Oct 072021

Glenn Kirschner – If DOJ/Garland Fails To Prosecute Trump, Here’s The Dangerous Precedent That Will Be Set

The Lincoln Project – Glenn Trumpkin

RepresentUs – Senator Invested in Facebook Asks Whistleblower About Profits

Armageddon Update – RIP Facebook

MSNBC – TX Officials Give Timeline Of School Shooting, Confirm 4 Injured, Suspect Identified. Sigh.

This is THE AD Beau talks about….

Beau – Let’s talk about fact checking the Battle of Hayes Pond ad…..


  4 Responses to “Video Thread 10/7/21”

  1. If DOJ/Garland Fails To Prosecute Trump …

    Failure to prosecute TFG for his many crimes would sound the death knell of our country.

    Glenn Trumpkin

    My fervent hope is that we Democrats can successfully hang the Trump albatross around these guys’ necks – and then soundly beat them.

    Something has to pound a wooden stake through the “Big Lie”.

    Senator Invested in Facebook Asks Whistleblower About Profits

    I actually think it was a pretty fairly structured question.

    … fact checking the Battle of Hayes Pond ad…..

    Not sure why (or how) graphics in a Twitter Tweet qualify as “sensitive” (this one would only be “sensitive” if you were a KKK fan) – but the “Battle of Hayes Pond” video was so labeled.  So you have to click the “View” button for it to run.

    So here’s a YouTube video of the same ad:

  2. From Mitch:

    ‘m reading Laura Trump’s book, “Reckoning….,” and finding the results of DOJ inaction back in 1968, when Nixon, as Reagan did years later, engaged with the South Vietnamese, to ask them to hang on longer, and not go with Johnson’s peace plan, in order to deprive the Dems of a political victory, in ending the war.  (Reagan did the same with Iran, in the hostage situation.)  Then Ford pardoned Nixon, which would be the same as the DOJ passing on Trump.  Apparently, neither the DOJ, nor anyone else outside the Nixon cmp knew about his subterfuge for 50 years.  The Glenn Trumpkin piece is good, but it’s about well worn political forked tongue policy that is very old. 
    Beau and the Klan- One could say that the relevance is about ordinary, rather than crazed , people can still have power.  I do not know what ad he is referring to, however.
    The FB piece tells me that the Senator is much less caring than he portrays himself to be.
    Titus is hysterical!
    The Texas situation is horrendous.  But, not more horrendous than the report that every day, in the Good Old U.S.A., 4 women of color are killed!!

    Many thanks Nameless for finding the YouTube ad – I just forwarded that to Mitch since I guess he had trouble with the Tweet (not surprising)

  3. LP: let’s hope the people of Virginia can see Glenn Younkin for what he really is; a snake in the grass and an untrustworthy weather vane, blowing with each wind that is advantageous for him.

    RUS: Isn’t being on a committee, asking questions about a company you’re invested in, a conflict of interest?

    AU: I’ve gotten myself slowly adapted to Titus’ baud rate and noise level and I must now admit that I’ve come to appreciate him.

    MSNBC: This doesn’t make headlines anymore in Oz; too run-of-the-mill, not enough bloodshed/death. Is the black suspect still alive?

    CG: This ad speaks to me louder than many I’ve seen here. I hope it does the same for many people in NC.

    Beau: Beau of course adds details to the story and puts it in perspective but that makes it only a better story. It’s a particularly strong recommendation for Democrats to stand together and defeat the Republicans.

    • RUS – Even though, as Nameless pointed out and I also noticed, “it was a fairly structured question,” I would still say, “Yes, it is.”  I’m not going to cover up Senatrrs’ or other politicians’) warts just because they are Democrats and/or from my state.

      AU – He  did take a little getting used to.  But you knoow how I appreciate people who read things or watch things so I don’t have to – I also apprectaie people who yell so I don’t have to  Most who do that do so in Tweets or the like.  Titus does it out loud.

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