Dec 052020

Georgia – Meidas Touch

GEORGIA – Liberal Redneck (and friend)

TFT/PP REVISED (original deemed “offensive”)

Rachel: Not strictly a Friday News Dump, because it’s mostly interpretation. Also long (9+ min.) But – ummm – kind of important.

Parody from someone called EDJITPROP

I’ve been hoping Beau would do one with a “flipped patch” – on his hat, the “Curious George” hat is upside down. He does this when he is speaking as a MAGAt to flag that it is satire. You might call it his “sarcasm font.” (The speech is the one which Nameless featured)

Petition to rename Trump National Park


  12 Responses to “Video Thread 12/5/2020”

  1. I thought the video aspect of “Is That All There Is” very powerful – but I find the song depressing.

    At the YouTube site I learned that it is Trump’s favorite song.  That inspired me to dig a little more:

    MR. TRUMP: It’s a great song because I’ve had these tremendous successes and then I’m off to the next one. Because, it’s like, “Oh, is that all there is?” That’s a great song actually, that’s a very interesting song, especially sung by her, because she had such a troubled life.

    But he quickly retreats from the moment, declining Mr. D’Antonio’s invitation to further explain how the song makes him feel about himself, saying he might not like what he discovers.

    … he is by turns animated and bored, boastful and stubborn when prodded toward soul-searching. “No, I don’t want to think about it,” he said when Mr. D’Antonio asked him to contemplate the meaning of his life. “I don’t like to analyze myself because I might not like what I see.”

    NY Times Source

    I don’t find that a bit surprising.

  2. Videos all good.  But…Rachel: Keep the Biden team in the dark, or, OH HORROR…set up for the imposition of martial law, with still wet behind the ears Pentagon puppies, who will have no history of allegiance to the Constitution?  Will not tell Trump to shove it!  
    We may have to depend on some brand new American Hero Generals, who might do the “Shove it!” dance.

    • I have faith in the Generals – not least because I know from experience how senior NCO’s feel about idiot junior officers (puppies) bossing them around, especially arrogant ones, and can’t imagine General Officers being any more tolerant.

      (I didn’t find out how different I was until I was separating, and got extra help from enlisted people because, as one said, “you’ve always treated us as human beings.”)

  3. Thanks, Joanne. I watched every one of the videos with great interest, even Rachel’s long and scary one. Much to contemplate, but too little time to comment.

  4. All great. 
    Especially RM’s video, good information to be aware
    of in how dt is working through this.  Gulp !! 

    Thanks, Joanne. 

  5. Great videos.
    Rachel continues pointing out all of the senseless moves that tRumpy has been pulling this past week with the Pentagon. Like she mentions, tRumpy is just stirring up all of this chaos which will be worthless minutes after Joe Biden is sworn into office on January 20, 2021. Guess he wants to go out with a real bang and be remembered like everyone states “the worse president in history”. All I know is that it can’t come soon enough.
    Thanks again, Joanne

  6. MT – Amen!

    Trae must be having a wet dream over Georgia!  LOL!

    TFT/PP – HOW DID I MISS THIS?!!? – I wish I’s seen the Original!

    Rachel – I’ve been trying to figure out what Trump* is up to without much success.  I suspect that he’s screwing America to pay Putin back for a permanent  Moscow suite with hot and cold flowing hookers.

    Is that all there is?  Hell, isn’t that enough already yet?!!?

    Randy – Amen! 

    THanks JD! 03

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