Jul 242021

Glenn Kirschner – FBI Give Citizen Tips About Kavanaugh to White House Rather Than Investigate Them. What Now?

The Lincoln Project – Last Week in the Republican Party – July 19, 2021

politicsrus – Covid 19 Get Vaccinated – Aimed at MAGAts, certainly – and they also have one which only has the Hannity-Trump** portion if you have one or more of those to persueade.

VoteVets update – Rachel Maddow showed their “Abdulla” ad (in yesterday’s thread) on her show and briefly interviewed Tammy.

Tiny Kittens Help Heartbroken Pittie To Live Again (hanky alert)

Beau – Let’s talk about wolves, Wisconsin, and tough guys….


  3 Responses to “Video Thread for 7/24/21”

  1. FBI Give Citizen Tips About Kavanaugh to Trump White House 

    The only possible positive aspect to this totally derelict debacle is that it might have precluded The Former Guy from giving Barrack a pardon.

    And at least it resurrects the well-deserved spotlight on Kavanaugh’s over lying.  (Hey Brett, have you “Boofed” today?  And that has NOTHING to do w/ flatulence.)

    Covid 19 Get Vaccinated

    I just do NOT understand why these Trumpkin idiots refuse to get vaccinated when Dear Leader himself said:

    “Passed the gold standard of safety” and hailed the vaccine as “one of the greatest scientific accomplishments in history.”

    Tiny Kittens Help Heartbroken Pittie To Live Again


    Wolves, Wisconsin, and tough guys …

    Hey, Junior & Eric – are you listening?

    • IANAL (the closest I came was taking the LSAT for grins and giggles … and didn’t do badly at all), but if I had been in the Justice Department at thet time, I might well have chosen to sit on the Barrack case (and other similar cases) precisely to preclude them getting pardoned for their crimes.  Not saying that is why it was done.  (I might also have sat on it just because I would have known it would get quashedin that DOJ.)  Buut since we are not talking about statue-of-limitation crimes here, it may actually be the best thing that could have happened in the long run.

  2. JM: I can only repeat what I said yesterday: “The FBI better start looking into those thousands of tips immediately. And no, the FBI should not be allowed to start an investigation into how it was possible for this to happen and who was responsible. No further delays, no investigation by the perpetrators themselves but by an independent authority. Kavanaugh must be impeached A.S.A.P.”

    MT: The scariest ad I’ve seen for a while. The GQP is continuing as if nothing has happened…week after week after week.

    PRU: A brilliant idea to have clips of Hannity and the former guy added to this video in which they praise the effectiveness and the safety of the COVID vaccines and tell everyone to get vaccinated.

    MSNBC: Good on you, Rachel, for drawing attention to this excellent ad.

    Dodo: It’s not only humans that crave friendship from other animals. I hope Bellini will accept fosters Scotch and Grappa leaving to go to their forever homes.

    Beau: My feelings exactly.

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