Apr 052021

IMPORTANT This is long, but if you watch even a little, you are likely to learn something you didn’t know (but may have suspected.) There’s even more news available because, of all people, archaeologists have been telling some tales. Google “Dimona” (or “archaeologists Dimona”) for that. I apologize that the CC is less than perfect, but it’s pretty close.

Georgia Voting Law – unbelievable.

From yesterday – no one is more moving to me than the King family members. (And there’s no ad at the end, so it’s all good)

My bestie in Florida is probably beating her head against the wall in frustration – she knew all this for years At least she says she’s safe (her home)

VoteVets – held over from yesterday because the last thing we needed on Easter was more Gaetzgate.

Teachers and students …

13 Things My Black Cat’s Good At…


  4 Responses to “Video Thread 4/5/2021”

  1. Thanks for finding and publishing this important Marwa Osman’s video, Joanne. Israel has for many years literally hidden all information on this reactor, including satellite images with the help of the US. This only came to light after two archeologists started investigating why satellite images of the region were so blurred. A clearer view of secretive Israeli nuclear facility is visible by satellite thanks to two archaeologists. They showed that:

    1. Recent satellite photos show that the Shimon Peres Negev Nuclear Research Centre appears to be expanding.

    2. The Kyl-Bingaman Amendment, which compelled the US government to blur satellite imagery exclusively over Israel and the Palestinian Territories. 

    3. The blurred satellite images limited the work of archaeologists, climate experts and humanitarian groups.

    THP: Grass-root action groups, Democrats, BLM and everyone else better start getting ready yesterday to get these laws nullified by courts. It’ll run right up to SCOTUS but even it couldn’t possibly agree that these laws are in any way legal. It just couldn’t, could it? 😱

    NTN: Keep on carrying the torch, keep on repeating MLK’s message.

    ROF: 131313I’m glad your bestie’s home is safe but that safety is very relative indeed, isn’t it?

    VV: Gaetz should be removed from the Services Committee? Gaetz should be removed from Congress!

    People: Sweet.

    C&M: Cole is one gorgeous black cat and the human is so lucky Cole adopted him.

  2. Thanks JD. 35

    With everything on my plate today, I just have no 26 to comment on everything I’d like, but I must say that CAT is where it’s AT!!  18

  3. thanks, fascinating story about Dimona….thanks

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