Mar 262021

This morning I had to get up to fill the throne, so I want to post and return to bed.  Tomorrow WWWendy is coming and she bring the rep from an adult foster care home.  Expect a very short Update from me.  TGIF!!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 5:55 (average 6:15).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Take:

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (Remastered 2009)


Ah… the memories!  RESIST the Republican Reich!!

Don’t Let Republicans Steal YOUR Future!!


  11 Responses to “Personal Update – 3/26/2021”

  1. Good that you got those Republican out of your system.
    ‘Toon: One move in a long march towards virtual obliteration!
    BFP: So that’s the 4th consecutive album which I still have in my collection.  LOVE them!

  2. All the best to WWWendyWW.  We love her too.  Glad you are getting rest. and republicating. And that, apparently, while I’m sure the pain is still there, it’s not severe enough today to mention. Not that that is a very high bar.

    The real question is not what race the shooter actually was. It’s what race THE POLICE THOUGHT he was. And to answer that question, all we need do is listen to the 911 communications.
    “We have a suspect wearing an armored vest about 5’8” weighing about 280 pounds in a vehicle. A white male.”

    If the framers had intended to require a [de facto] 60-vote majority in order to pass regular legislation, why would they have bothered to designate the Vice President to be a tie-breaking vote, since there never would have been any tie votes to worry about? – markpkessinger at Democratic Underground

    Cartoon – Dear God – as long ago as the Jefferson administration. We used to talk about Jeffersonian and Jacksonian Democrats – and there is a difference – but not really great enough to use in that way. (Unless, of course, by “Jackson” one means “Jesse.”)

    Blast – I did love that song, and also the tribute movie that Peter Frampton and the BeeGees made. Of course it was silly – it was almost unbelievably silly – but who that saw it can forget, for instance, George Burns “Fixing a Hole”?? Or Steve Martin “Maxwell”? So many “A”-List talents of the time, so many songs – so little plot – pure escapism.  A little escapism to refuel on would come in handy right about now.

    • I know what Georgia just did, and Kemp, he of the already stolen election, is, like Trump was, just a symptom of the rot at the heart of this country.  BASTARDS!

    • Kessinger made a vital point on the tie-breaking vote of the VP. This point should be taken up by Democrats in the Senate.

      I read about the bill Georgia just passed on handing out water to voters and I was absolutely gobsmacked. On what grounds could handing out water possibly be criminalized?

  3. Early HI to Wendy, and hope that tomorrow will go by well.
    Best to you, Tom, for your very busy day. Hope that you’re feeling better. Take good care, and get your rest! 

  4. BFTP: Great album, full of great songs that bring so many memories. I remember being at their concert at the Hollywood Bowl in 1964.
    Nice to read that you’re doing better, pray that it continues in that direction.
    Sounds like you’re going to be busy tomorrow. Do tell Wendy “Hello”. Like Joanne mentioned, we do love her too. We’re grateful that she’s there for you in so many ways.
    Take care. Please rest Tom.

  5. An Adult Foster Care Home is an interesting option!

    It never came up in my searches for my Mom when she said she felt she needed Assisted Living.

    I did a cursory search, and it sounds promising.  So I’m looking forward to you filling us in with more details!

  6. You must experience quite some relief after ridding yourself of Republicans, TomCat. Wouldn’t it be nice if all Americans could feel the same? I hope your interview with the person from the Adult Foster Care Home went well.

    Cartoon: Probably a lot of bipartisanship in that decision, right?

    BFTP: That brought back some memories. Neither hubby nor I had Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band in our record collection but once the Beatles’ catalogue became available on CD in 1987, we stood in a long queue to be one of the first to get the CD in The Netherlands. We enjoyed it for some years until we moved home where we were burgled by some nervous junkie who rampaged our house looking for easy stuff to sell on and ended up taking most of our by then extensive CD collection of modern music. He knew what could make him money because he left all our classical music. 06 We never made a list of all the albums we had, so it took quite a while before we knew what exactly was missing and we never replaced all with the insurance money. Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band was one that never got replaced.

  7. Thanks and weekend Hugs to all! 19

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