). 

    • BREAKING: 1 hour ago…
      “After 7 days in the hospital, I’m going home.(Not home, like “to be with the Lord” kinda home, but to Wake Forest.)Honestly, I think I could fly there.” ~ John Pavlovitz
      (1 hour ago). 

      • Happy news. 28 Prayers being sent his way that he continues improving each and every day. 

      • Thank you, Joanne for putting Mitch’s submission on this page. 
        Nice to see him back and doing well, and commenting. 02
        Thank you, Colleen, as I too, am praying for John’s recovery and get well wishes to him. 46  

    • TJI #1 – Yup. Imay be wrong, but I think (hope) the continuing resolution is a good sign.
      TJI #2 – It would be. Just watching the opera is humbling for me. Lucky Wendy to be there.
      TJI #3 – Adam will not let us forget – and fortunately he is not alone – there are others, in and out of Congress, who continue ringing this bell.
      TJI #4 – The figures do speak, don’t they. I was reading a graphoc article over at The Nib aout what Australia did after only one mass shooting to bring gun violence under control, and what it continues to do to keep it under control. However, as the artist pointed out, Australia never had a “second Amendmen” (or for that matter a Revolutionary War. Japan never had a Second Amendment, but it did have a Samurai class which it purposefully abolished. I don’t suppose it would hurt to look at that history.
      TJI #5 – So happy he’s going home. I know he’s missed his family – and family do help in recovery.

    • TJI #4 – One only needs to consider the source to understand such idiocy.


    “Shenanigans” is in the GOP’s rancid DNA.  I have to thank Joanne for trying out this way of staying in touch, but the Rel credit goes to Pam, who thought up the idea.
    ‘Toon: Can we take a wrecking ball to the GOP?  Or, are they doing it to themselves?
    Postal banking sounds like a sound idea, to me.
    Quakes: Of course Oklahoma has fought off the idea that the oil industry’s activities can trigger quakes, why would they not?  I once knew a guy who had retired from that industry, and he “knew” that fracking caused no problems, yeah, right!
    Parnell:  Does he grab crotches, also?  Hell, that alone could get him elected!
    FFT:  Women and “rights?” Hey, the next guy to run for president will be the pastor in Idaho, who insists that wife rape is called for in the bible!

  3. Cartoon: Despicable the way they work. Like Mitch’s thought about using the wreaking ball on them.
    USPS: Interesting. Like the idea.
    Earthquakes: Not good at all. I’ve been signing plenty of petitions regarding putting a stop to drilling.
    C&L: What a dirty rotten creep.
    Food for Thought: I have no respect for repugs one flipping bit.
    Nice that you and Pam were able to figure out a plan to get Mitch’s back into the site. Welcome back, Mitch.
    Hope your had a nice afternoon. 
    Finally done with the Physical Therapy for my right elbow. Now it’s getting ready for the carpal tunnel operation that’s scheduled for Oct. 27.
    Take care. Thanks Joanne 

  4. USPS Testing Out Postal Banking.

    Sounds very promising!

    Rise in New Mexico earthquakes likely triggered by oil industry

    Just another reason to get behind both infrastructure bills.  Isn’t that true, Joe & Krysten?

    GOP Senate Candidate Seeks Gag Order On His Wife

    Sadly, this will have no effect on how republicans vote.  But hopefully it will on Independent voters!


    Wow!  When the timeline gets compressed like that, it really shines a light on what a bunch of misogynistic A-Holes republicans really are!

  5. Like in most countries, politics take a lot of your time if you are a Democrat or leftie and want to do it right, that is, to know what you put your name to, doesn’t it, Joanne?

    Cartoon: Scorched earth is next.

    USPS: I originate from a country where I’ve seen the last cheque/paycheck about 25 years ago, so I was surprised to see how often checks were still in use here in Oz. When I got a check from the treasurer for some stuff I needed for the fire brigade, I had no idea what to do with it until I was told the ATM of my own bank could actually read it and put it into my account. But banks are disappearing here too so the post offices have taken up bank services too. It wouldn’t surprise me if they went back fully to banking, just like in the olden days.

    NM: I won’t go into detail again, but the north of The Netherlands, which is located on layers of clay and sand, is plagued by fossil-fuel-industry caused earthquakes, making part of that area uninhabitable. Gas extraction, oil extraction, fracking, it all messes with the earth surface tensions.

    C&L: If the bible allows you to beat your wife, it’ll probably sanction taking out a gag order.

    FFT: When will women get past the GQP brainwash, start thinking for themselves and stop voting GQP?

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