Feb 222021

Don Winslow Films – anther lie from Lindsey

Really American – Ron Johnson – OMG

Now This News – Florida – Hey, I canfeel where they are coming from – but they are still wrong (not that Florida’s government officials have any moral high ground here. They don’t.)

Now This News – Fighting back against substandard medical care based on race.

Robert Reich – Unrigging the GOP’s Minority Rule

Jesse Dollmore – This is long and a bit repetetive, but it is also the first I have heard of any suggestion – at least any sworn suggestion – that the Secret Service was involved in the January 6 insurrection.

Beau – Forecasting for the GOP with at least one interesting takeaway

This is a petition to Missouri, but you don’t have to live there to sign it. It happily took my signature with my real address.


  5 Responses to “Video Thread 2/22/2021”

  1. DWF: Plug your hole, ass!
    RA: RJ needs his facial hole plugged, also.  Is there a pattern building, here?
    NT#1: “It’s ALL about ME officer, because I’m a selfish twit!”
    NT#2: Son of bitches!
    RR is a breath of fresh air!
    JD: I’m not going to spend the time, but the inference is wild.  Under Trump nothing was too low.
    Beau: “String of defeats” sounds good to me.  I doubt McTurtle can de-radicalize his people, as some of these kinds of things take on a life of their own, and this seems, tom, anyway, like one of this things.  It’s like charles Koch said, “I think we might have gone too far.” (If I have it right).  Mid-term sweep?  Yeah, I can live with that.

  2. DW: As long as there are no repercussions to spreading BS lies, Lindsey will continue.

    RA: As long as there are no repercussions to spreading BS lies, Ronnie will continue.

    NTN: They forgot to ask these vaccine fraudsters if the did this because Trump or QAnon told them to do it.

    NTN: Good action but it shouldn’t be necessary to develop an app that warns black mothers for sub-standard, i.e. subhuman treatment. Sadly, it’s fighting the symptoms not the cause of the disease.

    RR: Robert has already finished the script in all detail. Now all Democrats and Biden need to do is get to work.

    JD: It wouldn’t surprise me if it were true. But I don’t expect anything to come of it either.

    Beau: I hope Beau’s right and the GOP can’t regroup. But they have shown this otherworldly resilience in the past and know how to reinvent themselves.If a lot of GOPers not really leave the party but just sit this one out, the GOP will be back.

  3. DWF: You’re not getting any brownie points….LG. 
    RA: Good grief!! 
    NT: Wow! That’s pretty cold.  
    NT: That’s really sad. ugh! 
    RR: You rock! 

    Thank you, Joanne for post. 

  4. Thanks, JD! 😸

    DWF – Lindsey has a hole where his brain is supposed to be!

    RA – Johnson full of crap!

    NTN – I gave said rich Republicans are stealing vaccine.  I just had no proof…until now.

    NTN 2 – Good App.  Too bad Republicans make it necessary.

    RR –  Of course the Reich on the left is right.  I fully support these!

    Other JD –  I have suspected this for a long time and think it’s true, but I want to see more proof.

    Beau – Over the long term, I expect  a breakup into two or more wings.

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