Apr 072021

Yesterday was very busy here in the CatBox  My video meeting with the Owners of Ivy Court was productive.  They asked me several questions about my condition.  They also gave me a  virtual tour of the facility, including my room.  I think I’m going to like it.  They will puree my food to make it edible for me and serve my meals in my room.  I’m hoping there will be more activities with other residents, but COVID is still a considerable issue.  We hope they will give the vaccine to residents.  I will have access to shower rooms.  I think I’ll get one a week from Home Hospice Aides, one a week from Ivy Court staff, and 2 a week from WWWendy.  Tomorrow afternoon I have a telephone Interview with the owner, so she can coordinate a treatment plan.  Otherwise, plans are up in the air, except that Saturday is moving day.  Prayers up, please!  This morning, Windows Update grabbed my machine for three hours.  I had the option to stop it, but I could not risk having to go through this in the middle of moving.  Happy Hump Day.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 5:17 (average 4:45).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Take:

From YouTube (a blast from the past): JOAN BAEZ ~ What Have They Done To The Rain ~


Ah… the memories!  RESIST the Republican Reich!!

Don’t Let Republicans Steal YOUR Future!!


  14 Responses to “Personal Update – 4/7/2021”

  1. TC, sounds like you are making some good progress;hope it goes well for you. I’ll watch GQP for you if they are too sickening ,LOL! Hi, Wendy! Everyone take care and stay safe. Its spring!

  2. Cartoon: R’s are as-es. The person in question was Booker T. Washington, the legendary educator and author who went from slave to esteemed orator and founder of the Tuskegee Institute. :*smithsonianmag  
    BFTP: A lifelong favorite of mine. Such a beautiful voice, and a great song. 

    Reads like you had a good day yesterday w/your new virtual tour and talking with the owner. I wish you well in moving, and hope that all goes smoothly and fine. Take good, good care, Tom. Rest and relax when you can too! Prayers for you, and all who are helping. Thanks for all you do.
    JD: Hope that you are feeling better. Take care. 20

    *This just in: “New GA poll shows Kemp losing governor’s race to can of  Coca Cola.” ~ Andy Borowitz ~ 
    2. “Let’s be honest, BBMM doesn’t want corporations to ‘stay out of politics. He just doesn’t want them telling the truth about what he and his allies are doing. He doesn’t want big business to bet on the future. He wants them supporting the injustices of the past.” ~ Dan Rather ~
    3. “The #For the People Act will stop billionaires from buying elections.” ~ Senator Jeff Merkley ~ 
    4. “Funny how the party of free speech suddenly wants to chastise CEO’s for speaking in opposition of laws that suppress votes. ~ The Lincoln Project ~ 

    • TJI#1: Andy just gets to the heart of the matter.
      TJI#2: Now, there is a journalist!
      TJI#3: What a unique idea. 
      TJI#4: Well, we all know, it’s free speech, as long as what is said is what they want to hear.
      P.S.: the last chapter of “American Kompromat,” is entitled “American Carnage,” and the prevoius one is called “Barr Justice,” about how the dirtbag who helped Reagan get away with Iran-Contra, and so much more, paved the way for TOT to almost destroy the DOJ.

    • TJI #1 – Did they poll how well he would do against a baseball bat? I’m willing to bet he’d lost that matchup also.
      TJI #2 – Corporations are now to be treated the same as voters: give us your money and shut up. Yeah, right.
      TJI #3 – Which is why the opposition to it is so fierce. And the lies are so outrageous. Not that racists need lies to oppose it.

  3. Very productive yesterday, wonderful!
    ‘Toon: Only close to 80 years after the Civil war.
    Joan: Hey, see why we gotta keep those Mexicans out! lol

  4. Three hours! OMG! I’m still using Windows 8 (7 on the laptop), so all I get are security updates. I’ve been moving a few things around to make it easier to start plugging in the Windows 10 laptop, but I see I’d better allow 3 days at least before I want to even look at it. Glad your meeting was productive and hope tomorrow’s will also be. Prayers going to you from me … and I’m afraid I still need a few also.

    Cartoon – Booker T wasn’t a terrible choice in 1940 – since no one knew about (had never been allowed to learn about) the intelligent and effective AAs elected to Congress during Reconstruction. Based on seeing henry Louis Gates Jr.’s documentary on Reconstruction, I’d say Robert Smalls was a standout, but he was far from alone. Wikipedia has a list with photos.

    Blast – That’s my hpmie! A beautiful voice and perhaps an even more beautiful soul.

    • I, for one, am relieved that Uma is NOT a racist.

      She’s already burdened by incomprehensible ignorance!

      PS: I realize the Tweet graphic is a C/P – but I have no idea why the poster redacted Uma’s name. After all, it’s a public forum in which she proactively posted her puerile, prejudice pronouncement. So I’ll NOT give her a pass!
      (Of course, it could have been a satire post – making it even more reasonable to post Uma’s name.)

    • I like it when people start with “I’m not a racist” in their comment or tweet. It gives me time to prepare, take a very deep breath and control my anger just a little longer when the BS hits the fan in the rest of their comment.

  5. Cartoon: Booker did so much. Agree with Pat that the R’s are as*holes. 
    BFTP: Great song by Joan Baez. Love listening to her songs.
    Happy to hear that you had a nice visit with the Owners of Ivy Coast. Glad you’re happy with what you’ve seen. That’s wonderful, TomCat. I’m so happy for you. It will be so nice knowing that they’ll be there round the clock for you, so whenever you need help, they’re there. Good luck with your call tomorrow with them again. It sounds like they’ve ready to listen and set up a plan to assist you. Pray that it goes smoothly. 
    Please rest as much as you can, so you’ll be ready for your move. Plus do eat and drink your fluids.
    Take care.  


    You, indeed, had a very productive day!

    And you truly sound excited!  I’m happy for you!

  7. I hope moving day goes well….sounds like a good place for you….

  8. Your update sounds very positive, TomCat. And the move is in a few days already; once that is over and done with, you’ll have a lot less stress in the knowledge you are going to have someone looking into your situation 24/7. No more grocery lists and waiting for them to arrive and put away. Won’t that be a blessing?

    Cartoon: Change comes at a snail’s pace. You’re still waiting on the first black woman on a banknote, aren’t you?

    BFTP: The song holds no memories for me, because I first heard it here, TomCat. But I know it now and think it beautiful. Thank you.

  9. Thanks and exhausted hugs for all.  Please see today’s Personal Update! 19

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