Jan 282021

Meidas Touch

Really American – The one I posted yesterday had no CC when I posted it. I went back later in the evening to get a transcript, and then it did have CC. So my advice on this one is to wait 6 or so hours and then view it on YouTube.

Now This News – the GameStop affair – explained simply

Robert Reich – very short and very accurate.

Mrs. Betty Bowers, America’s Best Christian

A Philip Markle parody

Beau on how the impeachment trial “should” go. He makes excellent points. ACCOUNTABILITY

Keith from Tuesday


  6 Responses to “Video Thread 1/28/2021”

  1. MT: Let’s do this again in four years. Count me out.

    RA: It’s a very sad state of affairs if one of the most-watched networks only hires people who have “I’m a liar” as the first line of their resume because that’s what their audience wants to hear.

    TNT: Gamestop is another reminder that the stock market has nothing to do with the real economy, something that is now partly implied by the White House too.

    RR: Reich is spot-on, as always. Sadly it just isn’t going to happen and the Republicans will make sure that it festers for months to come.

    PM: Excellent parody.

    Beau: I’m with him all the way. ACCOUNTABILITY FIRST. But I’m not holding my breath, because Republicans won’t let it come to a trial. Because there would be too many Pinocchios among those being questioned and those asking the questions.

    KO: Keith is an exceptional investigative journalist and you can leave it up to him to find and mention all the dirt on someone under his investigation. It seems there is a big heap of dung related to Marjorie Taylor Greene. Republican Congress simply can’t allow her to remain in office without looking corrupt and fascist. But perhaps they simply no longer care. They think they’re untouchable. They should be reminded that being an untouchable also means you’re expelled from everyday society and become the lowest of the low.

  2. I think Kayleigh McEnema’s entire time as Donnie’s “press secretary” was just an audition for a position at Fox.

    Robert Reich’s video sadly proves that “The Enemy Is Within!”

    As usual, Betty Bowers is Spot On!

    Democrats should go all-in on forcing Marjorie “Failure” Greene out of Congress.  It’s a win-win: Either she gets booted, or they force Rethuglicans to approve of her seditionist traitor’s actions.  Simply NO downside to going whole-hog after her.  (They could also add Rep. Lauren Boebert to the list.)

  3. MT: What Lona said.
    I like Betty, and her comments. 
    Beau: Spot on! 
    KO kicks A–! 

  4. Thanks JD! 35

    MT – I was expecting this.  You?

    RA – Failure to lie disqualifies from the Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda, Faux Noise.

    NT – as funny as it is to see Republican Banksters take it in the shorts on their shorts, eventually the small traders on Reddit will lose big-time when the bottom falls out.

    Of course the Reich on the left is right.

    BB-ABC – Hallelujah!  Amen!

    PMP – Turns my stomach!

    Beau – as usual, I agree.

    Keith – I could not agree more. – Flush time!

    • MT -Yup

      NT – Yes, that’s unavoidable.  However, Robinhood did try to give them some protection by preventing them from buying while this was happening.  I realize they couldn’t protect everyone.

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