Apr 132021

Justice Matters – This is long – 11 minutes – but passionate and, I believe, important.

Really American on Gosar

Meidas Touch – I have to admit this scares me.

Robert Reich – The Week Ahead (7 1/2 minutes but multiple topics)—Dang, it was good when I saw it.  Maybe he’ll put it up again.

The Freedom Toast for the Parody Project – this is from January, but I don’t remember seeing it.

Beau on what CEOs are doing, why they are doing it, how this may help Democrats


  5 Responses to “Video Thread 4/13/2021”

  1. Army Lieutenant Files Federal Suit Against Two Virginia Cops

    I sincerely hope this makes Army Lt. Caron Nazario a rich man!

    (IMO I will note that cop pepper-sprayer Joe Gutierrez is clearly an A$$HOLE!  The video clips I’ve seen makes  the other cop, Daniel Crocker, look like a baby doe caught in the headlights.  He did NOT look comfortable w/ what was happening.)

    Prosecute Paul Gosar

    His own brothers & sisters (who know him best) agree!

    Fox “News” Goes ALL-IN on White Supremacy

    Always Has – Always Will … at least as long it makes the Murdoch family richer.

    Parody of Casey at the Bat

    Ain’t that the truth!

  2. JM: You’re absolutely right, Joanne. Kirschner’s video is longish but passionate and important. Besides wishing that Nosario wins his case hands down, I’d also wish other passionate video makers would take a page from Kirschner’s book and show the same restraint when bringing their case forward.

    RA: These messages can’t be repeated enough, because as far as I can see, Gosar and his pals are getting away with it.

    MT: Faux News going full-blown White Supremacist has everything to do with ratings and the fact that 74 million Americans voted for the supreme leader of the White Supremacist and his party. Joe Biden may no be president and doing a hell of a good job but that doesn’t mean those 74 million people have suddenly stopped watching TV and gone up in smoke.

    RR: Why was his video removed? Is YouTube doing to Robert’s messages what they did to Don Caron’s Parody Project song?

    PP: Yes, I was referring to this Parody Project. I hadn’t seen this one either, Joanne.

    Beau: Again, good thoughts. Even Republicans know that the Republican party has to realign itself. But for now, they seem to have chosen to go full-blown White Supremacist. For the same reason that Faux News is going KKK.

  3. JM: A MASSIVE change in policing!
    RA: No doubt about it!
    MT: Maybe they are afraid to dial it back, for fear of loosing the idiot base they helped create.  Case in point: A very good friend of ours is still in touch with a woman with whom she used to teach, at Cornell, decades ago.  Our friend recognizes that her friend is intelligent, though that one, named Barbara, has been a Faux News fiend for years now. B. says she was attracted by the old Fox motto, “Fair and Balanced,” Fox’s first big lie.  WTF?
    PP: Almost brings a tear to my eyes.
    Beau: “That’s not something the republican Party is known for.” So gently understated.  It’s better than saying “What the Republican Party is known for, is their wish to bury the working class.” It’s just as accurate, but has a different flavor.  What the GOP has done, is they’ve created some bunch, it seems, of Biden republicans.

    • “Fair and balanced” sounds good until you look more closely and see that it is actually code for “bothsiderism.”  Sure, there are two sides to most things – but both side are almost never equally correct.  And in some cases, one side is pure evil.  Being “fair” to both, and especially to the point of being “balanced,” is almost by definition NOT presenting the TRUTH.  A better motto would be “Truth and accuracy.”  (Incidentally, “We report, you decide” is just as bad as “fair and balanced,” and for the e xact same reasons.”  In fact, it’s even worse.)

  4. As I type, it is only about 10:30 am in Portland – which would have been more than enough time for TC to have posted normally, but quite possibly not enough time for a computer tech to have arrived, or, having arrived, to have finished.  I’m going to put up the video thread early and wait before putting up a placeholder.

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