Nov 222020

Not a video but good


Indian Visual Planet – Loeffler and CoVid

Just an observation here that “Republican Voters Against Trump” and “Republicans for the Rule of Law appear to have teamed up and are putting out identical videos now. Here’s just one:

“Let It Go” parody

Sorry no CC available on Mrs. Bowers

Beau on Nuremberg (Yes. I’m behind with Beau.)


  3 Responses to “Video Thread 11/22/2020”

  1. I wish Loeffler all the best with being ‘asymptotic’ if that means she doesn’t come anywhere near the number of votes needed to get elected again. 😁

    Thanks for all the tweets and videos again, Joanne. Mrs Betty Bowers can get me to laugh everytime.

  2. Thanks.  Hugs! 26

  3. Liked the ‘Let it go’ parody…well done.
    All good! (as always!). 
    I agree, Betty B. is good, and so proper too! LOL 
    Thank you, Joanne for posting. 

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