Apr 302021

Glenn Kirschner – Justice never just happens. It’s good we have people like Glenn (I wish we had more of them.)

Meidas Touch talks with Ro Khanna

The Lincoln Project – I know everyone is sick of Matt Getz .. but this is too funny.

The Damage Report – It is a start. I know it feels like we have been waiting forever.

Ring of Fire – Even a small shot at Trump** is nice when it’s from itch.

Armageddon Update – Titus addresses bothsiderism.

Beau on Wayne LaPierre’s “little trip.”


  4 Responses to “Video Thread 4/30/2021”

  1. GK: It’s N.C., what?  You expect them to have learned ANYTHING new?
    LP: Too funny!  Kind’a sad, too.  Asswipe!
    TDR: The situation does need to be fully remedied!
    ROF: Tim Scott, is the GOP’s future?  Uncle Tom?  A slightly more erudite Dr. Ben?  Yo, Mitch, you, and Boehner, brought this on, in the last chapters, deal with it.
    AU: Can’t tolerate this guy.
    Beau: Reminiscent of Alaska bitch-fool, Sarah Palin, hunting with a rifle she’d never before shot, at first.  Then it gets worse.  Little Wayne needs to go back to wearing knickers!

    • SO, I watched 2:25 of the video.  Poor Wayne, tracking through the jungle, getting caught up in thorn bushes, fighting off a fearful snake, slogging through the swamp, eating Anopheles mosquitoes in order to avoid getting malaria…oh, no, sorry, that was the coffee and donut wagon he almost tripped over!

  2. JM: One step forward, three steps back…We’re still a long way away from police department accountability.

    MT: Perhaps Biden turns out to be a progressive in the long run, eh?

    LP: Funny indeed but also a good reminder. Because while we’re getting sick of seeing Matt Getz’s face in those ads against him, he’s still there, doing the same things as if nothing can hurt him.

    DR: Three remarks. 1) We are inclined to believe these figures coming from the White House now because it is a different White House altogether. 2) Let’s hope we never have to find out that these figures were exaggerated, i.e. made to look more positive. 3) Keep up the pressure for the last 16% and for every refugee entering the country.

    ROF: I think many Democrats will have understood that this was a shot at Trump but it went far over the heads of McConnell’s base. Diplomatic jabs are not what they’re attuned to. And I had the same reaction to the GOP’s new token black man, Tim Scott, as Mitch had.

    AU: I’ve slowly desensitized myself for Titus onslaught as a person and now find my interest in his content stronger than my desire to run from his style of presenting. Though my approach-avoidance conflict nearly lost out to avoidance when he started eating that hamburger.

    Beau: Good on ya for talking about this, Beau.
    From what I’ve read about it here on the news pages (yes, it made it all the way to Oz) it was more of a right of passage into manhood for LaPierre’s (much younger?) wife. She killed her ‘own’ elephant with one shot and was exalted! These organized canned hunts of one of Africa’s big five – well four really, the buffalo can’t be canned – are nauseating and should be banned. Lions bred to be shot in such a ‘hunt’ sometimes need to be tied up to be tortured to death like this elephant by butchers who never held a gun before.

  3. Thanks JD. 35

    MT – I think Bernie agrees with Ro!

    LP – He must have a pants-load of videos like that!

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