Mar 092021

Yes, this is a short list (and mostly transcript at that.) I’ll make it up probably tomorrow.

Democracy Calling

She may not be perfect (but then, who is) but I do like “The Claire Bear.”

Justice Matters – Glenn Kirschner. It gave me a smile to hear Glenn say my own words to me (“rue the day” waspart of them)

Rare panther sighting in the Everglades (from Ezra Van’s pwn channel)

Rough and ready transcript: Anchor: A man makes a discovery in the wild and the story behind this Trare sighting. The florida panther, is an elusive animal. Most of us will likely only see one in captivity in a place like the miami zoo, but a miami beach, man came across some in the wild, four of them together, and he had his camera with him to be. CBS 4 shows us the incredible video.
Announcer: What a stroke of luck to get a glimpse at a florida panther in the wild. But how about seeing four or more all at the same time?
Ezra Van: I mean I physically was shaking. I was so excited.
Anouncer: Ezra Van heads out to the everglades at least once a week, wildlife photography as a hobby. In all his years. He never saw what he found at Fakahatchee Strand State Preserve. It happened just when he was leaving and saw a panther hangingout with the vulture
start, taking some pictures and another panther walks up and they and they bark both start playing with it and then another panther walks up, and then all three of them are kind of toying around. With it and then a fourth panther walks up and just kinda sits off on to the grass on the side.
Announcer: Van says they stalked that vulture a little while longer and eventually let it go
EV: and they hung out in the grass for a little while they would even look over at me one of them meowed at me, hung out there for three minutes and just walk back off into the trees
Alligator Ron Bergeron: Looking at the video it looked like to me a a female panther with three cubs. These cubs will stay with their mother for about two years.
Announcer: Alligator Ron Bergeron is known as the mayor of the everglades he has many titles. Everglades conservation is just one
ARB: well, that’s very incredible, and that has a lot to do. If you go back to nineteen. Eighty one are estimates on panthers win twenty to thirty panthers across all of the Everglades.
Announcer: He said seeing those four panthers together could only happen after years of hard work to save the endangered animal .
ARB: we put together a panther team and studied it. And today. We estimate we have somewhere around one eighty to two hundred and thirty panthers across the beautiful Everglades tremendous success story on one of the most endangered species on the planet.
Announcer: Alligator Ron says while the population is growing there is still more to do to ensure a bright future for the florida icon.
ARB: it’s biggest enemy, is loss of habitat and collisions with cars. More crossings under our roads are extremely important to avoid collisions with panthers.
EV: The panthers are a Florida treasure you know and appreciating nature and everything that lives in it, including the panthers. I mean, I think, that’s really key to why a lot of us who live in florida
Announcer: we’ve got a lot of interest and for you on a website. Cbs miami dot com. You can get another look at all of that and video. You can also find out more about conservation and efforts to save the florida panther in the everglades ted scout cbs Four News.
Second Anchor: My hats off to the cameraman
First Anchor: sure.

Beau on Trump and money and Republicans


  6 Responses to “Video Thread 3/9/2021”

  1. Trump Appointee in Pompeo’s State Department Attacks Capitol 

    As the saying goes: “Revenge is a dish best served cold.”  

    But when it comes to Trump & his Trumpkins, I’ll take it piping hot or at room temperature!  And preferably in HUGE servings!

    Claire McCaskill Praises Chuck Schumer For Work On Relief Bill

    She was my Senator – and I’m proud to say I worked for her in her hard-fought 2006 campaign against Jim Talent; in 2012 against Todd “victims-of-LEGITIMATE-rape-do-NOT-get-pregnant” Akin (he was sadly LEADING in the polls prior to that gaffe); and in 2018 against Josh “Seditionist” Hawley.

    … My panther encounter in the Florida Everglades

    A Hearty THANK YOU for the CC on this video!

    Congrats to the conservationists in Florida who worked to raise the panther population from ~ 25 in 1980 to ~ 200 now!

    Probably just missed it, but I didn’t see any carrion around that would attract the vulture.  And I’m kind of surprised why the vulture hung around.  I suppose s/he knew s/he could fly away whenever s/he wanted.

    Trump trying to take over Republican finances

    I think Donnie’s “Cease & Desist” letter to the RNC sounded his political death knell.

    Most republicans didn’t like him personally before 2016 – and even less so now.  Any republican with two functioning synapses (admittedly a rare breed) is unable to deny that Trump is in this ONLY for his own grift. 

    Donnie never lifted a finger to help other republicans UNLESS he thought he could grift off it for himself.  He has NO intention of spending any of his PAC money to help any another party A-Hole … unless he comes out richer on the other side.

    However, I would LOVE to have him head the republican ticket in 2024!  That would be sweet!

  2. Politicsrus: Please…say something!

    C&L: Schumer got the praise he deserved. Claire was too kind on Manchin though.

    JM: Has Garland been appointed yet or are the Trumpkins holding him off? Because if he isn’t and any of those Trumpkins watch this clip, they’ll do anything to keep him from being appointed because then they’ll rue the day…

    CBS: Those panthers are incredibly beautiful. May they live a long life and multiply ferociously.

    Beau: He was obviously having happy thoughts because he had trouble keeping a smile off his face. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if Trump did get his hands on Republican money ad then absconded with it, as they allowed him to do with other funds before? Whatever happens, any day this makes further headline is a day both Republicans and Trump will rue (sorry for abusing a new phrase in the English language I just learned).

  3. DC: Yes, we can! 
    MSNBC: Good video. 
    JM: Amazing that they (FBI) can trace all these activities back to the perpetrators. Glad that they can too. 
    Panthers: When we lived in FL (years ago) the elementary school I worked at, chose the FL. panther as their mascot. Beautiful animals and still need support. (as most of wildlife does). 
    Beau: Truth. 

    Thank you, Joanne for post. 

  4. Thanks, JD. 35

    A computer crash has me running somewhat behind. 13

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