Jan 282021

It’s a busy/painful/tired day here at the CatBox.  WWWendy de-stunk me and is now doing chores.  Mark, my wheelchair guy, checked it out, ordered the part with next day shipping, and is coming back tomorrow to install it.  I still haven;t recovered from the extra abuse I inflicted on my back yesterday.  Tomorrow, please expect no more than a Personal Update, because of my appointment with Mark.  I hope to be back in the saddle Saturday.  Have a great day.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s too me 3:31 (average 4:40).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?


Short Take:

From YouTube (a blast from the past): Neil Young – Harvest Moon (Official Music Video)


Ah… the memories!  RESIST the Republican Reich!!

Build the Future. It Belongs to YOU!


  14 Responses to “Personal Update – 1/28/2021”

  1. Cartoon: Interesting life of Henry. He married six ladies (wives), liked to play rather than work, was a hypochondriac, and an author. 
    YT: Love his music! Awesome singer. 

    Hi, Wendy! Hope you’re doing good. Tom, glad to read that you are getting your part in for your wheelchair tomorrow and having it installed. Hope that you have a chance to just rest easy, and not do anything, to worsen the pain that you are feeling, hope it subsides…Rest and Relax, and hope that you take care, and have a good rest of your day! 

    This just in: Hot off the Press! “It’s something I’m gonna think about!” Beto O’Rourke responding to a reporter’s question if he is considering a run for Governor of Texas!! *Houston Chronicle (he’ll have my vote!!!) 
    2. “Great leaders don’t need to act tough. Their confidence and humility serve to underscore their toughness.” 
    ~ Simon S. ~ 
    3. “Joe Biden (and his administration) have done more good in a week than the ‘Loser’ did in 4 years.” ~ David Roth Kopf ~ 
    4. “White House Press Secretary Jen Psak says Biden called Putin yesterday afternoon and spoke about the ‘Solar Winds hack’, ‘alleged Russian bounties on US troops, 2020 election interference and the Navalny poisoning’. ~ Hugo Lowell ~ 
    5. “An ASL interpreter will now appear at all WH press briefings.” ~ Lauren J. ~ 
    6.  @Fro Vo – “Rejoining WHO only benefits the citizens of whoville” ~ Ted Cruz ~ 

    • TJI#!: Oh, be still my heart!
      TJI#6: Is he really THAT crazy?  Oh, silly me, of course!

    • TJI #3: AMEN!

      TJI #5: YEAH!

      TJI #6: And the Geneva Convention only protects citizens of Geneva

    • TJI #2 – Somthing that poor leaders and non-leaders will neverlearn.
      TJI #3 – Not that that’s a very high bar. But they have done more than met it – they have way surpassed it.
      TJI #4 – Good.
      TJI #5 – Thank you, President Biden. This warms my heart.
      TJI #6 – Once again Ted CRuz demonstrates he’s not smart enough to understand a children’s book. Sr. Seuss used the name “Whoville” to represent “anywhere – everyhere.”

    • TJ#1: He’ll have mine too!

      TJ#2: Violence betrays weakness.

      TJ#3:  “Loser” is a spelling error.  It’s Loser**.

      Thanks Pat! 02

  2. It will take a while to completely recover. But it takes less time to get to the point where you aren’t aware of it every single second. And heed Pat – rest helps. I hope that’s soon. My toilet overflowed last night … but fortunately, it was only in my dream. Still cold here, still snow on the ground, mostly on north sides and plants.

    Cartoon – He was a jerk, yes, but he had some things going against him. He never wanted and, more importantly never trained to be king. That was supposed to be his older brother Arthur, who was trained from birth but died. Then he suffered TBI from a joust, and another injury, to his leg, never healed. His obsession with fathering a boy no doubt had some connection to his ego, but was mostly based on wanting to leave a clear heir to the throne and avoid another Wars of the Roses. What he always wanted to be was a composer. We do (we think) have one little song that he wrote, called “Pastime and Good Company,” and it’s kind of cute.

    YouTube – A good example that titles are not subject to copyright. (OH God – did I say that? Do’t anyone tell Trump** or he’ll call his memoirs “Dreams of My Father.” Not that that would be inappropriate if he told the truth … but he’s not capable of doing so.)

  3. Feel Better!
    ‘Toon: Why have the Republicans not nominated him for president?
    BFP: Love Neil Young.  We will have the Wolf Moon, tonight. 

  4. Hope your back starts feeling better soon!

    That’s some pretty quick service WRT WC button.

  5. Cartoon: A bit wild and crazy?
    BFTP: Great song by Neil Young. 
    Nice that Mark came by to check your wheelchair and that he’ll have the new part by tomorrow to complete the job.
    Hope you and Wendy got all of your tasks taken care of.  
    Sorry that you’re still having so much back pain. Hopefully you’ll be able to get some rest this afternoon and have a good night’s sleep, that you’ll feel better tomorrow.
    Take care. Thanks TomCat

  6. Take all the rest you need to get your pain level back to “manageable”, TomCat. And kick this fella out of the door as soon as your chair is repaired:

    3:34 A colourful dinner.

    Cartoon: Royal domestic abuse.

    BFTP: New to me. What a lovely song.

  7. Thanks and TGIF Hugs to all! 29

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