Jun 112021

Turns out I wouldn’t have needed to be home today – but I will tomorrow. I wish i could (honestly) say I got a lot done. But I didn’t. I didn’t even succeed in gtting used to the heat we are finally starting to have. However, I do welcome it, after what seemed like a forever winter. I did get some bills paid on line, which is always satisfying, so there’s that.


Short Takes

The Conversation – Supreme Court affirms tribal police authority over non-Indians. If I have addressed this beforeI apologize for the duplication – but isn’t it nice to see something positive come out of thei Supreme Court – and with a 9-0 ruling, yet!
Quote: Federal Indian law attorneys feared that a Supreme Court decision limiting tribal policing authority would further undermine the safety of Indians and non-Indians living in Indian country. They worried such a ruling could hamstring the ability of tribal police to detain and search potential criminals.
Click through for more background.  We know that Breyer (who wrote the opinion), Kagan, Sotomayor, and, surprisingly even to me, Gorsuch are dependable supporters of Native Americans’ rights. But this case did not hang on finding a fifth justice to vote the right way. It was decided unanimously. Amazing.

Wonkette – Hey, Look, Some Of Barack Obama’s Judicial Nominees Finally Got Confirmed! They’ve been waiting a long time. And so have we, for them.
Quote: I wish Democrats had hammered Republicans on their obstruction from the personal level. We should’ve known the names of every nominee McConnell blocked. It should’ve become a political liability for every Republican senator from the nominee’s state.
Click through for more story. Hey, Joe, there are lots more where those came from.

Daily Beast (opinion) Fire the IRS Chief Who Doesn’t Care if the Rich Don’t Pay
Quote: Within hours of ProPublica’s blockbuster report showing just how little America’s 25 wealthiest people pay in taxes, IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig announced an investigation, which, of course, is what great journalism into a scandal is supposed to generate: a renewed commitment by senior government officials to fix an obvious scandal. But Rettig wasn’t looking into how broken the tax system is in favor of the wealthy, but rather about who leaked the documents proving that to the press, stating that he intended to prosecute the whistleblower if the investigation found the records were distributed illegally.
Click through fpr more thoughts.

Food for Thought:


  10 Responses to “Open Thread for June 11, 2021”

  1. Cartoon: I served under and for our Flag, proudly. The R’s don’t giveacrap. 
    Conversation: How wonderful ! Amen!!! 
    Wonkette: Love the great quote. 
    DB: Good Grief!! The rich should pay their taxes like anyone else, I’d be fined and or penalized if I didn’t. 
    Cartoon: A good description of him too. 

    Sounds like you’re having a good day. Thank you, for your post, Joanne. 

    This just in: “I like Ted Cruz more than most of my other colleagues like Ted Cruz. And I hate Ted Cruz.”
    ~ Al Franken ~ 
    2. “Happy #Pride! This month (& always) we acknowledge & uplift the experience of LGBTQ+ individuals & say to every member of the community: you are loved & supported. The House passed the #EqualityAct. It’s time for the Senate to do the same. Words are nice, action is better!” ~ Rep. Maxine Waters ~
    3. “Why did we all bust our as*es getting Democrats elected to the presidency and in control of both houses of Congress if they can’t do a simple thing like protect voting rights?” ~ Robert Reich ~
    4. “That’s why Dems are fighting to enact the Paycheck Fairness Act. Although Republicans in the Senate are blocking this bipartisan & overwhelmingly popular bill, we will not relent until we secure thewages that working women deserve.” ~ Nancy Pelosi ~
    5. “It is a contradiction to say we must protect minority rights in the Senate while refusing to protect minority rights in our society. No Senate rule should overrule the integrity of the democracy itself,and we must find a way to pass voting rights…” ~ Beto O’Rourke ~

    • TGI – Oh, wait, that’s different!
      TJI #1 – Al has a video up in which he mimics Mitch McConnell. It’s not so terribly long, but the voice acting is good enough that it’s hard to understand. There is CC, fortunately.
      TJI #3 – Much as I love Robert, words like thee – phraseology like this – promotes bothsiderism. And he knows that. (And so do Republicans. That’s why they obstruct whenever they can. It promotes words like these.)
      TJI #5 – You go, Beto!

      • Al has a way with words, and with his acting. 
        I saw the first video of his, this past week, and it was hilarious!! 
        He’s so talented. I remember watching him on SNL. 

      • Franken rocks!

    • TJI #3: I agree with Mitch; that is a good question. I think it has nothing to do with bothsiderism but everything with a broken system of needing more than a simple majority to get things passed.

      TJI #4: 💪

      TJI #5: Spot on!

      • TJI #3 – We are both right.  It has everything to do with a broken system which those who want it to stay broken will push bothsiderism in any way yhey can – and they will seize on these words, even though I’m sure they were not meant that way.

  2. ‘Toon: The right tried to make the flag “Ours only!” and then went on to violate everything for which it really stands.
    SCOTUS did the right thing.
     Wonkette: Wonderfulette.
    DB: Figures!
    Food…: That’s not fair to birds.

  3. TJI#1: Cruz takes crude to entirely new levels.
    TJI#2: Maxine knows whereof she speaks!
    TJI#3: Good question!
    TJI#4: Some day…any day now….
    TJI#5: No doubt.

  4. It’s not unusual that time gets away from you when you think you’ve got plenty of it, Joanne.

    TC: Great and very unexpected news indeed. As Native Americans aren’t on any agenda of the extreme right now, all Republican justices probably thought that it wouldn’t draw much attention when they do their job correctly for once. Just wait until the abortion cases come before them.

    Wonkette: The tendency is there to say “better late than never” but that isn’t true. It’ll take decades to undo the harm that was done by only appointing Republican judges to the bench for nearly a decade. The “recycling speed” is incredibly slow and meanwhile Trumpians “speak justice”. Not.

    DB: Biden will have to say that infamous line “you’re fired” more often than he’d like.

    FFT: For several reasons, I do not picture a little bird here but a big, fat elephant making a dump.

  5. thank you….and resist….

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