Jul 162021

Yesterday I got a grocery order delivered and put away (which I did just manage to get in on the previous night.) And I made an appointment for my annual checkup which would normally have happened last November but was delayed by the pandemic. And that is just about all I accomplished. Incidentally, I probably will be phasing out Samantha Bee and Bill Maher (if somebody else wants to do them I’ll gladly help), but that’s not why there are none this week. There are no new vids on her channel, and he is still on vacation for another week or two.

Cartoon –

Short Takes –

Above the Fray: Changing the Stakes of Supreme Court Selection and Enhancing Legitimacy
This is a readable but also a searchable report from the Project on Government Oversight which is a real keeper. I seldom agree with POGO on every single point and I’m sure this is no exception. But I can’t fault their research
Click through for the full report. IMO it’s a keeper.

Reuters – AG revives immigration judges’ power to postpone deportation cases
Quote – Attorney General Merrick Garland issued a ruling on Thursday restoring the ability of immigration judges to postpone deportation cases while awaiting rulings in related proceedings, which had been eliminated by Trump-era AG Jeff Sessions.
Click through for details (somewhat technical.) Bottom line: People are rightly complaining that immigrants are still being ill-treated. Still having Trumpian regulations on the books is one big reason why. Getting rid of those regulations is a good thing.

AP News – Biden’s Census nominee promises independence, transparency
Quote – President Joe Biden’s nominee to lead the U.S. Census Bureau told a Senate committee on Thursday that he would bring transparency and independence to the nation’s largest statistical agency, which was challenged by the pandemic, natural disasters and attempts at political interference while carrying out the 2020 census.
Click through for story. I hope it’s not too late.

Food for Thought:


  4 Responses to “Open Thread for July 16, 2021”

  1. POGO: Sounds good to me.
    Reuters: Yes!  and, clearly, you are right that more, maybe ALL of TOT’s regulations need to be voided.  Oh, and Sessions needs to b spanked!
    AP: Also good news.
    FFT: My system can not handle it.

  2. Changing the Stakes of Supreme Court Selection and Enhancing Legitimacy

    On a first skim it looks pretty solid.  But there’s a lot of meat on those bones.

    AG revives immigration judges’ power to postpone deportation cases

    A solid decision

    Biden’s Census nominee

    While very good news, I’m still sad Hillary wasn’t our President when the Census was being setup and taken.  *sigh*

  3. POGO: Thanks, Joanne. I would read it if I had the time. I’ll have to wait for the discussion to start to hear what its most important points are.

    Reuters: Well done. Isn’t it sad to see so much time and effort needs to be wasted to undo Trumpian things and just return to some level of normalcy? But I’m sure that’s what the Former Guy says when he embarked on undoing each and every one of Obama’s executive orders and legislature he supported.

    AP: I’m with you on this one, Joanne. Biden’s administration can make sure the data is handled and interpreted the right way but can’t make up for data that isn’t there or falsified at the source.

    FFT: I think a large part of America has learned this, often the hard way, but the other half will keep on denying these facts because all they care about is “the economy”, i.e. money.

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