Apr 062021

It’s a busy day here in the CatBox.  I’m writing what I can before the fact, so I can so as much as I can in advance instead of waiting until it’s time.  WWWendy will be here shortly after 9:00.  Please keep us in your prayers!  JD too!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 5:21 (average 4:40).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Take:

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Pete Seeger: Where Have All the Flowers Gone?


Ah… the memories!  RESIST the Republican Reich!!

Don’t Let Republicans Steal YOUR Future!!


  18 Responses to “Personal Update – 4/6/2021”

  1. Hi, Wendy!! Yes….you’ve got a busy day. Try and get your rest  too.
    Prayers for you, and for JD today. (??)  23
    Take good, good care, and Thanks! Tom. 

    *This just in:”Lindsey Graham is keeping marauding gangs in SC at bay with his new guns.”~Mrs. Betty Bowers~ 
    2. “Jeff Merkley has been a great champion of progressive values throughout his life. We’re grateful for the work he does every day in the United States Senate.” ~ Bernie Sanders ~ 
    3. “Parents, teach your children not to be hateful racist pant loaders, so they don’t grow up to be Mike Huckabee.” ~ Jeff Tiedrich ~ 
    4. re: Matt Gaetz – “The one white man on earth that Tucker Carlson won’t defend.” ~ John Oliver ~ 
    5. “Keep it going President Biden. The right-wing loonies are going crazy over your successes!” ~ Rosalie R. ~ 

    • TJI #2 – “Praise from Sir Hubert Stanley is praise indeed.” And I might add id could not be more deserved.
      TJI #4 – Even Tfucker can tell when someone is trying to rope him is as a witness (=stooge). Especially when it’s that obvious.
      TJI #5 – Joe needs to (and will) keep it going regardless what the RW crazies think or do. If it’s necessary to make them crazy enough to go for more violence, then it is, but I hope it isn’t.

    • TJI#2: Yes he’s done lots. TC. you’re lucky he’s represents your state.
      TJI#3: So true. I wouldn’t want mine to be like him or any of his rotten buddies at all.
      TJI#4: I don’t care for tUcker, but give him credit for not falling for gAetz’s bullsh*t.
      TJI#5: I say keep it going Joe. Ignore the rotten RWer’s. You’re the leader.

    • TJI’s: I like them all, but #4 just hits a home run!

    • Great TJIs, Pat. John Oliver really nails Tucker and Gaetz in one blow (you know I like to mix my metaphors, don’t you?)

  2. I haven’t been diagnosed formerly with sciatica, but my symptoms fit the profile – pain in the back that moves out an goes down the leg.  Treating the spot in the back also treats the leg.  After about an hour with TENS yesterday I was pretty well the rest of the day.  But this is something i face every morning with varying degrees of severity, and yesterday (and also today) it was unusually severe.  It’s on only the right side.  Staying in bed feels less painful while I’m there, but only makes it worse when I do get up.  Staying at the computer is the best thing I can do for it while awake, so it doesn’t prevent my posting or commenting.  Even while I was typing the TENS has reduced the pain some, and when I do have to get up, this unit is portable.

    Best to you today.  Have your questions written down so you don’t forget something, but also add any new question which occurs to you.  Prayers —> TomCat

    Cartoon – A new one, and very appropriate indeed!

    Blast – A song of many covers.  I especially remember Joan Baez’s cover.  That voice could make the phone book sound poignant with the right tune, so you can imagine (or remember) how affecting and effective that was.

    • Oh Joanne, I do understand your pain. The good thing is that TENS works for you. Take care ~ both you and TC need to be rest. My prayers, love, and hugs go out to you both.

      • Hope that you get to feeling better, Joanne. 
        Rest and take it easy, and well wishes for you. 

        Take care, Joanne!  04   20  20   35

    • Will continue praying that you get to feeling better Joanne. Do continue using the TENS unit. Hopefully in a couple of days, the pain will subside. 
      Do take care, Joanne

      • Thanks everyone for your good wishes.  Colleen, you’re right, if I use the unit for about an hour several days in a row, I do have a couple of good mornings.  I guess I need to start using it also when I don’t think I need to.  (And as I say, it doesn’t stop me posting, but I will gladly blame it for some typos.)

        So don’t miss the video thread.  There’s a new Randy!

    • Joanne, I wish you the most relief you can get!
      Your ‘toon is wonderful!

    • JD I certainly understand your pain.  Prayers up. for you. 


  3. First I say “Good Luck” with your meeting today. Hope you get the answers, if you had any questions, you wanted.
    Tell Wendy “Hello” and thanks again.
    Hope you’re able to get some rest. 
    Take care TomCat

  4. ‘Toon: To call them deluded would be nice.
    Love Pete Seeger, saw him live a couple of times.

  5. I hope the video conference/introduction brought you everything to put your mind, and WWWendy’s, at rest, TomCat. You are in my thoughts.
    And so is Joanne; I hope the good vibes lessen the pain.

    Cartoon: Republicans think that particular part of the country is full too…full of native Americans whose reservations, Republicans know, were located in the most desolate and inhospitable places.

    BFTP: Strangely enough, I remember Marlene Dietrich’s German version best, perhaps because it was one of the first things I saw on a TV screen.

  6. Thanks and Hugs to all.  Please see today’s Personal Update on the Video Conference.  Hump Day Hugs! 23

  7. thanks for Seeger and “Flowers”…..if the GOP have their way they will be gone along with all life too soon…

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