Nov 232020

It’s a crazy day here in the CatBox.  WWWendy will pick me up at 9:00 AM, and we should return at mid afternoon, stopping to pick up a pizza on the way home.  I may be bck in the saddle Tuesday, depending on how tired I am.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:28 (average 4:41).  To do it, click here.  How did you do.


Looking ahead in anticipation.

Religious :


What a glorious Orb!  And it blessed Pat too!

Short Take:

From YouTube (a blast for the planet): Clear Blue Skies


I remember clear blue skies. We need to build back clear blue skies again!  RESIST!!

57 Days Until the Big FLUSH!!


  24 Responses to “Personal Update – 11/23/2020”

  1. Cartoon: Awe! Sweet picture! My Russian Blue smacked the screen, maybe she’s jealous. She’s such a turkey! 
    LOL !!! 02 Yes, I was blessed by a win too! 

    I gotta go, the electric company is replacing the pole down by the street, and it will be a couple hours to get power put back on.
    In the meantime, take good, good care, Tom, and Thanks for all you do. 

  2. Nice kitty!
    BFP: I do not believe I ever heard this song before.
    Be well.

  3. Yes, this will be a busy day for you. I hope it isn’t so tiring that you can’t fully enjoy the pizza. Best to WWWendy.

    (Hanky alert) It’s not terribly long.

    This one IS long, but I shortcutted it for future reference because there’s so much in it.

    Cartoon – It’s Pizza Cat!

    Blast – I don’t mind a few clouds, as long as they are pretty and clean. Gotts keep the clean water cycle going as best we can.

  4. OK, I’m back. Good team of guys there, everything is good.
    Yes, it was religious ecstasy, wasn’t it? YAY for your team!! 
    OK, I’m back with some TJI: “Katie Porter will be questioning Emily Murphy today.” ~ Travis A. ~ 
    2. dt tweeted on 14 November that he was adding Sidney Powell to his election team. The rest of the team announced she was off the team November 22nd. Powell lasted 9 days or 0.81 Scaramucci’s. ~ Bill P. ~ 
    3. “Scotland is issuing subpoenas to trump. If he doesn’t answer, they are going to seize his Scottish assets.”
     ** “To Clarify… I said Subpoenas for the benefit of Americans, in Scotland they don’t use that word, but Official investigation and demand for more information.” ~ NWO Watcher ~ 
    4. “Letitia James has 67 indictments on trump ready to be unsealed on January 21st, 2021.” ~ Jette N. ~ 
    5. “Biden preps to be POTUS. trump fights for the job he is ignoring.” ~ Janet H. ~ 
    6. “There are 2 ways to marginalize the malignant narcissist. 1) laugh at them, not w/them, and 2) ignore them. Joe is letting the media and the critically thinking world do the first, and he is doing the second.” ~ Christie L. ~ 

  5. I’m home exhausted, but safe.  They screwed EVERYTHING up BIG time.  Will explain tomorrow.  Hugs! 13

  6. Cartoon: Cute…Nice to see the kitty getting spoiled. 
    I’m happy your Bronco’s won, plus Pat’s]too.
    BFOP: Never heard the song before, but has a nice melody.
    I ended up having a busy day. I had my appointment with my doctor at 11:00. Then labs after. Plus she mentioned it was time for my mammogram. So I went back at 3:45 to get it taken care of. 
    Hope you and Wendy got everything taken care of.
    Have a nice evening. Take care. Thanks TomCat

  7. They screwed everything up in capital letters, that sounds really ominous, TomCat. They haven’t taken you off the infuse program, have they? 😬

    3:03 Nothing much to see here.

    Cartoon: Haven’t you learned how to eat with a knife and a fork yet?

    BFTP: Not very well know, this one. Well-intentioned. It’ll take a while before the skies are clear blue here again, but the fire is contained after 23 fire trucks and their crews and 3 water-bombing helicopters fought the fires all day yesterday.

  8. Please see today’s Open Thread.

    Thanks and exhausted hugs to all! 19

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