May 052021

Glenn Kirschner – More on Rudy and Search Warrants

Glenn Kirschner – Judge Jackson and Bill Barr

The Lincoln Project – “Mourning in America” one year later (no CC – and the transcriotion site is borked – I did try)

The Republican Accountability Project – Liz Cheney

Lakota Peoples Law Project – Needed to be said.

Top Ten Cat Superpowers

Beau on spurious correlations (the one I always trot out is that the number of teachers in the United States correlates very strongly indeed to the number of alcoholics in the United States – because both correlate to total population.)


  6 Responses to “Video Thread 5/5/2021”

  1. GK#1: this presupposes that there were any such hard drives, in the first place!  Would Rudy lie, make up some horse pooh story?  
    GK#2: “…ongoing investigation of (or into) Bill Barr….”  PLEASE!
    LP: Asking whether, or not, trump realizes something, is like asking whether, or not, the sloth, hanging from the branch attended the concert.
    RAP: I never would have thought I’d align myself with a Cheney.  
    LPLW: Causcasity- “Stereotypical, especially arrogant or entitled, whiteness (Caucasianness).
    TTC: Cool!  But why was there a Loon’s call at the end?
    Beau: Hiraldo has made a career out of pushing BS.

  2. Giuliani Search Warrants

    Rudy is in deep, DEEP doo-doo … and dragging Donnie DOWN along w/ him!

    Judge AB Jackson Slams Bill Barr for Misleading Representations to Congress

    AG Barr is in deep, DEEP doo-doo … and dragging Donnie DOWN along w/ him!

    Mourning One Year

    It’s down to: Our we a nation that will abide by and honor our Constitution – or does Donnie become our nation’s Fascist leader?

    We Stand with Liz

    Today Donnie lashed out at Liz Cheney, Pence & McConnell.

    The amazing thing is that of those three, Liz Cheney is the ONLY one w/ balls!

    Top 10 Cat Superpowers!

    Nike has the Superpower to inflict painful cat-bite cellulitis 

    • I’d call it spine … but I do appreciate the irony you point out.

      That’s a superpower but I’m sure it would not get voted into the top ten (definitely not by humans anyway.)

  3. JM#1: Did this really need debunking? Kirschner’s audience must know it is a bad lie from a fevered brain in a sad attempt to divert from his own crimes. A pile of hard drives? I’ve never seen a pile of them except boxed in the stock room of a computer store.

    JM#2: This video is far more interesting than the previous one. Some things seem to be moving in the right direction, but it is nerve-rackingly slow.

    LP: Surely Trump had landed on that ad by mistake, drawn by the Lincoln name which he was abusing in most of his rallies. He must have gone so ballistic over that Mourning America ad that it didn’t slip his senile mind but stuck long enough to rant about it against the reporters and make the rest of America take notice. And that is exactly what the Lincoln Project needed. Just making exceptionally good ads wasn’t enough, they needed their name loudly broadcasted and who could do that better than Trump?

    RAP: There’s always one exception to the rule, and in this case, it is Liz Cheney. Given her voting record since then, she sadly remained a Republican at heart.

    LPLP: It was necessary to take out the trash, but there was no need to list all the things the indigenous peoples on the continent had mastered (and contributed) before they were nearly annihilated by the invaders. There is no need for indigenous people to defend themselves against the aggressor. It was the invaders who made sure that indigenous culture wasn’t integrated by genocide. The things they liked, like corn and tobacco, they incorporated as if it was theirs to start with, never looking back to the people they stole it from.

    C&M: 😸😺

    Beau: I sure liked his T-shirt today. He also made an excellent point on spurious correlations. My husband was the go-to statistician in his field of cross-cultural psychology and spurious correlations came up very often when we talked about the statistics of any reports that drew our attention. It is a major trap when interpreting statistics. When teaching his PhD students about statistics he often used the positive correlation reported in an article sent to him to review between ice-cream consumption and rape in city streets. Of course, this is a spurious correlation caused by a link of both factors to seasonal temperatures. When temperatures rise in summer, more ice cream is consumed and more rapist – who apparently do not like to be lurking out in the cold – are out and about and so are their victims.

    • Yes, that’s a great T-shirt.  And you also bring up a great spurious correlation.  It’s easy to fall for those, and good training to try to figure out the missing link (now what could bothe of these things be related to which has nothing todo with either directly?)

  4. Thanks JD 35.

    Too sick.


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