Jan 122021

Hard to believe this is for real – but apparently even she has a breaking point. (And her perspective is still demented.)

Yup. (You may have to turn on the sound.)

Corey is one of the three people, along with Trae Crowder and Drew Morgan, who make up WellRED Comedy. Corey has HAD IT. (NSFW)

Just what we didn’t need – but we need to know.

Puppet Regime

Beau on the First Amendment – clearing away the nonsense.

Beau on Trump**’s “Alamo Tour” (This and the previous one go together)


  4 Responses to “Video Thread 1/12/2021”

  1. Pirro: Note that she does not say that the election was NOT stolen.
    Corey is a bit angry, no?  As he ought to be.
    New pandemic?  could be, why not?  Just because your dog has fleas does not mean that it can not have ticks, too.
    GZero: I love it!
    Beau #1: Spot on!  Trump, as always, makes it all about himself.
    Beau #2: San Antonio?  So, will this be the next misplaced gathering?  That would be sooo fitting!  Self-awareness? Non-existent!  Outrage?  Beau is preaching to the choir.  
    I have read that Trump is planning on staging what can only be called an “alternative inauguration.”  I hope that the regular media ignore it.  Let the FBI go and take pictures.
    Impeachment, tomorrow?  McTurtle has signaled that he’ll go along.  I do not trust him.

  2. Pirro condemns the attack on the Capitol and then fans the flames or a new one around the time of the inauguration.

    Paul Human: His message should give some terrorists a few uncomfortable nights or at least us a big 06.

    Corey represents a lot of liberal snowflakes who have really had it with the Trumpian rhetoric. And he asks the best question I’ve heard for a while: What have you actually lost that you need to take back? (I’ve left all the FYs out for clarity) Republicans now all want to ‘heal’ the country. People like Corey, Trea, Drew and most of us can see right through that. So I’ll repeat my new slogan: ACCOUNTABILITY FIRST

    IO: Actually, the new pandemic already here.

    GZERO: Hillarious.

    Beau #1: Spot on excellent explanation too. This is just another distraction and Democrats shouldn’t fall for it and let themselves be dragged into distracting, time-consuming discussions on this. Trump no longer is allowed on Twitter, period. 😭

    Beau #2: Too true: don’t give him the victory in his last week. Ignore him.

  3. All good. 

    Thanks, Joanne for post. 

  4. Thanks! JD! 35

    Pirro – Shock@!

    Hey Champ! –  Love it!

    Corey – he’s being too generous!

    Pandemic – at least this one will be dealt with correctly, but argh!

    Puppet – New Job: polishing the bars!

    Beau – focus on impeachment and prosecution!@

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