Nov 192020

I’m putting this Sam clip here instead of with the show because I want to have something about the Georgia runoffs every day until they are over.

First I’ve heard of “Zoe Says Go,” but that will change.

The Lincoln Project “Leaders”

Seriously. (BTW, “Do your own research” is a QAnon tagline.)

Beau on “Hamilton” and myth vs. fact vs. truth

Beau, being right on the money about unity.



  6 Responses to “Video Thread 11/19/2020”

  1. Zoe Says Go’s Patriot is some discovery, Joanne.

    LP: POW, right between the eyes.

    Darry B: “We’re not stupid.”, “followed by “Donald Trump is a genius, that’s what the J stands for.” It took me a while before I had picked myself off the floor.

    Beau on Hamilton: Never having lived in the US, I don’t share any feelings toward the Founders one way or another. To me, they’re very interesting historical examples of people dedicated to the Enlightenment that brought change to Europe as well. They were brave but never mythical or super-human to me, but I understand Beau’s need to humanize them again, warts and all so to speak, to have people relate to what they stood for. And Hamilton seems to do that.

    Beau on Unity: I loved his “However”. Compromise isn’t the way to unite. It isn’t a photo op. America needs to unite on principles that move the country forward. Amen.

    Keith: I share his confusion; I don’t understand why Trump is allowed to bring the country to its knees and kill thousands of people more through COVID-19 either. I suppose you have to be there to understand it, as they say, but right now I’m terribly glad I’m not.

  2. Videos spot on, and Beau is great. Like how he gets his points across too. 
    K.O. rightfully angry, I join with him ‘singing’ up in the choir. 

    Great post.  Thank you, Joanne. 

  3. Sam – the GA recount is over.  Biden won.

    I hope Ihave time for the rest later.  Thanks JD! 23

  4. I’ll take Keith everyday vs tRump

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