Jun 102021

Glenn Kirschner – DOJ Announces it will Defend Donald Trump in Defamation Lawsuit brought by E. Jean Carroll this week is turning into a workshop on how decent people express anger. Glenn makes his voice into silk dripping with sarcasm.

Meidas Touch – with Stuart Stevens

The Lincoln Project – The Line

BARF BAG ALERT! Campaign “ad” from Lauren Boebert. Yecccch!

Liberal Redneck on Manchin

Now This News – Magawa the Landmine-Sniffing Rat is Retiring a Hero (Just a little break. There are actually maany of these rats and the lives they have saved, and are saving, are priceless.)

Beau – What National Security REALLY needs


  5 Responses to “Video Thread 6/10/21”

  1. GK: “Disgusted!”  Indeed!  Sadly, though, this is typical of ow things are done here.
    MT: Hd good reason to fear.
    LP: IN IT!
    LB: Snide twit!
    Trae: Calling it like it is.
    NT: Magawa rocks. Hats off to APOPO!!!!!!!!
    Beau: “Failure of leadership?”  During TOT’s admin?  His leadership did not fail.  It never existed.  If the cause was a leak, it is reported, it may have happened because the lab, which also reportedly, had connections with the related U.S. agencies, did not adhere to strict enough protection standards; not out of venal intention, but because they were not familiar with the level of risk posed by the material with which they were working.   It would not hurt, at all, to increase our medical resiliency.  He is right about there being no way to prevent future outbreaks.

  2. DOJ Announces it will Defend Donald Trump in Defamation Lawsuit brought by E. Jean Carroll

    AG Merrick Garland is becoming a bigger and bigger disappointment.

    Perhaps some of his earlier defenses for siding w/ Trump could be excused from a legal perspective.  But their is absolutely NO JUSTIFICATION for defending Trump WRT E. Jean Carroll.

    NO ONE in the United States — not Trump nor anyone else — has a job description that includes slandering women they sexually assaulted.

    As Carroll’s lead attorney, Roberta Kaplan said:

    “The undisputed facts demonstrate that President Trump was not acting in furtherance of any [Presidential] duties owed to any arguable employer when he made the statements at issue.  His comments concerned an alleged sexual assault that took place several decades before he took office, and the allegations have no relationship to the official business of the United States.”


    Stuart Stevens: This Isn’t a Normal Time

    Like many, I fear for our Democracy.  We need to remember that while “May you live in interesting times” might sound like a blessing – it was in fact a Chinese curse.

    The Line

    Lincoln Project comes through yet again.

    Lauren Boebert Went to the Southern Border

    I Don’t Particularly Care for Joe Manchin

    Join the crowd!

    Landmine-Sniffing Rat is Retiring a Hero

    Very Cool! 

    (Anyone know if Donnie has a keen sense of smell?  Maybe he could finally be trained to do something useful.  Then again, I suppose with his corpulence, it’d probably only be for a day.  Oh, well – win some, win some.)


    • I second your suggestion to put Donnie to work as a landmine-sniffing rat, Nameless. And that includes the “win some, lose some”.06

    • Yes, “May you live in the most interesting of times” is ahold Chinese curse that I have had occasion to reference numerous times in my life.  
      Land mines? Just send donnie out to help clean up the mess that Nixon created!
      Garland was not chosen for SCOTUS by Obama, because he was a progressive.

  3. Justice Matters Only To Victims: Kirschner must be scratching his head about all his previous videos in which he implored us to keep our trust in Garland because his actions had hidden reasoning that soon would become clear to us. Well, it has. Garland and his department are still working for Trump as if he was still president.
    There is no way in which the decision to defend Trump can be justified (no pun intended). E. Jean Carroll was (allegedly or not) sexually assaulted by Trump before he was president; when that came up during his ‘presidency’ he abused his power to destroy her life even further and the GQP/DOJ let him; now Trump is no longer president but the GQP/DOJ are finishing the job defending him at the victim’s expense AND that of the taxpayers. This doesn’t bode well for the future.

    In addition: WTF is going on with this DOJ. DOJ signals it will defend religious colleges’ exemption from anti-LGBTQ discrimination laws

    MT: Too true.

    LP: What line? New lines have been drawn again and again in the past 4-5 years and they were trampled on and erased before the paint was dry. This will no longer be decided at the polls, just as it wasn’t in Myanmar.


    LR: I’m so glad Trae didn’t stick to being as polite as the caption of this video and soon fell back on his far more enjoyable Southern rant. He still cut Manchin some slack, believing that that SOB is earnest in his quest for bipartisanship. I think it is about time to start following the money again and find out where Manchin’s financial support really comes from.

    NTN: Thank you, Magawa. Kudos to you, your fellow marsupial rats and your trainers at APOPO.

    Beau: Very strong on analogies this time. “It’s thoughts and prayers”, “They’re attempting to win the next war by preparing for the last”. I agree with Beau that the only solution is healthcare. Not as a way of preventing another virus outbreak but as a solution to its problems.

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